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Messages - balbaroth

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cRPG Technical problems / Re: Anyone elses game look like this?
« on: May 02, 2011, 01:37:15 am »
same as me banok , the great wall of text when i hit lmb , its worse since i spam feints like crazy ,

                     i  deleted crpg folder and unpack the latest version on repository , the one with the hot fix included and still have that issue

Suggestions Corner / Re: Feedback: boring(XP-System)
« on: March 22, 2011, 08:20:20 pm »
withouth consider that main point of an rpg, is  grow and develop a char, together with his equip
i started a friend to crpg 3 day ago he already buyed all plates, charger , etc. and he cant use it.

crpg losed  deepness with this xp/gold system. together with much willing of the player to develop theyr char (yes include aiming and dreaming  for a nice equip)

Chad say he wanna remove the grind and make  crpg more accessible to  new player, he got the opposite, he bored to hell the old player,   removing all theyr willing to grind, since there is nothing to accomplush,   and made also the grind     harder and longer , for the new players.


i think exactly the same Vicious ,  it's the current state of CRPG, where new players are pissed because it takes forever to get to 31 at gen 1 , and old players retire over and over again to get heirlooms ( which get boring after a while), the gap is increasing each day

                                 i had a few friends at my work who tried crpg , they all quitted after getting to 30 seeing it took me 2 days ( if i play serious ) to retire , and them weeks to retire...

                        i barely play now waiting for a reset or a miraculous patch , 
                                    imo they should just had done a reset and stayed pre patch crpg with some modifications to the retirement system  :(


General Off Topic / Re: Balbaroth or Goretooth?
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:36:30 pm »
id say manowar as well for the fact he play light armor doesnt wear a huscarl , and is a great manual blocker ,

   but he use a side sword... minus 1 for him ! , still the best 1h out there ( NA side )

General Off Topic / Re: Balbaroth or Goretooth?
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:28:47 pm »
let it be Manowar vs goretooth , i dont play much lately and im getting rusty , so the new topic is man vs gore!

Spam / Re: Have you played too much cRPG?
« on: March 18, 2011, 10:18:06 pm »
played way too much i practically stopped playing until crpg get refreshed ( either with major patches or a reset ) 

Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 14, 2011, 12:24:27 am »
I believe that if you stopped right now, you would be the first to reach 35, in about five months. I don't know where Mouse's thread on this is, but he indicates that it's possible at generation 6 and later. I, however, hate to do math, and so I can't verify this, but I'm going to trust his numbers.

by then i would have a full heirloom armor and weapons :( , i stopped retiring prepatch at gen 13 because it was enough for me , but atm its the only thing worthwhile to do,

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Throwing Nerf
« on: March 13, 2011, 10:06:24 pm »

"Aiming is easy." Take a look at your aimer. It is the most inaccurate ranged weapon in the game. If throwing lances are easy to hit with, by golly, all ranged weapons are easy-mode. Lances are the most inaccurate, and one of the slowest projectile speed weapons in the game.

 the way throwing lances are used are easy to aim , throwers dont use it to throw from far they wait til they are 2-5feets from the target  and wham !!  your dead

Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 13, 2011, 09:59:41 pm »
The One thing I would like to see is that the xp at 31-35 get reduced say 30% per lvl so we coould actually see those lvl's again.  That and archery was nurffed way to hard.  Took away the pierce damage on top of the major speed reduction, I say too much!  Pure build nurffed way to hard with the wpf scale down.  And finally xbows need more than 51 to accuratly shoot a sniper xbow also throwing should relay more on WPF even at the higher power throw lvl's.

you sir ,deserve 1 awesomebar point ! , there is no 32-35 (beside 1 or 2 i know who are 32)  its pointless not to retire

 this "soft cap" (lol)  has to be scaled down , i for once would prolly stop retiring if 35 was managable

Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:58:55 pm »
Bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww I can't crutch on stats and gears like I could before, the MOD IS SHIT BECAUSE I SUCK SO MUCH AT IT.


 i have infinite money already and i still top the boards with this system , doesnt mean its not flawed tho...  :D 

 i feel bad for theses poor new players  :( 

    RESET please!!

Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:30:41 pm »
You hit on a good point I rarely see mentioned. The leveling curve seems kinda backwards in terms of retirement. Usually it takes longer the more powerful you get, but in CRPG its the opposite because of exp bonus. I don't entirely mind this because fighting battles is fun anyways. Definitely jealous of all those gen 10+ guys who are retiring twice as fast as me. Only a little bit because it only really matters when someone has a fully decked our masterwork set of armor and weapon. Nothing a throwing lance or an overhead poleaxe to the head wont fix ;).

 yeah yeah  throwing lance is pure evil i say ! :p but i wear chain , so even fully heirloomed , i die easy , but a full heirloom black armor is very tuff to damage , i have a steel pick only for thoses dudes

Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:21:27 pm »
It actualy takes skill now AMAGAD I QUIT!! ...

Whine more ...

 why people thinks its cool using retarded sentences a la 4chan... thats the most retarded fad  that ever came on the  internet...


Spam / Re: Who thinks the New Crpg mod here sucks..Ooohhh I do!
« on: March 13, 2011, 06:57:20 pm »

Oh right, back when people could retire much more easily and heirlooms were a dime a dozen and we saw a massive spam of items?

dont want to be rude but the actual retirement system is worse than the prepatch one , why? because it created a huge gap between new players and old ones ,  im a old player gen 17 and retiring is freaking easy
some are gen25+ and it take 2 days sometimes less to retire , instead of the obligatory 1 week wait ,  new players xp is so freaking slow that by the time a new player retire , the old one has retired like 3-4 times , its a massive spam of heirloom items already and its going to get worse

  i always said prepatch that a reset was neccessary , i wont lie i prefered the old crpg ,  at least retirements was equal to all , 1 week  ... poor newbies

General Discussion / Re: Share your thoughts on monotony and cRPG
« on: March 03, 2011, 07:24:27 am »
Can't stick to one character because unlike pre-patch I can't build a 4 weapon hybrid anymore :(  That's why I did it originally.  I can't just play the same style day in and day out without variation.  I'd quit the game.  In fact I have a hard time sticking to one play-style for more than 4-5 maps, much less weeks at a time waiting to retire JUST so I can change it up.

If I could build my toon like he used to be, with prof in 4 different weapon types, then I'd stick to one guy.  As is even getting ONE of them to retire is taking for fucking ever.  I don't care about heirlooming the armor man, it's the weapons I want.  And no, you don't need them, but as you said I never use the top tier weapons anyways so the only way to get half decent stats on the weapons I use now is going to be to heirloom them to keep up with all the gen10's with mw everything.

rumours at the local taverns indicate some people are 25+ gen already gorath , get on with the program :D im just 15 btw

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Reasonable Side Sword Nerf
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:49:50 am »
side sword is op , i have been saying that since the day it was upped to be the best sword in game ,  That freaking toothpick has more cut than a lot of 1h's
not to mention its the fastest of the so call top tier 1 handers

           the price argument is lol... if you retired 2 or 3 times to heirloom it , you dont have any problem with money

                       people dont care about the money they want the best weapon possible  :mrgreen:

General Discussion / Re: Share your thoughts on monotony and cRPG
« on: March 02, 2011, 09:37:48 pm »
So then without the banner balance what's the point of having a clan at all?  Strategus only?  No banner balance directly contributed to my disconnect with my clanmates prior to the patch.  But maybe that's just me.  I don't know why you'd rather play with randoms all the time, no such thing as teamwork on an all random "team" (and I use the word team loosely when it comes to those groups).

yeah clans should be for strategus ONLY gamewise ,  you can have teamwork with random people ,

 usually (not always) peoples in clans are the ones that play alot , so are better builded geared lvled etc...
so they are let's say strongs characters , well banner balance put them all together...

          also ive seen case of stupid banner balancing , like there is 2 clans in the server playing and the lovely banner balance put both clans  in the same side....

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