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Messages - Rogue_Eagle

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Happy hour (No upkeep for a day/hour)
« on: October 23, 2011, 11:34:27 pm »
how about if the players can pick their upkeep free day of the week?

Game Balance Discussion / Add more 0 slot weapons.
« on: October 23, 2011, 02:38:32 pm »
Hand axes, sticks and hammers are no fun. How about making short sword a 0 slot weapon? :D Or any kind of sword.

Announcements / Re: 'Suspicious IP behaviour' banwave.
« on: October 23, 2011, 12:47:30 am »
chadz what is this?

So a friend can't come over to mine with his laptop and play on my connection on his own steam account?

this is silly.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: --> Poll <-- about the stuff with arrows
« on: October 23, 2011, 12:40:20 am »
IMO if you're going to do this, give pierce to RUS and one of the 1 slot bows too.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Ping limit for crpg servers?
« on: October 23, 2011, 12:37:44 am »
OP doesn't know how ping works.

HA's are rubbish now anyway, they dont need further nerfing.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Archery queries
« on: October 19, 2011, 08:54:59 am »

I was wondering if anyone could tell me for certain whether PD still does a wpf penalty or not? I thought a while ago it was removed but people still talk about it, has it been reinstated? If this penalty still exists, how high is the penalty per PD?

Also does PD or WPF allow you to hold the bow back longer with tight reticule?

thanks :D

General Discussion / Re: free heirloom point on b-day?
« on: October 19, 2011, 07:38:34 am »
I support a free loom point a year for festivities sake.

Suggestions Corner / Re: New c-rpg server. ( no repairs and only XP gain)
« on: October 15, 2011, 08:15:24 am »
I support this.

It's a good idea, Hopefully the Dev team considers it at least rather than a flat out no.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Dismemberment
« on: October 15, 2011, 08:13:24 am »
make it people in like 20 armour or less, and you need to have > a certain PS or STR value plus weight behind weapon.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« on: October 15, 2011, 12:28:21 am »
One would think it works that way, but each point into power draw at those high levels decrease accuracy and (I believe) decrease draw speed.  So the 150 wpf that would normally be pretty accurate with 4-6 PD starts to be less effective.  Archers with 9+ (and I would argue 8+) have precision problems.   But as others have said infantry won't remember the 5 missed arrows, just the 1 that hit and hurt alot :)

I thought they got rid of that PD penalty thing.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« on: October 14, 2011, 11:25:25 pm »
I have 7PD and a MW rus bow and bodkins.

I don't 2 shot tincans. Usually they take about 3-4.

I can occasionally 2 shot the 36-40 chainmail armour types.

People complain about archers, people complain about cavalry, people complain about pure STR, people complain about swing spammers, people complain about shielders. If you want to just play 2h duels, why not go native and let the rest of us play crpg? I play crpg because I got bored of the lack of control I had over chars in native. All these different types of classes are what make crpg fun to play, it seems that the 2handers that whine the loudest get archery nerfed again and again, ok a couple of nerfs were needed back in the day, but right now I think it's in a good place. A horse can run through an archer no problem. Everything counters something. Perhaps those that complain need to be a bit more flexible and either adapt their char or make a new one that can counter archers rather than run here and complain.

but if you make all the bows cut dmg except long then you're making those bows redundant again!

Arrows being CUT not pierce makes no sense anyway, unless every arrow was grazing the person >>


 As it stands my archer build is 21/18 with 7 PD and 154 wpf. I was wondering if the PD bonus from 8 PD would outweigh the effect of say.. mw bodkins as opposed to normal damage ones.

General Discussion / Re: Mount and Blade 2
« on: October 07, 2011, 11:46:19 am »
Dont do that please, Fresh start for everyone would be more fair for new players

no it wouldn't, we're still better than you.

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