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Messages - Bromagi

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Faction Halls / Re: [OCF] L'Ordre des Chevaliers Francs
« on: October 18, 2011, 07:25:05 pm »
I hope I get to stick a pike through one of you french lazy knights... lets bring back the feeling of Agincourt... good luck ><

I will drop by next month when i get better internet with a full plate set and a big 2hander and try out for a few days, I am planning on wearing the old armor called "plate armor" with the old bascinet or a set of gothic plate paired with either a "two handed sword", sword of war or flameberge =)))  cant wait to get paying again =)

And yes random.. show me your ways of avoiding upkeep =))
I probably wont be wearing plate with a x1 or x2 unless I find a way to avoid all the upkeep ><

I would think about joining and wearing full plate until my 250k gold runs out and I am not the best at 2h... someone has to train me =))


I love the feelings I got on those maps... like being the one viking defending the stamford bridge 8-)

General Discussion / Re: Songs you go into battle with.
« on: October 18, 2011, 04:27:10 pm »
Sometimes porno music is very fitting in a battle with its high and low points 8-)

I hope you don't mind me asking but what is the difference between a ninja and a samurai.. are samurais not as stealthy or do they use other weapons? 

Bjord - BTW I'm not NA and I never read anything about ninjas or samurais ><

Yeah siege is always the most fun, i love it when 2 armies have to fight in a tight space rather than a wide open field =))

I've always been a sea raider by heart but I have always loved the looks of the templars and it is fun to roleplay as a holy man haha... we will certainly meet again in the near future

So once you go trough all of the ninja ranks you become a samurai.. am i right.. a little confusing =)

General Discussion / Re: Who is your favorite player?
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:44:34 pm »
The mighty chadz... floating from the sky on a flying magic carpet, with crossbow in hand and wooden staff on back, with farmer's outfit, the one who shoots arcane shots from his crossbow into the hearts of his enemies transforming them into magic mighty unicorns that serve him eternally.

   What do some holy men have to offer a lonesome wanderer with only his horse and lance as his friends... tell me, once a templar I feel bored and seek a reason for killing... does your clan play strat? .. does your clan use coordinated team attacks and formations?.. what do the templars have to offer to a warrior willing to rethink his way of life, perhaps a place at the executioner's square to end the lives of the lesser beings?..

General Discussion / Re: Songs you go into battle with.
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:27:16 pm »

General Discussion / Re: new player lols @ banner "balance"
« on: October 18, 2011, 01:11:30 pm »
HAHAHHAHAH TOOL you made me spit my coffee over my keyboards

I mean a cav unit on EU that does coordinated charges or formations =)

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