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Messages - MouthnHoof

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Well then %30 penatly is worse...Or Iwill try dont use with shield ...
The damage of cavalry comes from the speed bonus. The weapon base damage is of low significance and the morning star is as high as you can get (and pierce on top).
Slow swinging weapons even have some advantage for cavalry since the longer you spend in the swing, combined with the movement of the horse creates a larger area in which a target will be hit - think of the extreme case of holding the weapon extended to the side and running with the horse to mow anything that collides with it.

Announcements / Re: change your password
« on: July 26, 2011, 10:57:22 am »
Thanks for the warning.

I have a feeling that the trade feature is the cause of all this. Before trade there was no point in breaking into accounts since the only thing you could do was mess up someones characters, but gain nothing from this. I don't like the players trade feature unless I could do it between my own characters.

Might as well remove the plate if he wants to see lighter armor.
And thats a bullshitty decision that totally contradicts the spirit of the mod.
Nothing prevent you from running around with l33t gear - something does prevent you from doing this all the time.
See the difference? no, I bet you don't.

Dont waste your time, they will keep saying everyone and the dog was using plater armor prepatch... when its actually a big lie....
I couldn't run in plate before because I could not be bothered to grind the amount of time it took to get it. Equipment was super expensive which is very fun when you are a peasant or otherwise someone with a life outside the computer. The paradigm has shifted: you now "grind" to use your equipment, not to buy it which is easily achieved. The result for people like me is that I can still experience the game with the l33t gear once in a while. Also try to member how many mid-tier weapons were used in old crpg - almost none. People would buy minimal equipment they grind for the top stuff and not buy anything in the middle which would be a waste of time and money once the top gear is obtained.

so explain to me how a mighty long iron mace (92 speed, 96 length, 36b but unbalanced) is somehow way too strong and my MW bec de corbin(94 speed, 39p, 28p, 120 length) is totally fine, and btw I can use the bec from a horse, and usually my prefered method of fighting involves bringing a long spear with the bec on my back?
1. Bec should not be usable from horse back. I was not aware that it was usable.
2. This is why nearly all polearms should get the "cannot sheath" tag. If you bring a polearm, you cannot bring another large weapon, that should be the large penalty of it and surprisingly, this is true to real life as well.

In term stats balance, the iron mace has a high chance of knock down which is a huge advantage. The beck can loose a few points of damage from its swing without hurting it much. The practical reach of the two is not very different.

Suggestions Corner / Re: 1h sword in each hand (dual-wield)
« on: July 25, 2011, 10:02:24 am »
but an offhand dagger might have been used, or offhand cudgel perhaps?
Off hand weapon is near useless in most circumstances. Unlike stupid computer games, it does NOT allow you to attack more. It can be used to parry, but than it is much less useful than a shield or buckler - the only advantage of a dagger is that it is easier to carry around, hence much more likely to be on you in an urban environment. The other reason it have it in the left hand is in case someone gets under your sword arm and the fight turns into a grapple match - the you drop the sword and already have your dagger out. Nobody will go into battle like this. In addition, an empty hand is extremely useful in combat, which is far removed from the "ching, ching, have at thee!" that we are used to from Hollywood. Real fight can quickly turn into a wrestling match and if you look at the old fencing books, there are many moves that involve the left hand in grappling.

General Discussion / Re: Masterwork Rocks
« on: July 25, 2011, 09:45:08 am »
I once oneshot a peasant with +3 rocks before.  It was the crowning moment of my Mount & Blade career.
One of my toons killed a knight with a headshot in the first stone he threw - "he without sin shall cast the first stone". OK the knight must have been close to death already, but still that was a good start.

if you call realism, you should call it entirely. not only the "real things" you like.
You are right.


That should never happen. No idea why it happens though, when I hiltslash people with long weapons all day with no problem.
It has to do with the animation and the way the collision point is calculated.

The engine measures the distance from the right fist to the collision point. This is somehow then compared with the weapon reach stat. When you have a long weapon, this ratio of distance and reach changes slowly in terms of absolute distance along the blade. With a very short weapon, every cm makes a huge difference. Since collision detection is not perfect and works in discrete intervals, with short weapons you will get more extreme readings and very often effective "0" distance hits. The damage modification will also be more like full damage or min damage.

