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Messages - Judgement

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Yeah I figured it out now, I bought heraldic armour (not transitional) and mail boots I believe. Together with that Templarish Kite Shield and a Side Sword that comes to quite a bit of repair cost.
My cheapo stuff consists of nomad boots and red gambeson xD

Ah Bonetooth yeah I remember seeing that character. And Templar_Killface was also online, lending me his Masterful Side Sword (thanks again :D).
Bought Side Sword of my own now, how come you get so much gold? I played a few hours and already upgraded lots and got another 9k to spend.

Thanks Casimir. I should still be in the steam group, I've had the odd pop-up from Knights Templar when I used Steam for other games.
I'll get working on TS asap.

Though since my gf dumped me I'm in Holland but half my stuff still remains in UK, including my headset -.-' Therefore I won't be able to speak for a few weeks.
I started playing my char today by the way and I'm up to level 15 or so I think. Bought a Side Sword and got some basic armour. Will be upgrading soon enough since gold seems easily obtainable lately.

Do we have property in Strategus? I just joined that again as well, and have no clue where to go since everything's changed so much since the first crusade lol, good times. Guess you'll tell me this on TS hehe ;)

General Discussion / Re: Character Deletion
« on: March 05, 2011, 01:23:19 am »
Nevermind I figured Reset Password resets all ur char's passes so I used it and problem solved.

General Discussion / Character Deletion
« on: March 05, 2011, 12:39:44 am »
Not sure if this is the right place to ask but here goes.
I  recently came back to cRPG, and started a new guy. Now I wanted to add him to Strategus but my old guy is still on there. When I try to log on the older character Templar_Mano_di_Dio I get the password is wrong message. However I'm certain this password used to be right. Whether I've been hacked or my memory is just messing up doesn't matter. I don't care about the old character anymore, I just want to use the new one in Strategus.

Is there any way for an admin or anyone to completely delete my old character. It's name is Templar_Mano_di_Dio. Deleting from Strategus via the link doesn't work for me either.
Dunno if it matters but my new guy is called Templar_Judgement.

Thank you in advance :)

EDIT: Sorry for the long post, I always like to add some RP to these kind of events :P

Hail former Brothers. Hey guys I'm back after some RL troubles, I'm single again lol. But yeah I haven't played cos the last few months have been hard for me. I've had lots of troubles and now I moved back to my motherland things are looking up again, so I decided to come back if you'll still have me. So yeah permission to rejoin the clan is what I'm requesting :P
I do have to say I'm a bit rusty compared to last time I played (I rofl pwned on the duel server), but I'm sure to pick up my skills again, as soon as I get a new comp chair, this one's awfully uncomfortable.
A little RP:

An unknown man is running up the mountain where the monastery of the Knights Templar is located. He stands in front of the gate when he calls for someone to let him in. A knight brother appears and opens the gate, after which the unknown man, clearly tired from his journey, hands the Knight a letter which is sealed. "This is to be read by one of the upper ranks of the Order," the man added.
The Knight hands it to one of the Knight Marshalls - assuming that rank would be high enough - who then opens it, and reads it out loud in front of a few of the Order.
It reads:

"Hail former Brothers,
It has been a long time since we have been in contact, but you might still remember me. It is I, Judgement. While I could not continue my services in the monastery due to my age, I still carried on to live a righteous and pious life in the outside world. These years have been full of hardships and peril, but I still find myself breathing and well enough to write this letter, though I feel my days are numbered.
I have taken on a young apprentice, he has helped me, worked for me, and in return I have offered him a home, and taught him few ways of combat. Though he grew too much and soon surpassed me and my younger cousin. Besides caring for an old man like me, he didn't have much to offer me, nor I him.
This is why I sent him on an arduous journey, a journey to the monastery of the Order of the Knights Templar. I hereby request you let him join the order in my name, if he wishes to do so. I hope you consider my request, for it may be the last one I will make.
Former Knight Brother, Judgement."

Oh that's alright then, really can't be bothered with messing about with mods hehe. I thought maybe my character had gone corrupted but I tried a new one and same story there. Then all the EU servers went down, tried an american and all my armour was random on the new guy (got a dress and a charger Lol), rest of people were naked.

So yeah I guess it's waiting till it sorts itself out, which it might have already done, haven't checked. Might just play some native online or whatever ;)

Edit: Still instantly crashes when a map loads. Annoying.

Thanks Tommy :)

Just having a hard time getting cRPG to work. Sometimes I get stuck in a download cycle, where it downloads the same map over and over again, or I get a crash as soon as a map loads, only map i've played so far properly is Sarranid Outpost, which is a sucky map btw.

Lol I just posted this in TW forums, then realised there are new forums now :P

*A small scroll lay sealed at the Monastery's doorway. A templar brother picks it up and opens it*
To the Order of the Knights Templar,

It is with joy that I announce my return to the monastery. I am commencing travel today and will return in due course. Though I have been through many hardships while away from the monastery, I now feel I am fit to fight once again, and would like to announce my application to the Order once more. You might remember me, you might not, but you will remember the many battles we have overcome, and the potential ones we might yet overcome.

Former Knight Brother Judgement

Basically, I've been away a long time due to stuff in real life, and general boredom of this game, but I'm back now (starting a new character though), and will be more  active in several days (temporarily moving country). I hope you'll have me back!

EDIT: Seeing my old one still exists but with reset stats, I will carry on playing him, Mano_di_Dio.

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