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Messages - Trikki

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Events & Tournaments / Re: BB's Ingame Challenges
« on: December 14, 2015, 08:47:47 pm »

Events & Tournaments / Re: BB's Ingame Challenges
« on: December 14, 2015, 06:29:29 pm »
cool, i shall do thanks :D

Events & Tournaments / Re: BB's Ingame Challenges
« on: December 14, 2015, 03:27:36 pm »
got me thinking whats next aha look forward to seeing it:D

Events & Tournaments / Re: BB's Ingame Challenges
« on: December 14, 2015, 12:12:55 am »

hows that +35 players, used helmet every round, last round got tked and yeah but done it!!:D

Events & Tournaments / Re: [1v1] A Duel of Ashes - MORE THAN 70LP IN TOTAL
« on: December 13, 2015, 07:35:52 pm »
Merc_Trikki or Alpha one of them. im EU and steam is SlySight

Events & Tournaments / Re: BB's Ingame Challenges
« on: December 13, 2015, 05:57:37 pm »
Sounds good fun:D

EU (Official) / Re: Ban request Faceless_Knight EU1
« on: July 09, 2015, 04:40:42 pm »

eu1, right now since he has came online, leeching, attempting valour lech, not helping team, delibrate thing attempting tk on spawn. for no reason again

and he has just tried delibrate tk on spawn just for a second time but havent got that screen in this set.

here it is:,uuzSNUK,iE8ZPMH,R3V1RmC,tpgBD13,09vFMrE,oyFCVX4

EU (Official) / Ban request Faceless_Knight EU1
« on: July 08, 2015, 10:12:38 pm »

1. Name of your character involved: AlphaLivid
2. Name of offending character(s): Faceless_Knight
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: EU1 between times of 89 (and some screens every day)
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: this guy delibrately tked me and another guy, delibrately taam hit my horse but i didn't screen this as this was before he team killed me but his excuse you can see in logs was 'i didn't know', and the other reason for the thread is everyone in game knows this guy is a valour leecher, he will spawn and go abckwards to hide behind it and come out at the end to fight to try and get valour, or he just leeches.
5. Why you think the offender did what he di!: i don't know clearly dont have the same gme idea or the trouble mind he has :P
6. Multiple Screenshots:,TQR5a5k,j9fFiOD,C5Lo0vO,HCN42Bq,7YeUUOH,Fpa0Q40,jTDtuB8,gMhYK2I,zh5Py4o,ljd3Wpx,wwtdFLT,zP5hWMJ,G3YS80u,l47grL6
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** erm whole server but Prod i think it was had screns and think he said he would back it up, read logs though many [players :D
but blackbow was in my ts and game at the time so can also say him.

link to screenshots again if you need it or if it is easier to access it :D,TQR5a5k,j9fFiOD,C5Lo0vO,HCN42Bq,7YeUUOH,Fpa0Q40,jTDtuB8,gMhYK2I,zh5Py4o,ljd3Wpx,wwtdFLT,zP5hWMJ,G3YS80u,l47grL6


(hope this is right as it is my first and hopefully last one :) )

EU (Official) / Re: Warn.
« on: June 24, 2015, 12:03:34 am »
yeah this guy was constantly running infront of my shots, kicking and nudging me when i was trying to play, so a warn would be nice :)

Faction Halls / Re: [Merc] Mercenaries
« on: June 22, 2015, 07:26:55 pm »
Hi, are you mercs recruiting?

Im looking to join and help comtribute to an active clan, ive played alongside some members in game.

My chars currently range from shielder, 2 hander and archer.

Please pm me.


Faction Halls / Re: Clan-Searching-Thread
« on: June 22, 2015, 10:56:55 am »
hello all,

i am english, starting to play more often but getting bored of playing solo, so i am trying to look for an active lan to play alongside and help out.

my main atm is a 1h shielder 21/21, and i have an archer and a two hander alt.

would appreciate any messages from clans looking to recruit.



Faction Halls / Re: Vanguard
« on: June 21, 2015, 07:10:15 pm »

i am seeking a clan, and i have seen and played alingside some of your members in gam and it was quite fun to play with.

if you are recruiting or anything, please send me a pm to talk with me and i can see what needs to be done.


Only looking for German Poleaxe/Mighty Poleaxe/Scottish Poleaxe/Eurpoean Cav Sword and thats it nothing more nothing less.


Message me, I have German poleaxe and a poleaxe I can trade if your interested?


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