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Messages - Graf_Hodenschaf

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 16
Diplomacy / Re: YO TKoV!
« on: August 23, 2012, 03:17:35 pm »
No, when I wake up I take a shower, eat breakfast and brush my teeth. Then I start gaming. :mrgreen:

And then you will tell me you change your underwear daily? :shock:
Breakfast when starting the computer, ok, but shower and brushing ur teeth, what is it good for? You will get smelly and ull sweat when playing games anyway.

Deutsches Forum / Re: Neuer PC fährt nicht hoch.
« on: August 20, 2012, 12:47:50 pm »
Versuch mal wo leihweise ein stärkeres Netzteil zu bekommen. 350w ist jetzt nicht mehr wirklich zeitgemäß. Und ja, ich fahre Porsche und mein Netzteil hat 1000W ( oder 1200w? )  :mrgreen:

Versteh ich das richtig, auch wenn du die Nvidia Grafikkarte ausbaust und alles einschaltest, laufen alle Lüfter auf 100%? Auch wenn du kein passendes Monitorkabel hast, muss der PC normal starten.

Wenn die Biosbatterie leer wäre, dann würde er sich die Bioseinstellungen nicht merken ( nach jedem Neustart ), der PC funktioniert ansonsten aber normal.

Ram tauschen hast schon probiert. Einem Freund von mir ist beim Einbau ein Schmutz/Staub bei einem CPU pin aufs Mobo gekommen, deshalb wollte der Rechner nicht starten. Ansonsten kann ich mir eigentlich nur noch das Mobo als Fehlerquelle vorstellen...

Viel Erfolg!

Faction Halls / Re: [Guard] The Caravan Guild (Recruiting Worldwide!)
« on: August 02, 2012, 09:56:30 pm »
Oh HELLO, new clan!

Diplomacy / Re: KUTT's Pledge for the War
« on: August 02, 2012, 12:28:49 pm »
UPDATE: Any Army entering our Lands with more than 49 Troops WILL BE ATTACKED. WATAGA is ATTACK ON SIGHT

Nice pictures of the borders! Who shall i contact if i want to cross your country?

Diplomacy / Re: Hospitallers have declared war on CHAOS
« on: July 31, 2012, 11:08:32 am »
To be honest, at the time this started, I was like "FUCK YEAH! NA PING AND FREE XP!" Now it kind of seems pointless to be fighting a war in NA lands when we should be attacking EU. Everyone needs to chill out, sit down, look at the map and territories/clans we have and come to an agreement. Afterall not every war is fought and decided on a battlefield. If we don't use diplomacy why even have it listed as a topic. We are wasting resources, all of us, for what? EU hasn't attacked yet, instead they just point their fingers and think what they always have "dumb Americans!" Should we give them that satisfaction or should we FINALLY band together and shove our armies deep in their sandy vaginas! Think about it, ALL OF YOU! Don't let your E-peens make your decisions.


I try to roxxor the EU servers ( sry, i didnt find better words to bump this glorious clan  8-) )

Inactive / Re: EU7: BAN Timor
« on: July 17, 2012, 04:55:33 pm »
No action from the admin??  :?

I dont hope teamattacking/teamkilling gets normal now!

Inactive / EU7: BAN Timor
« on: July 14, 2012, 06:41:52 pm »
Hi Admins,

i just want to ask you if you can ban Timor?

I made 2 screenshots of his TK.

The beginning: Timor and his friend Templer Reachard played on EU7 defend the virgin, both of them are fighter without ranged weapons. They fistfighted many rounds on the roof, or just stayed up there, not helping the team. Then i suggested them to fight or leave ( cause server were full ). Then the kicking began. I ( Bastard_Hodenschaf ) played with my xbow STF, off course i made teamhits ( but only accidents ). When i had 4/5, Timor started everytime to jump in front of me, just to make a TA again and he can kick me. I said i will report this, he got mad.

Next map followed and then Timor attacked me, i couldnt press M so fast. This happened 2 times in a row.

So im asking you to give him some break and save other players nerves too.

Btw, it just happened 10 min ago, 14.07.2012 UTC+2 18:42

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Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] Pitun
« on: July 14, 2012, 12:10:33 pm »
5? He is banpolling the whole time.

Punched me 5 times ( teamhurt ), then he got the kick, but that happened before polling like stupid from his side against another player.

+1 for ban him!

Please in gods name PM me the pw ;-(

Ich hätt Einspruch anstatt Widerspruch eingelegt  :wink:
Ich nehm mal an du hast keine Rechtschutzversicherung? Ich hab mir eine für ua genau solche Fälle geholt!

General Off Topic / Re: EURO 2012
« on: June 08, 2012, 03:26:19 pm »

And Graf, keep those Austrians out. Four years ago they we're allowed to participate (becaus they were host), this should be enough for the next 20 years...

Ah you just want to discriminate us cause we have better beer, AAAADMIIIIIN  :mrgreen:

No, seriously, i bet on germany!

Test is out, i read it from only one online site: game got 54% or so and should be a joke.

Oh i know them very well, these are the black guarded guys :-)

But to be honest i like your "beat the shit out of peacefull citizens" drama, there are always 2 sides to hear from, now i know your side  8-)

General Off Topic / Re: Top 3 Favorite Pornstars?
« on: June 08, 2012, 12:23:30 pm »
What is a pornostar?

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