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Messages - Onkel_Boelwerkr

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General Discussion / Re: Accurate throwing build?
« on: May 10, 2011, 09:51:23 am »
I used to be a thrower too, depending on situation with 6 or 4 throwing lances or 21 balanced wardarts. This was incredible fun and the only guys able to fight for the top position in the scoreboard where always running archerprincesses or melee-only builds.

The swordfood was of course crying for a nerf, thinking throwing was simple. It wasnt. Good rounds consisted of ca. 3 kills with throwing weapons and 6 kills in melee.

Our days of throwing are indeed over.

Worst: Throwing with shield was reduced to the war dart set-up.

War darts are only a mere shadow of their former glory, since headshotting people doesnt occur as much as before, maybe 1 in 25 shots. Acuuracy is gone.

1 (!) throwing lance = 1 stack taking up 2 slots. Thats a joke. They were a bit op, true, but at least the masterwork version could consist of 2. 
4 throwing spears = 2 slots. Better but still a joke since you need 2 to kill most of the time.
7 war darts = 1 slot. Okay, but most melee wepaons take up 2 slots, so with shield you can still only equip 1 stack. And since you need 4-5 war darts to kill someone, you NEED a shield or are shot before the enemy is kissing my turf.

Masterwork versions strongly need the "large--" attribute as before, why did you remove that??

Now compare that with xbow and bow. How many people will they kill with 15 xbows or arrows? That's why archery is becoming the dominant sideproficiency.

ATM i am nearly 31 and will try out something else.

But there is still light: we hybrids will always be superior to the rest, so no matter how much you will nerf us, we will survive =).


Closed Requests / Re: Unban request - Der_Hundsgemeine_Helthrasir
« on: April 18, 2011, 11:07:47 pm »
Great, thank you, there wont be a next time!


Closed Requests / Unban request - Der_Hundsgemeine_Helthrasir
« on: April 18, 2011, 07:01:57 pm »
Dear admins,

i think 2 weeks ago i was banned from all eu-Servers, permanently.

I was banned for a valid reason, a reason, i came to understand during the last couple of days while talking about it with friends from my German crpg Stammtisch that we have founded half a year ago.

Just a rather summary of how it all evolved in this ban, that i deserved indeed:

After playing crpg since its early existence, i never broke a server rule and tryied to keep calm about all these guys breaking ladders, intentionally teamwounding etc. I tried different set-ups and optimized them until i was leading the scorelist for most of the time. At this point, i decided to swithc to another set-up and try semethign else.

I started with a fierce rider, and hunted my prey with my heavy lance until i started to recognize that supporting others was more of a joy for me.

so i started a supporter, a guy with long awlpike and shield. Though i didnt kill as much as with a 2handed weapon, i loved this set up for its style and the help i could provide for my team. Those were the days when surviving was benefiting your character, and thus i survided, and survived, and survived until, well,  the long awlpike wasnt usuable with shield anymore. Since i had only medium armor, i didnt care about gold, always had enough.

I was looking forward to Strategus, where i offerd my precious self for any guy with enough money. Well known under the masses of friend and foe, i started to enjoy using long axes and wearing heavy armor. To enable the foe of running away, i had chosen heraldic mail, which prouved fruitful for many souls.

Suddenly i recognized that there was soemthign wrong with my gear, yes, i t seemed there was no need to repair at all. I asked around and came to the udnerstanding, that others experienced that "bug", too.

Well, i stopped reparing at all (besides my weapons) and continued playing. After some time i really wondered why so many people where still complaing about high repaircosts, so i was a bit irritated. One day, it was enough for me. Everyone was crying about high costs, and the "bug" wasn't fixed yet. So i decided to tell everyone about this "repairbug" in order to

1) put pressure on the devs to fix it
2) enable everyone to use heavy armor again if they wanted it

I thought that was a noble deed, that i was doing something good for the community and the mod.

I was wrong.

Nr. 1 was neither nice nor necessary, as i came to understand while talking about it with other fans of this incredible amazing mod. the devs were already working on a fix, and i was throwing oil into the fire and creating unnecessary tention.

Nr. 2 was not at all benefiting the community, i caused others to circumvent a system developed to maximize the joy and balance in our beloved game.
The admins even warned me to stop talking about this bug, and stop exploiting it. But i was blinded by my ego, i was convinced i was doing right.

To make matters worse, i decided to discuss my case right after i was banned permanently on all eu-servers. So i went to the
Chat: #mount&blade-crpg,
and started an argument with the admin cmpxchg8b and Shik (sorry if i spelled this name wrong, not quiet sure about it).

I didnt use strong language, as this is not my way, but i was penetrative and pushy, even making fun about some people using irony and sarcasm. Since i was a bit angry too about the (from my point of view at this time) undeserved ban, i also told the guys that i deinstalled the game already and i didnt care about the ban to remain intact, i wanted to discuss the topic.

I was then kicked from the chat as well. Of course and with right, since i was stirring around and creating tension and an unpleasant atmosphere.
Sice i am a bit o the talkative person, i tried to relog in using another random guestname, in order to continue the verbal battle. As a consequence, i was banned after 2-3 more dumb jokes of mine, yes, i deserved it.

Well, now, after serveral long talks at the fire, and a long break from crpg because of the ban, i decided to settle this manner in a proper way.

I herby want to make a formal apology and ask you,  cmpxchg8b and Shik, and the whole community and whoever felt insulted/annoyed himself by my acting for forgivenees. I understand know, that i was wrong. I shouldnt have made use of this bug, i shouldnt have told others about it, i should not have acted in the way i acted in the chat.

I love this mod and want to keep fighting with all of you in well trusted battles, adhere to all server rules and keep an eye on others to enable all of us to enjoy crpg at its utmost. Thus, i would love to be able to play crpg again and ask for an unban (what a creepy word =)). I also promise to repair all my gear regularly, report future bugs to the admins only and keep quiet about things that may stir up the community and destroy the careful balance all of our admins try to establish here.

I also hope this text may count as an essay in order to explain myself.

Hell yes, i was a fool.

Please give me a chance to prouve my true intenion at the servers, in proper battle and as a valuable support of the team.
(My wife isnt at home today and i could fight the whole evening, so i would be extremely thankful if you could lift the ban guys!)

Thanks a million,

Yours, Der_Hundsgemeine_Helthrasir (der eigentlich gar nicht so gemein ist =))

PS: i also applied for a namechange, would be great if you could approve it in order to enable myself to fight in future battles with a name not besmirched with my wicked deeds of the past;(

If i stated too much deatils about the bug, please feel free to modify this post @admins

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