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Messages - Lamix

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Higher "tier" 2h Axe?
« on: February 19, 2011, 02:13:31 am »
I just retired from 2handed to polearm for just this reason, i want somthing comparable to the great long axe in 2handed because i was getting into far too many shield fights with just a greatsword :D and that takes some time, they either have to mess up pressing the rmb or i have to break there shield which takes hella long time with swords, the great long axe(polearm) is as long and as fast as the greatswords but has the ability to chop shields but loses a lot in thrust dmg, i don't see why this couldn't be a 2handed weapon or as the OP stated just more variety is always good even if just same stats as some other weapons.

@Heroin better fixed for you, you knew the point of it.

Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom Thread (Completed)
« on: February 17, 2011, 01:46:42 am »
@ wulz
The second gen of strong bow is no longer balanced but fine, the website has a lot of the older stats for previews when you heirloom should be,
Fine Strong Bow
Cost: 10528
Weight: 1.25
Acc: 97
Spd: 64
ShSpd: 53

As you can see with the stats you posted it still states it as Pierce dmg and the old high speed and shot speed.
Hope this helps.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Can we please fix throwing?
« on: February 15, 2011, 05:44:44 pm »
These are what I think would fix Throwing.

*Only being able to take 1 stack of throwing weapons.
*1PT every 4-6 str similar to horse archery skill. (This way it don't drop dmg too much while keeping PT10+ an impossibility and don't have to put anymore points into it)

That would make throwing more of a support skill then a dedicated class.

Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom Thread (Completed)
« on: February 15, 2011, 05:40:52 pm »
Long Hafted Blade has 160 under length - shouldn't it be 153?

Yup it should, thanks for the catch updated now.

Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom Thread (Completed)
« on: February 13, 2011, 09:49:23 pm »
Req increases have gone.

with 2 powerstrike i dare say you will never be able to kill most people, you will bounce far too often and even when you hit will take 6-7hits to kill guys. both of you're original builds were better then the latter.

You want to be quick with just a shield not much else armour wise? go the second build you'll want the extra ath for foot work, problem with awlpike and sheild even though good rp value its very easy to block because when you have shield on you only have thrust attack, good for support bad for 1 on 1 and if the shield is the only armour you have, taking you're shield off to fight is a bit of a bad idea :D

If this is the kind of build you want, you would probably be better off with 1handed and use you're foot work to get in and out of attack range, if you're set on the idea of hoplite remember even hoplites carried a sword too :D great for supporting team mates and keeping away them pesky cav though. with the second build you could maybe go hybrid with the second build you could go:
(click to show/hide)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: The Useless Longbow
« on: February 11, 2011, 04:28:31 pm »
Dunno if this would help any, you could try a 18/24 archer build(lvl30), you'd be totally usless at anything other then archery, this would give you PD 6 and 173wpf (Only 3spare skillpoints prolly for Ath), not sure it would be worth it, but might make up for the slower speed.

General Discussion / Re: So botting/semi-afk leeching is fine?
« on: February 11, 2011, 12:42:08 am »
I've noticed this quite a lot recently, more and more people are doing it, all i can say is its just pathetic play the game or leave and go do somthing else, you should be playing for entertainment not to grind you're 176th generation, just remove heirloomed items or make it so theres a 2week cooldown between retirement.

For those trying to defend this behaviour, there is a difference between playing even with crap gear, you may not be doing much for the team but you're doing something, these people have no intention of helping the team and 1 player can make all the difference in this mod, they run in alone against 10 people swing there weapon a couple of times maybe get a kill cos the first person they run into is low lvl, but theres no intent on getting a kill, their intent is to die as quickly as they can and thats what makes the difference.

A list of rules would be great in the announcement section supplied and posted by the admins.

Players like these make me regret spending hours of my time making a list so they could see what they can get by leeching, spending my time helping others even though my characters are only gen1 and have no heirloomed items.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Generation 3 1200 XP per MINUTE ?
« on: February 10, 2011, 01:23:27 am »
Xp and Gold ticks since 0.210 patch have been per min, no matter you're gen.

Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom Thread (Completed)
« on: February 07, 2011, 06:00:25 pm »
When i have a bit of spare time gonna be working on a webapp with all this data in, and will have side by side comparison of 2items, if you can think of anything that you would consider useful to put in let me know, prob start it this weekend so any ideas for then would be grateful.

Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom Thread (Completed)
« on: February 06, 2011, 08:26:28 am »
Any chance you add in the rest of the armor. I'd like to know the stats for a Thick Robe (2nd heirloom Robe) so I can decide whether to heirloom that, the stones, or my lances.
Robe added, i don't wanna add too many of the clothing items, there all the same, +1 to each armour stat per Gen.

General Discussion / Re: cRPG + WSE - voice your opinion.
« on: February 05, 2011, 04:06:48 pm »
There's been a lot of talk of steam issues well there is one solution, that would be to convert you're steam key into a non steam key, the only problem with this is it would probably not leave you with access to you're chars on cRPG, I'm not totally sure but i assume it checks you're cd-key for you're characters Dev feedback on this issue? but this would leave you open to running the game without steam.

Don't Use This Unless You Don't Mind Losing You're Crpg Characters.,155134.0.html =Forum post

Suggestions Corner / Re: New Armors and other things....
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:57:23 pm »
If I knew what program to use I would make it but I don't...

you will need BRFEdit then you can export the model as a .obj file to edit the model itself in almost any 3d app.

for editing textures you can use this tutorial

General Discussion / Re: You know what really grinds my gears?!? DRAWS!
« on: February 05, 2011, 03:45:43 pm »

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