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Messages - Garem

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Diplomacy / Re: did you call off the war?
« on: September 22, 2013, 03:14:25 am »
For example, I don't think Coalition and KUTT actually fought each other.

We started the fight with KUTT by attacking their caravan carrying critical supplies just prior to the full-fledged FCC invasion.

CHAOS, Occitan, and several others (as can be seen in the image) declared war on us, besieging our army in Ismirala Castle and preventing our participation. They couldn't beat us since Ismirala is the hardest castle to take.

Ended up a boring ass stalemate and nobody had fun or XP for weeks.

Sounds kinda of familiar. Not that it's anyone's fault. The game incentivizes inactivity in this regard, which is pretty awful. Something should be done about it.

Faction Halls / Re: Black Company - Recruiting NA
« on: September 21, 2013, 09:49:08 pm »
Some other things should be mentioned about Black Company...

We're led by council, with each person having a certain responsibility. For example, I'm the Strategus Trainer - I make sure our new players get the info they need to be successful in Strat from the very start by actually playing the game and experiencing it, not by "READ ALL THE FORUMS". This means more back-and-forth, but it's also a more entertaining way of playing.
Our council system works out very, very well since one of equality of membership is an important part of who we are. Plus, our average player age is around 23-24 and leadership is a little higher still.

Although we're an independent clan, part of the FCC Strategus faction because it gets us in great fights since they're (probably) the most active and aggressive Strat faction (although heavily besieged at the moment).

We all come from a Strategus background of playing with the Fallen Brigade, so our general commanding style is mirrored on Fallen_Ramses. To this day, have yet to meet a better Strat commander.

Faction Halls / Re: Black Company - Recruiting NA
« on: September 17, 2013, 05:29:46 pm »
I wrote the RP stuff.


Titty twisterin' fools on the walls of Ismirala Castle. 'Murica and Black Company.

(unofficially and secretively sponsored by US fracking oil money)

This was right in spawn. Saw one of them run forward with the team at the start of the round, then immediately turn around for no clear reason. Then they TK'd.

They also TK'd me ten minutes earlier for "shooting on the stairs". Their words. BITCH hit first, then Leman. Was just gonna let it slide, cause whatever just two guys being pissy... but it did happen.

Diplomacy / Re: Backstabbed...AGAIN!
« on: July 28, 2013, 08:08:58 pm »
Hey sJimmy, so does this make us Eskimo brothers?

We need more organization than this. I nominate Vibe to draft a plan, for immediate action and building.

My thoughts...
-Let's do something cheap and quick for protecting property and getting rolling.
-A small cabin should be enough for right now. We're just here to get warmed up before hunting for a better Q area.
-Let's set a short term goal for our group, be it a development goal or an infrastructure goal. i.e., we have an active baker, explorer, hunter, and builder OR we have a full stocked wagon and a raft to float it down river to a new home.

Diplomacy / Re: Holy ground FCC Declares war on LL
« on: March 05, 2013, 07:20:25 am »
Jesus, Arowaine. Give the "poor sods" thing a rest - and that goes for everyone, since you're hardly the first.

Everyone attacks smaller factions from time to time. Some attack bigger factions, too. So what? People have their reasons. Strategus is ultimately a game of politics.

Diplomacy / Re: A bounty has been made. "Kill The traitor Plague!"
« on: January 28, 2013, 08:54:43 pm »
While I understand how frustrating it is to feel cheated of your time as a player, these sort of things are what make Strategus awesome. It's not "Oh, drat. Well that's Strategus." It's "Haha, that scoundrel. He gets it."

Maybe it's just because I'm a Fallen that I appreciate a finely played scheme (or maybe this was on a whim, no matter). But I don't think so, I think this is the kind of game we want to have. Strategus is not a game about swords and armor at all, it's about people. For example, if Game of Thrones was just a book/show about the battles it'd be a hell of a lot less interesting, don't you think? The deceptions and schemes are what give those battles meaning and life.

I'm glad you're taking it well, instead of the inordinately frustrating bitching that often ensues after these sorts of things. Although, perhaps that too is just part of the game.

Diplomacy / Re: hero_party pledges allegiance to the Godfather
« on: January 25, 2013, 06:56:10 pm »
Perhaps the EU alliance of shit clans should come attack a factions fiefs that hasn't had 90% of their players quit the game for months, considering you haven't even taken the majority of Grey and DRZ fiefs yet i'd say we have a good 4 years before All Talk No Action EU does anything.

Haha. "Quit". Funny word. I giggled.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: The Slaughter of New Rindyar
« on: January 25, 2013, 06:48:16 pm »
they basicly did 2/1 kd as defender wish is pretty good...still they had transitional we were in medium mail(heraldic surcoat) and i can also say not prepared for a siege at all.

Sweet jesus, Arrowaine... you guys are the biggest masochists ever. Medium armor in a castle siege assault?

General Off Topic / Re: RIP USA
« on: January 24, 2013, 06:25:36 pm »
On top of ^^^ Rumblood's accurate description of the American drive to kick ass and take no prisoners, he's forgetting two important things:

1. The vast majority of his widely publicized test rockets fail miserably and crash. And where exactly does that nuke fall? Near enough to North Korea to make it amusing (were it not for the, you know... South Koreans and other cool stuff nearby).

2. China won't let him. Alas, the era of the golden rice bowl doesn't like it when you destroy their assets most critical trading partner.

Do these matter? Who knows. That's why Kim Jong Il and his rising doughboy son are my fave dictators. Seriously, even Smoothrich can't match this level of crazy dictator (try ever as hard as he may).

Sell/Trade / Re: Hill's Frills~
« on: January 14, 2013, 06:58:29 pm »
dat bizzump

Dat bump

Sell/Trade / Re: ~Hill's Frills~ IS BACK!
« on: January 13, 2013, 04:26:57 am »


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