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Messages - Osakasa

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General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: May 05, 2015, 04:57:00 pm »
You say that Russia has interests, and I say yes they have. Then I say but USA have too and you say NO NO they don't, because of that I say that you see only one side of medal

No, those guys are not saying USA hasn't got any interests, all states have their own interests.

Then I say but USA have too and you say NO NO they don't...

I think there was a misunderstading from the beginning or maybe you misunderstood something. As I already mentioned all states have interests but what people in this thread are trying to tell you, is that you are constantly blaming USA for everything. If Nebun couldn't eat a sandwich this morning in Moldova, it's USA fault. When people in Russian are poor, it's USA fault. When people in west are not approving Russian global policy, it's USA fault. In shortly, you have to stop blaming West and USA. China is a great example.

When England gave Hong Kong back to under Chinese control, people in China and their political leaders noticed how well Hong Kong area was developed. Laws favored Humand rights, economy in Hong Kong area was much liberal and overally living standard was higher than in China. China was a communist country (like Russia) and they were faaaaar behind Hong Kong area. So what China did? They didn't blame West, they didn't blame USA nor England. They looked around, adapted liberal economy, they opened borders for foreing companies and global trading.

Nowadays China is at totally new level where they were just like 20 years ago. Imagine how fast China developed under such a small time. There are huge amount of rich people in China, and sure there are poor ones too but overally they are doing much better. How can you tell that? For example Human Development Index (HDI) is a good indicator for that. Russia is yet ahead of China but the speed China is flying upward is amazing [1][2]. Currently, there are plenty of chinese own product even in european market. However, I can't really say any Russian TV, phone, bed, tablets, furniture, computer brands.

My main point for you Nicko is, stop blaming others (USA). You have to take resposible for your own actions. China was poor country some 20 years ago and they didn't blame anyone for their misery. Russia was communist country ~80 years and lost a lot of potiential in develop. If Russia takes new foreing policy as nationalist and military country, there are not much hope in that path and I'm afraid you will only lose more time in develop. Soon, it will be late for Russian because world keeps moving forward and no one will wait Russia. Soon, no one will need Russia. Russia will be alone with those poor satelite countries which are doing some trading for oil and gas as long as such energy forms are needed. After that, there is nothing.

Take care and I hope you got some new ideas

- Osakasa


Simply change: add gold reward during strategus battles too. Currently you get only experience but 0 gold (no one cares about strategus silver). In a big strategus battle players get ~1M exp, so this could be like 50 000 gold (1000 xp = 50 gold). This might help to get more players in roster also.

Silly Xant... Every Finn knows that when Finland is mentioned we go out to celebrate and if we win, torilla tavataan.

I hope we have a chance to torilla tavataan this year. All these torilla tavataan moments really unite finnish people, even RaRus (rantaruottalaiset) are considered as finns. Last time i torilla tavataan'ed was 2011, a happy moment. After that, nothing but mental and economic depression.

General Discussion / Thoughts about "mod is dying and keeping it alive"
« on: January 06, 2015, 11:25:36 am »
I try to give different perspective of views about “why mod is dying and what keeps it alive”.

People are saying mod is old and players change to new games. Yes this is true, those guys are right, mod is old. Then what is the “issue” between new and old games, I try to explain a bit.

When you are playing a new game, it offers something new to learn. New features are discovered which keep players interested and new goals in game are tried to achieve. Only the time shows how long game “survives” and players keep playing it. Whereas old games are for more casual playing. Players already know basic features in game therefore can enjoy just playing it and don't have to put energy on learning new things.

cRPG is a good game/mod, people still playing it after several years. For me, cRPG is the best melee combat “simulator” and I will keep playing it until better one shows up in game market. However, strategus has been dead for +6 months, so players have to choose between EU1 and EU2. Nothing wrong with those game modes but when available choices are either battle or siege, mod unfortunately repeat itself pretty fast. Veteran players have already learned basic combat mechanism and new features are rarely implemented, the interest of playing is lacking. Learning new things and features misses totally. As in new games, goals totally miss and there are nothing to achieve (I like many others have tons of +3 items, more gold than Uncle Scrooge and produce looms points faster than can spend).