The animation between different styles (1H,2H, poles) also has an effect. Animations that extend the hand forward can in principle have the hand inside the target when it hits, while a different animation will hit farther away from the grip even though you face the opponent from the same distance. I do not know if 1H is more prone to this, but I rarely glance with 2H even if I am close enough to lick the nose of the other guy. Not thecase with 1H and 2H-poles.

Short weapons should have had in creased minimum damage, so daggers would almost ignore this distance vs. weapon reach damage modification mechanism. It was not introduced with daggers in mind.

General Discussion / Re: The Rise of Silly Names
« on: July 22, 2011, 11:58:59 am »
lol, that is a gem

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: The 2h juggernaut or the fast Ninja?
« on: July 20, 2011, 04:43:27 pm »
2H+Xbow? come one man be original. This is the most worn out setup that can be: the brave knight that hides away while his melee buddies take the worst of it, to snipe from safety and pull out the 2Her for self defense. Even if you do not intend to, this is how it plays out in the end - unless you are a shotgun type that fires one bolt from 5 meters and then charges in. Almost as cheesy, but at least braver.

A real Xbowman uses the 2-slot heavier xbows. If you want to use the single slot things, just build a normal 2Her and equip an xbow - it is not a build, this kind of xbowmen is just a setup. Calling what you describe 2H+Xbow is like calling someone with a flemberg and stones a 2H+thrower.

Now, after I put you down here is my suggestion: Play either a 2H or Xbow, or play them both with the same character, just not simultaneously: Xbow & 1-slot 2H for Xbowman round, 2H & balls as a melee round.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Prevent unrealistic blocks
« on: July 01, 2011, 02:19:15 pm »
ah right, well if we are gonna remove "unrealistic" blocks, lets start with the downblock stopping a heavy lance from a full speed courser :)
immediately after we implement damage for a full speed corsair colliding with a tree.

General Discussion / Re: Archers
« on: July 01, 2011, 02:16:28 pm »
There is only one thing i truly hate about archers, when they shoot into the mele.
and archers camping nearly inaccessible places
and archers camping a mile away from combat being completely useless / not defending the flag, but at least these types do not interfere with my game since both sides have enough of those.
and just shear number of them while the shield bubble has been reduced - "hate archers, get a shield" does not hold against hordes of them.

I think that it is safe to generalize that the signature trait of a bad archer is that his self preservation is the dominant factor in his game style.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf Elite Scimmitar
« on: July 01, 2011, 11:56:53 am »
Thrust is support attack which works great on high agi/ath builds. You basically wait for the right moment looking like a low threat while the opponent engages the 2H guy next to you, then you lunge in with a thrust - the extra reach serves that purpose well and the pierce+speed bonus does the rest.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Thoughts and Suggestions on a New game mode?
« on: July 01, 2011, 11:42:21 am »
I like it.

* The time before flag spawn is required for the team to maneuver and organize. Infantry can move closer to the potential spawn locations so cav don't get to the flag a whole minute before the walkers.

* Random flag spawn (in 3 possible positions) is good - makes it more interesting. However, the possible spawn locations should not be far apart. Before the spawn, the forces will cover all possible locations. Once the flags spawn, they will converge on it and the relocation time needs to be short enough that an infantry can get from one locations to the flag spawned one before it is won/lost.

* The difference between the locations should be difference environments rather then just x,y position: example: One on hill top, second on a plane, third inside a ruin.

* The flag movement speed should be slow - much slower than it is now. I much rather that the frame ends with a wipeout than a flag raise. The flags just serve as an incentive for the teams to be active instead of passive. A slow flag gives the team not holding it a few moments to organize a counter strike instead of forcing them to rush immediately to the flag like a swarm. It gives a bit of time for the forces that guarded the other possible spawns time to converge to the actual spawn and organize the charge.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Nerf Elite Scimmitar
« on: July 01, 2011, 01:07:32 am »
The funny thing is that in reality long highly curved swords are not particularly fast at all. Their balance point is both far out (better hacking, slow recovery) and off the length axis which makes variation of the plane of the sword (wrist twist) much more awkward than in a straight sword. The last point is not so important for cavalry use, which is why they allowed their swords to be highly curved, but infantry swords tend to have a moderate curve if any.

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