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Messages - Ecko

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Spam / Re: idiotic NA ban
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:38:41 am »
I could have sworn you were still the leader of ATS and therefore the Northern Empire, but alrighty.
So..we've had 2 NA servers not owned by the now Northern Empire, and they've both gone under? Seems a little suspicious if you ask me.

I agree...its almost as if the best people have the most successful servers...

Spam / Re: idiotic NA ban
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:34:13 am »
Zisa will be unbanned when he pms devilize.

Spam / Re: idiotic NA ban
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:31:33 am »
I have a few questions about this statement.

First off, how long have we had NA servers? Secondly, who all has been allowed to have an NA server connected to the database that's NOT part of the now Northern Empire? And last but not least, can we have a current list of NA admins so that we can see how few of them have no affiliation at all with the clans that make up the Northern Empire (meaning never been a part of the clans)?

About 3 months after CRPG was made i believe NA servers came up...but there was only 1.

The Northern Empire was made about 4 months ago...long after crpg was made...the STO server is not part of the Northern Empire....and you can pm gash or devilize for the complete list of admins

Spam / Re: idiotic NA ban
« on: April 06, 2011, 12:24:25 am »
Tsk tsk ecko, mighty sour now a days aren't you? What are you going to do if we ever get more NA servers not under the Northern Empires control?

Not sour at was a poor attempt at humor for someone who thought i cared about PR when it comes to and Admin decision. If that were the case we'd have had a lot less LLJK banned. As for the Northern Empire thing....thats relatively new in respect to how long the NA servers have been running. Its not even a requirement to be an admin...

Spam / Re: idiotic NA ban
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:54:00 pm »
Every minute you keep Zisa banned you shit on all of us.

Free Zisa and free him now or you'll never hear the end of it.

I can live with that. Until you stop making stupid posts like that and start paying some money for the server i'll start peeing in your coffee too.

Mistakes happen, your not entitled to anything.  :rolleyes:

Spam / Re: idiotic NA ban
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:40:27 pm »
Not sure if people haven't noticed this line but it pretty much seems problem solved if Goretooth has stepped down as admin.

I like you. You read.

Spam / Re: idiotic NA ban
« on: April 05, 2011, 11:19:52 pm »
I don't have a date for is unban because its up to Devilize. However i've spoken to devil and all zisa needed to do was pm him. Now i'm not so sure, i'll have to talk to him again.

In response to Zisa's ban, i don't think the punishment was appropriate and Goretooth has stepped down from being admin when i asked him to mostly because of this situation.

I don't see anyway this can be pursued. I used to tell every single person why they were kicked or banned, the rules are clearly stated on the welcome message so i'm a bit confused why i have to say anything. Most of the NA community will tell you that i am pretty informative when asked, as well that not all admins take actions like goretooth.

It comes down to the fact that the EU and NA community is different. We don't require people to write essays to get unbanned, normally we give out bans frequently but lift them as soon as someone makes a post where the ban is discussed. IF they don't make a post they dont get unbanned.

It was only yesterday that the NA admins found out that holding shift while banning will auto remove the ban in 1 hour, we are often left behind in terms of news and updates over here. So i suppose we do handle things in different ways.

General Discussion / Admin Changes (NA)
« on: April 05, 2011, 10:38:57 pm »
Two admins recently have decided to step down as admins. They are:




Both, though they've had conflict with players, have done the task for the most part that i asked them to do. This is not a troll post just a statement. New admins will be decided by Hospitaller_Devilize and Gash_ATS. Please do not troll these players for their actions if you have a grudge. They have helped the NA community more than most know.

Spam / Re: idiotic NA ban
« on: April 05, 2011, 09:48:32 pm »
I recommended you being unbanned. I take it back. Thanks for wasting my time. I was hoping you would handle it maturely but i guess the point isn't getting across.

Closed Requests / Re: die Goretooth
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:40:24 pm »
My god...Lorn was right.


Though my involvement is reduced due to my internet and time changes recently...I've given more responsibility to gash, nindur, and yes guardian and heroin. However recently heroin has elected to no longer admin.

Closed Requests / Re: die Goretooth
« on: April 04, 2011, 11:33:01 pm »
The way i see it is as follows....

I'm gonna start with Zisa:

You've been an admin, and if I recall correctly you've made bans like this as well. Spawn Friendly Fire, though noobish (please note i'm not denying that goretooth is not a noob) happens. You should not be overly angry at the fact when it happens, moderate tension is appropriate though.

I've expressed to goretooth that when someone starts calling him names or shit like that to start using the mute action more frequently. Only time will tell if he does.

Regardless, its a long standing philosophy that if you get booted from the server, then come back and press the issue on a public forum in a manner not fitting of the situation, you run the risk of being banned.

I recommend even though you came back to call him a incorrect term for the moment...and trolled him after he clearly kicked you to warn you of chilling out (a courtesy i know he doesn't give often) that you be unbanned as soon as possible.

I hope to play with you soon bud.

Goretooth's turn:

I can't believe you banned someone for calling you an idiot.

We all know the flack that someone takes for making admin calls, and you've never shied away from doing the task I've asked you to do, which is to find those who break rules or act like douche bags and remove them.

However be aware that doing what I've asked seems to also run the risk of turning you into a douche bag. I think people are too abrasive when it comes to your character but in this instance I think you made the right call, but were just too extreme.

Please use the mute option more frequently and the ban option less. Everyone would probably feel much better, you as well.


If this doesn't stop this thread, I'll shoot those who continue it. Good Day.


Spam / Varric
« on: March 31, 2011, 05:28:29 pm »
It goes like this:

I joined IRC....minding my own business...when all of a sudden i read the Topic for the channel.  It gave away the ending to Dragon Age 2 by stating
(click to show/hide)

I asked who did it and braeden told me it was Varric.

He just cost me 60 bucks. I demand he loses his admin and be shunned!  :evil:

Closed Requests / Re: Lord_Panos
« on: March 26, 2011, 02:56:37 am »
Perma Banned.

Closed Requests / Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« on: March 22, 2011, 09:52:58 pm »
I gave you permission to answer the questions which was, "Who are the shitty admins?"

The reason i asked was because you said all the admins are shitty players. I doubted you knew who all the admins were so i wanted to know.

Instead you decided to troll the community and say that pretty much everyone except bks are shitty players. I didn't mind that statement...but i guess guardian felt as though you were trolling me as you continued to talk after wards.

I was gonna mute you for a while but guardian decided that you had done previous shit to deserve the ban and this was the last straw.

*Note* Its up to hospitaller to unban you.

Closed Requests / Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:31:37 am »
I told you you wouldn't get banned for naming the crappy players who were admins...instead you said everyone was shitty besides pretty much bks...which is fine.

Then you moved on to being a little prick...which is also fine, i was going to mute you but guardian decided to ban you.

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