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Messages - oohillac

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I beg to differ you need very little melee wpf at all to be effective. I love my strength build with 40 two handed wpf.

I've seen you play, you get shit on by anyone who can block your first few swings.  Having high powerstrike/low WPF and getting kills is a matter of getting the first hit in a lot of the time. 
This is about crossbow-users.  They won't have a high enough PS to make up for the lack of WPF.

I played a 15/24 crossbowman and I know what i'm talking about when crossbowman fight in melee. 5 PS, 8 ATH, 50 one handed wpf, warhammer, and medium armor. It was like heaven I would run away if I didn't want to fight the guy who came after me and then I would s-key him and slap him with my warhammer and do the lame knockdown kick maneuver. Easy win, especially against str builds. Also I was super accurate with my arbalest.
Yeah, I played one too, and winning duels isn't a big deal in melee in regards to class balance.  This isn't balanced around duels.  In a larger fight, you are relatively ineffective compared to an equivalent pure-melee build player.  That is balance.

Super accurate with your arbalest?  And you were a 15/24 crossbow build?  Remarkable.

I haven't played this week at all so it's definitely not a rage topic.

Instead it is a random-thought-entered-my-head-how-could-this-possibly-not-work topic.  It doesn't work.

It's not purely balanced around random people picking up crossbows, it's about the guys who have 170 wpf in crossbows without any investment besides a normal agi build that can kite and s-key out of all your swings while still dealing shit loads of ranged damage. If they wanted to they could be a strength build with decent accuracy and do massive damage in melee and ranged. I don't think any other class is capable of that since they all have to invest in some form of skill to use their weapons.

With the slot change, odds are they have a one-slot weapon, so "s-key out of all your swings" doesn't really apply.  Taking enough WPF to shoot accurately dents melee WPF significantly, hindering their ability do do "massive damage in melee".  And a strength build crossbowman who also shoots with "decent accuracy" and has room left over for pure-build-equivalent melee skills?  Please.

Taking a throwing weapon with low wpf isn't effective, and taking a bow with low wpf isn't effective. So why should crossbows be different? Also they can still achieve good accuracy with the Steady Hands skill. They just won't be able to use an arbalest or heavy crossbow if they wanted to be a super accurate sniper. They'd have to use a normal crossbow with low strength requirement so they could be a sniper with their agi build.
Crossbows are different because they have long reload times.  Try using one with low WPF, you'll miss most shots and take forever to reload AND be limited to one slot for a melee weapon.  That is penalty enough.  Agility crossbowmen might get some nice sniper kills but it's not like they are overpowered in melee.  Lower PS than most dedicated melee, probably low IF, slowed down by the crossbow/bolts, and likely lighter armour.  At that point it becomes about player melee skill and not a class issue.

That's even more ridiculous! There's no down side to using the best crossbow since they still reload extremely fast, they can hide behind cover, and they get a full 360 degree look around of their surroundings while doing so. Right now the higher damaging crossbows have the highest accuracy, highest missile speed, but the "slowest" reload speed. Which doesn't matter to any crossbowman who's played for 10 minutes.
There are absolute downsides.  Reload times make a huge difference, and the heavier ones do not "reload extremely fast."  You might get one or two shots off at an approaching force with the Arbalest, and do high damage for those two shots.  With a Light Crossbow, you might get four or five shots, with appropriately less damage dealt per bolt.  This is balance.  What you said is basically what defines crossbows as a weapon.

From what I gather you got sniped by some crossbowman, hunted him down next round, and he ripped you apart in melee too.  Instead of making a "balance" thread, go invest a point in Shield or practice melee.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Conservation is the key
« on: January 22, 2014, 09:35:32 pm »
more realistic
better balance

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The slot change damaged crossbow (over)usage a lot, things are fine now.

"Picking up a crossbow" is a negligent point.  a), the game isn't balanced around finding random weapons on corpses, and b) taking a crossbow without decent WPF investment is far less effective than you seem to think it is.

And the "accuracy vs damage potential" is ridiculous.  Balance around "missile speed/reload speed vs potential damage," using inaccurate ranged weapons is no fun at all.

+2 added


Suggestions Corner / Re: ladders
« on: January 19, 2014, 10:27:45 pm »
They removed them due to roofcamping ranged, but with MOTF I really don't see why ladders can't be re-added.

Faction Halls / Re: [Raven] - Ravens of Valhalla (NA)
« on: January 15, 2014, 07:32:46 pm »
if you guys donate me three loompoints i will send you a handwritten copy, signed, of the Rise of Ramses series

and you can all be my best friends

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Tom_Cruise and Ronin_Khmer
« on: January 15, 2014, 07:41:57 am »
They were delaying round after round at that one map.

Faction Halls / Re: Black Company - Recruiting NA
« on: January 13, 2014, 05:37:59 am »
Nah I heard from some NH guy that he sucks cock.
dont decry till you give it a try

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Faction Halls / Re: Black Company - Recruiting NA
« on: January 12, 2014, 11:15:02 pm »
almost level 32 whoop whoop


Faction Halls / Re: [Fallen] - Fallen Brigade - Recruiting EU - NEW!
« on: January 11, 2014, 08:32:24 pm »
are you guys recruiting na

i heard you have a really good na squad headed by a handsome sexy longspearman

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