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Messages - SoA_Sir_ODHarry

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Suggestions Corner / Re: cRPG Science Fiction
« on: May 16, 2013, 11:45:41 pm »

Lemme correct u

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Deutsches Forum / Re: Pc Problem
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:38:41 pm »
wenn das Board keinen Pieps macht isses tot...
Wie ist der PC denn verarbeitet schau mal ob zwichen dem Gehäuse und der Platine Abstandshalter angebracht sind (an den Schrauben, wenn nicht war es vielleicht ein Kurzschluss..
hatte ich mal bei einem selbst gebastelten PC...
Aber generell gilt das Fertig Pc einfach komplett Schrottreif sind.Es werden minderwertige Komponenten verbaut ABSICHTLICH zu überteuerten Preisen.

Ps: ein Fertig Pc der nach einem halben Jahr den Geist aufgibt kann auch als Marktstrategie bezeichnet werden ;/

Suggestions Corner / Re: cRPG Science Fiction
« on: May 13, 2013, 11:30:08 pm »

Suggestions Corner / cRPG Science Fiction
« on: May 13, 2013, 10:25:58 pm »
Imagine u play "cRPG" with 3 Touchpads instead of an Keyboard.So u just need 3 Fingers but addiotnaly too the Reaction and the memory of those  in ur brain, u would need too use another Sense,Weight Calculation.It would make it possibel too have an Angel of 360 degree in Attack and Defense Moves ,also more realistic movement will be achieved.Or think of the Possibilitys for Cavalary and Ranged Gameplay.I wonder too what extend the common PCs of Today could handel it... 

« on: April 26, 2013, 03:16:21 am »
what a fail u fight urself now!!!

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Wipe the current Strat??
« on: April 24, 2013, 02:20:37 am »
u all suck

Strategus General Discussion / Re: WHY no War?
« on: April 23, 2013, 09:59:02 pm »
My reason is that I'm white and grew up in the suburbs.

I told u iam drunken when i write such stuff

Strategus General Discussion / Re: WHY no War?
« on: April 23, 2013, 10:22:16 am »
well u somewhat right.I always tend too type  "ebonics" when iam drunken.I dropped out of "school" very early as a Teen and my knowledge of the english language have the source more in music than of school Lessons.But i think its enuff so that my Thoughts can be reflected in my posts.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: WHY no War?
« on: April 22, 2013, 03:46:05 pm »

General Discussion / Re: C-rpg is broken.
« on: April 22, 2013, 12:18:47 am »
cRPG isnt broken nor is Strat.
Just the Peopel playin it for 3 Years and doesnt use the Potential that is already been givin.....

Allu can see is Whiner Threads instead of a Community that is motivated.

U got an 200 SLOTS SERVER too fill.Make an Event of 200 Alts for EPIC Battels.
U got a very well Balance.
U got Stratgus which is Sandbox enuff too create ur own Gameplay.USE IT.....

Before u are cryin about how broken cRPG is u shoud use the "half finished" Game too full extend....

almost all u Guys doin is whineing and more whineing before u actually take action....
U know u can form a Group for ur needs.

U want better Maps? Make them and lobby for it..
U want better Strat be it and lobby for it....
U want more Clan Events create them and ......

If u gather enuff peopel for ur interests u will be heard.
Just think of the cryin for a Conquest Mode. What happend?
And Strat already offer the Basic for epic shit u just need too use it as a Community...
same with Tourneys Events and stuff....

well im out i lost more and more interest anyway.It just feels good when u play from time too time with the same Motivation as when u wasnew too the Game..I guess thats why cRPG is still soo friggin unique after all this Years.After some Time u always come back for the Thriller :D

greetz OD

Strategus General Discussion / Re: WHY no War?
« on: April 21, 2013, 11:45:37 pm »
nice so there gonna be a handfull Battels probably at weekend max. 100 Players can apply too if they involved in the Clan politics? GREAT

Strategus General Discussion / WHY no War?
« on: April 21, 2013, 11:42:38 pm »
Why u big Guys not start a Fullscale War already?

U ALLl cry about the broken 1/3 Mechanic and how it destroy the Game while u forget that Strat is kinda of a Sandbox Game  :!:
WHY U NOT agree too ur OWN RULES about it and FUK THE SYSTEM :?:
Set a Cap of 1-4K Troops per Fief. So Villages can be taken by 1 ,Castels by 2, Citys by 3 Battels ( without Reinforcements).Yes there can be Peopel campin in the Fief with several Thousand Troops but they gotta be online and pay alot of upkeep too reinforce immedently......
All Troops That cant be stacked in the Fiefs gotta be at Players.....The upkeep will hinder peeps too overgrind and so there will be more Battels.Take in the Hardcap of 1.3k for Battels
and u got plenty of ACTION....

This solve all ur problems and just need 2 Rules that gotta be held at and can easily be approved when s1 is cheating....

greetz OD

Diplomacy / Re: Kapikulu Diplomacy, Trade and Border Policy!
« on: April 21, 2013, 11:20:22 pm »
im just tellin the Truth dont blame me

sry Kapis for spammin

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Wipe the current Strat??
« on: April 21, 2013, 11:14:52 pm »
nooooo do not wipe it use the friggin Tickets before :idea:

my Suggestion is too let every gained Ticket disappear after 1-2 u has 1-2 weeks time too inicate a Battel or ur daarn Grind is useless.

edit: additonal too that there should be an hardcap of used Tickets per Battel.500-1k.That solve all issues Strat has from INACTIVE Leechers too Sieges.1 Battel 30min. - 1H next Battel.
Probelms solved :!:

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