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Messages - CID_REAL_CID

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Closed Requests / CID_REAL_CID unban request
« on: August 09, 2011, 12:40:59 am »
i am CID, the real one, in case you havent figured that one out by now. Today something terrible happened, i wanted to eat a dish thet its best served cold, i wanted to eat some ice cream, i wanted to take revenge! revenge for kicks while reloading my mighty arbalest, revenge for having an arrow stucked in my back 5 seconds after respawn.. and so i did. i took revenge and i was baned along with my agressor.
so now im here trying to write this "essay" in a foreing language and begging for forgivenes for my crimes against virtual humanity.
it wont happen again, i have been playing Crpg since beta, i even made a generous donation to the donkey during that time because i love this game and i want to keep playing it so please mtv pimp my ride..ops i mean unban me form thy servers!


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