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Messages - Nihtgenga

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Global / Re: Banned?
« on: March 26, 2013, 01:19:10 pm »
You are far too nice Torben! Pras you!

jup he is

General Discussion / Re: paramerion ???
« on: March 19, 2013, 10:18:41 am »
it was quite obvious that it would be nerfed in some way. Price is the best option for me to live with tho

General Discussion / Re: WTF is this shit with armoury ???
« on: March 19, 2013, 10:12:28 am »
nice attitude

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: 1h weapons without shield
« on: March 16, 2013, 02:20:43 pm »
Thanks for all the replies first.
Sorry, forgot about my build.
I will be a 1h/xbower.
and I am trying to figure out if I should go for 18/24 or 21/21 at 33.
further I got 3 loom points to spend so I am looking for the right 1h weapon.


Beginner's Help and Guides / 1h weapons without shield
« on: March 13, 2013, 12:30:46 pm »
So I am looking for a one hand weapon to use. I will use it without a shield.

Are there some sort of weapons which are better suited for use without a shield then others?
Or are there some stats which are more important?
I will be having 5 and later 6 PS.

Thanks for the help.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Build problem
« on: March 10, 2013, 10:27:03 pm »
soooo, as the latest patch fucked my level 33 main pretty much over, I retired.
I was 2h/xbow and I really really loved it. It was a 1 slot xbow so I was playing 70% meele and 30 % ranged.
My build was 24/18

now I cant decide which build to go for. I have been thinking about the following options.

1. arba/2h (because from time to time I like to just go 2h with my MW LS) <--18/24 at 33. downside, I cant use my beloved MW LS if I got the arba equiped.

2. arba/1h (not much variety if I get bored by my xbow from time to time) <-- 15/27 or 18/24 at 33

3. thrower/2h (5 ps at level 33, MW heavy throwing axes) <-- I had quite some IF last time. THis build compared to the pure 2h build would give me 7 points less IF. I might use 21/21 if I choose this.

4. Horse lancer/2h or pole

5. Pure 2h (downside: I might get bored) <-- 18/24 at 33

So, maybe some people who played these builds can tell me how they are after the latest patches.
Is thrower with 5 PT good enough?
Any one playing a Horse lancer/2h just for the sake of variety!?

I appreciate all input you guys can give me. Thanks

what I dont get is why they destroy 2h/polearm - xbow hybrids but make it easier for 1h/shield/xbow hybrids.

I think it is the wrong way to reduce the 2h/xbow hybrids on the battlefield. A higher wpf requirement would have been better. it reduces the xbows but still gives the people a chance to have a bit of a diversified playstyle (dedicated hybrids)

General Discussion / Re: "Performance rating"
« on: March 01, 2013, 06:49:19 pm »
I would like to see score having an impact on performance and not just the sole kd ratio.

Closed Requests / Re: [Ban] Paladin1893
« on: February 14, 2013, 05:58:02 pm »
I was there and can confirm this.
He hit the tbk guy for several rounds.

General Discussion / Re: Switching weapons mid duel
« on: February 13, 2013, 11:13:57 am »
For me it depends.

If he uses a 2h sword and switches to another 2h sword I am fine with it. If he uses a polearm and switches to a different polearm I am fine with it as well.

What I dont like is when he pulls out a bow/crossbow/throwing weapon when he had shown me a meele weapon before!

Don't know if this is a rule or not tho. but for me there is no freakin' point in dueling if we agree on meele (obviously to train our meele skills) and he pulls out a range weapon and all I am praciticing are my running and dodging skills. If I wanted to practice those I would just join EU 1 for a couple of minutes, not the duel server.


Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: February 05, 2013, 01:24:25 pm »
Before the war they invited me to attack Shu Han, They invited Risen to attack Shu Han, which they are doing now. And it's pretty much garantueed that they would attack me if I was to go close to any of their armies or fiefs, I will not go into details why they would attack me.

are you Shu Han? No! Are you allied with Shu Han? No, just stated them as "friendly". Your faction is not even part of your explanation?! Sure they would attack you if you came close to their borders, armies or fiefs. They closed the borders, so there is no reason for you to be there as long as you dont have a trade agreement?! cant blame them for that.

if rostering for me makes them my friendlies, then you have the wrong understanding what a friendly is.

if the possibility of being attacked by someone some day in the future makes them hostile, then you have a wrong understanding of what hostile is.

I just dont like how you put yourself and your faction into a martyred position, being over run by huge hordes of enemies.
Because first, as stated in this thread already you brought this upon yourself and second, you overdraw your "bad" position by far, by adding the Coalition.

Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: February 05, 2013, 01:00:07 pm »
if rostering for me makes them my friendlies, then you have the wrong understanding what a friendly is.

What makes the Coalition hostile?

Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: February 05, 2013, 12:30:51 pm »
why not make drz and greys green then? they are as much friendly to you as the Coalition is hostile!

Diplomacy / Re: Any real wars going on at EU?
« on: January 31, 2013, 03:17:55 pm »
Another thing I respect about Druzhina and Grey Order, they are not all that braggish, luckily their Risen and BashiBazouk allies excelled in that.

Rantrex alone does this part for the GO. Well and Le(e)ch on the forums.

General Discussion / Re: Dear Devs ... again
« on: January 22, 2013, 04:32:04 pm »
wonder if those are phantom arrows  :lol:

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