When roll and nudges were implemented, there were new things to learn. Yes, things weren't perfect and for example some 1H nudges gave free hit but still, something fresh in mod which players had to adapt.

For me if I had to choose between:
1. well balanced combat simulator without new features
2. somewhat broken balanced combat simulator with new features
I would always choose 2. Some new features, such as stamina, new swing animation etc. surely keeps mod more alive and players interested.

Here are few words for the almighty Donkey Team:
If you are still developing Melee Battleground and want to test some features how they work in action. Put them in test in cRPG. Yes, things and balance will be broken but players have new things to learn and keep interest up (I don't know if this is technically possible to do so). After all, the balance is not everything, it doesn't really matter whether +3 German Great Sword stab damage is 29P or 31P or it doesn't matter whether 1 athletics point gives +3% or 6% more running speed. Those things are trivial and really don't change the game play. It is a human nature to be interested new things and being an explorer.

Thanks for reading if you manage this far.
- Osakasa

Suggestions Corner / Re: 2h stab just looks and feels wrong
« on: November 23, 2014, 10:55:27 pm »
I think why people really hate the 2h stab is because 2h is a popular class.

I'm sorry but your thinking is wrong: People don't hate the 2h stab because it is a popular class but they hate it because there is no counter for 2h stab.

cRPG combat mechanic is pretty dynamic. When you fight against two hander and he tries to attack you with swing, you can always try to encircle him. Overheads can be dodged too but when a two hander is holding his stab ready, what next? Take a pause and imagine situation where a two hander is holding his stab in front of you...

Next thing you can do is either try to attack him with stab too or have to wait holding down block ready until he makes another move. Really, when enemy is keeping his stab ready, this basically freezes the whole combat and there is absolutely nothing you can do against it. Stab or wait down block ready until the end of time. If you try to dodge 2h stab, two hander simply uses all his skill and rotates the stab 45 degree angle, then you will receive full 29p (+3 GGS) damage (plus speed bonus while you are running toward him).

Slightly off topic but imo affects greatly 2h stabbing: S key movement speed. After the latest patch, there are great number of 8+ ath players. That's fine, I'm not against agibuilds generally but when we know the concept of uncounterable 2h lolstab, it's a problem with high s key movement speed.

The s key movement speed is ridiculous high with 8-10 ath wearing light – medium armor that “normal” 6-7 ath builds simply can't reach him, not if the s keyer simply spamming brainlessly and using stab which you have to block. While you are holding your block, your own movement speed drops (yes, when s keyer keeps his stab ready, his movement speed drops too. I don't know the exact numbers) which makes catching him even harder. If you are finally in the reach of ready to hit him back after blocking his stab, he decides to kick you and gets another free hit. I'd say much bullshit (and yes, I do this too, not proud of it  :oops:).

I don't want to only whine about game mechanics without giving my own thoughts. So my own suggestions are:
1. Change to Senni's new animation ( I really would like to see this happen)

2. Easy and simply to implement: make stab block recovery time longer. When your pike stab is being blocked, there is not enough time to block next incoming hit. Maybe a little bit over-exaggerate but I want this to be the case also with 2h stab. No more running around while holding stab attack without risk. <Troll> Want to be good in 2h duel? Try this: left swing and immediately stab while s keying, repeat until your opponent is dead </Troll>

3. After the latest patch, reconsideration about str requirements for Great Swords could be in place. Maybe GS ~22, DGS & GGS ~24(?). Currently str requirements are too low and all longer weapons are can be used with 9-10 ath. (LVL35, 18-30, PS6, ATH10, WM4 [143 wpf])

tl;dr version
2h lolstab is bullshit because there is no counter

Game Balance Discussion / Re: buff wakizashi
« on: September 03, 2014, 04:55:21 pm »
Keep wakisaskaszakiskasa as it is, just nerf Italian Falchion and "problem" solved.

