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Messages - Sphinxer

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lol, what exactly is that supposed to mean?

We beat De Bitre, we beat the Antarian's, we hold Buillin. Of course you can believe the nonsense that all our stuff is given to us by the "UIF" but that is just that, nonsense. Fact is we have been grinding out the trade goods quietly since strat started. How is HRE doin?

Yeah as if you guys did all of this by yourself .. you're just another puppet. Don't even try

Strategus, as the name suggest it, is about strategy.

That man has high education not mess with him ;)

Mute Kesh permanently on the forums? Takes away 95% of the whining 85% of the made up BS.

Best idea so far, keep the good work ;)

didnt i already say we will kill them all till they go home?  :lol:

You sir were gifted with the Warrior Spirit ... Keep the good work too !



Long story short , I feel really bad for EU who don't unite to make a stand , but instead allied themselves to "the" alliance. Shame on you, you disgrace your Ancestors! Now being officially neutral I can say this : It is better to die on your feet, than to live on your knees. Even if FCC get wiped, it's impressive to see what's needed to fight them. Were the 300 Spartans happy to die from such a battle where they don't fear to be outnumbered ? They had something to be proud of. What about you ? Let's ally everyone, farm troops and equip, and when we feel that we outnumber people a lot, let's attack. Until then , let's sit back and wait and just troll on the forum. We'll fight when we are very sure to win without much challenge. Well guess what, they'll fight hard and they won't fall easily.

Diplomacy / Re: Fallens versus Wolves
« on: December 06, 2011, 06:16:48 am »
Yeah Overload has alot of gold to run around as a tincan 24/7 but he couldn't even manually block one hit out of 6 and Franky is just terrible at cRPG which is his life.

INB4 Franky comes in raging with his "shut up kid" insult like he's some kind of senior citizien.


You sir are an idiot. Insulting someone because they suck at a game ... you're what , in high school ? Grow up , let people be and play quietly, for your own sake.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Archer bugs!
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:54:28 pm »
That bug has been around for long but coding flying carpets throwing fireballs is more important than fixing other bugs... Dev's fun first right ?

Diplomacy / Re: The Claims of the Imperium Chalybs et Sanguis
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:52:22 pm »
Kophka is back ? Fuck yeah :P

A bigger map would help.

Next map will be 4 times bigger, 4 times more locations.

It's just delaying the inevitable ... Carebears will just offer more villages to their members / bitches and they will have even less reasons to attack each other since there will be plenty of villages.

Less villages = forcing wars between the big factions
More villages = Big Factions will pick even more on smaller factions to conquer easy villages

chadz's credibility 1 year ago : [---------|---]
chadz's credibility 6 months ago : [----|-------]
chadz's crediblity after the flying carpet event : [|------------]

So instead of fixing MAJOR bugs (ammo bug, attacking your own fief in strat, etc..) they waste time to code flying carpets and throwing fire ? This is what the donations are for ? To waste your fucking time having fun coding shit we don't need, but you had your blast didn't you, at the cost of others' ? Brilliant !

Oh and don,t get me started on CTF and DTV ... mods that we don't need that you wasted so much time to code and FIX, instead of working on major bugs or Strat... This is very sad when you can't take the dev team seriously anymore and you see that they don,t care about fixing major bugs, too busy coding their own little thing.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Controverse suggestion: fief ownership
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:25:32 pm »
Well Matey, it's not because the good guys *cough* does it the right way that the bad guys will ;)

I doubt it will change anything in EU and I don't expect to see any wars between the carebears for 50k a day (50mins of play at x1 like Matey said) per fief. They probably rather sit back, enjoy doing f*ck all than fighting, farm troops and gold, pick on small clans (not much of a challenge), do all the trades they want without being disturbed by the few clans who could really stop/slow them, and be OP.

I think in this strat, it really sucks to be on the EU side.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Controverse suggestion: fief ownership
« on: November 27, 2011, 07:48:13 am »
I'm for anything that can improve Strategus toward the end of the 3 biggest clans sticking together... that's just retarded and it's killing Strategus, just like it killed many other mmorpg. It's now a trading game with "some" battles ,instead of a battle game with some trading.

Spam / Re: Huey Newton
« on: November 21, 2011, 08:47:13 pm »
Just ban the guy , he's an nuisance to the whole community.

He's been leading the TK board for the last 6 months....

And his voice on teamspeak... oh man don't get me started...

Diplomacy / Re: Declaration of War
« on: November 19, 2011, 06:33:32 am »
22, but I work weekends, and this weeks is thanksgiving = busy. Therefore, a good sleep is better.

Nice try Anders...

We all know (whoever was in DL before Braeden and Kophka left) that you still can't even buy beer so don't pretend to be 19+.

(just trolling)

cRPG Technical problems / Re: NA^^
« on: November 15, 2011, 02:58:56 am »

You've been chadzed ... expect another 2-3 months :X

Diplomacy / Re: FCC declare war on Occitan
« on: November 13, 2011, 06:57:55 pm »
Please ignore that clown, he didn't have his dose of maple syrup today ;)

Diplomacy / Re: FCC declare war on Occitan
« on: November 13, 2011, 02:24:06 am »
Yeah Yeah Linden , you shouted it on teamspeak like a girl 2-3 times at the end... we know :P

I just didn't understand the whole pre-battle. You attacked with less force as "attacker", not defender and you attack at 3am ? Most of your players have to stay up very late, and 3am means 9am for European. So basicly most of your players can't make it or are very tired, and the enemies have fully rested players ?

I must really suck in tactics I think cause I really don't get it ...

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