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Messages - okiN

Pages: 1 ... 200 201 [202]
Strategus General Discussion / Re: The Defence of Yalen
« on: January 03, 2011, 09:04:29 pm »
You want me to come with

a) My knight (cav/infa)
b) My archer
c) My Xbower
d) My thrower

Whichever you think will be most fun and useful in defending the place! Protip: probably not the horseman. :P

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Strategus General Discussion / The Defence of Yalen
« on: January 03, 2011, 08:57:45 pm »
The free city-state of Yalen is under attack by treacherous legions! Rally now and fight for the cause!

Why fight for us?
This town is more fun to defend than attack -- even more so than towns in general
Our gear will be fun and high-quality -- even more so than in our previous battles, and nothing should run out
We'll hopefully provide TeamSpeak to improve everyone's battle experience, if you're into that sort of thing
We'll pay everyone who shows up the full 1k gold, because why not

All we really cared about was making this game a little less boring, and that worked pretty well. This is the cherry on top, so we'd really like to have everyone actually present, or as close as we can manage. If you're not sure you can make it, don't apply and risk taking away the chance from someone who could actually play. We may consider those who haven't shown up for our past battles, but if you've missed or skipped previous Pub Crawl scuffles, you might have to contact me before I'll let you in.

Barring any such problems, please apply at your earliest convenience, and tell your friends! We don't stop hiring until the battle begins, so keep watching the listings, and remember that the fight's not over until it's over!

Legio, bring your A game, and let's make this a fight to remember! :)

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General Discussion / Re: Welcome to the official cRPG forums.
« on: January 03, 2011, 06:53:13 pm »
New board, same scum, same shit.

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