General Discussion / I really like this new Conquest
« on: August 29, 2014, 02:29:34 pm »
Big thanks to devs about Conquest. This new multi system works  :D
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First picture before midnight, second picture after midnight.

General Discussion / Re: heavy cav got herfed...
« on: July 16, 2014, 05:19:57 pm »

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Anti-Druzhina alliance
« on: June 17, 2014, 02:02:54 pm »
you don't know about the past so let me tell you. Disloyalty, disrespection, retardness of the anti-uif ( NOT YOU, FUCKIN PAST ) is the main reason where we are now.
As i said before, I don't despise you as go and drz does. I respect you and your deeds. It's a shame that you have to be punished for the other guys wrongs.

I promised myself not to post this thread, failed :D
During strategus 4, we felt bad constant trash talk about Kapikulus and you did great in our war, so we got a direct order from high above to behave nice and defend Kapikulus while trash talk.

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Censored some names, not really matter who they are but the point is we are still sticking to this order. Yep, it was a disappointing to see Kapikulus joined with Grey and DRZ however i understand your reasons. Let's hope chat will be more clean in future.

General Discussion / Re: Stop Strat?
« on: June 12, 2014, 06:43:16 pm »
@SkittlesofRivendale, i think you misunderstood something or you are not familiar with democracy. In order to restart strategus the result of poll needs majority of yes-votes. Let me give two simply examples.

1: There are Greys, DRZ, Kapikulus, Byz, Quincys, Fallens and Coorporation on strategus map, playing actively and they all have plans what to do next. If a poll appears, i'm sure all those active clans would vote "no" and majority of votes are "no". No restart.

2: There are Greys, DRZ, Kapikulus on strategus map, rest of the clans playing only EU1, EU2 and are waiting for day X when strategus will be restarted. If a poll appears, most of players will vote "yes" and if majority of votes are "yes" then strategus will be restarted.

"So basically, anyone who dislikes losing will poll to restart it?" No, not even three players could restart strategus because they are disliking losing. And ofc polls are held by devs. See the diffenrence now?
@Knitler, Not sure if trolling but i still answer. Not voting because one side is getting too strong but because strategus has become so unbalanced that other factions cannot do anything, like now.

@Dark Blade, Yep, my writings are my opinions, this is a forum where people post their opinions, like me and you.

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hmmm... Not really. I don't care xp in strategus battles, i really dont. Still, strategus battles should reward with good xp because most of cRPG players play for xp and if strategus battles offer good xp, it keeps strategus alive. It's not about winning or losing in strategus, there is nothing to "win" anyway. I don't get sad if my faction isn't winning, ofc it's nice to win some battles. All i really want are good equal battles in strategus where factions are fighting ~equal gear so both parties have a chance to win. If i were playing strategus only for winning and wanted overrun enemies without effort, i would rename my characters, be nice to UIF and try to join them. I'm sure that isn't so hard to accomplish. Not want to sound arrogant but i am better player than most of UIF players. If you think about it, you are recruiting very actively players so your average skill level isn't that high. Nords, Mercs and Byz are recruiting rarely and carefully new players, so with confident i can say, their skill levels are far best among other clans.

Back to winning/losing/equal battles, for example this battle:!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1450
i knew Nords are inactive in strategus but i wanted to help them to get a castle. For my dissapoint rosters were filled 1:UIF players, 2: others. And what dissapointed me most was the whole battle. Defenders fought hard, actually much better than we did but because we had clearly better weapons (armours were ~equal), the castle was easily taken.

Other example: when Kalmars joined last strategus and we had a war against Conquistadores, both rosters were full and filled with Greys, DRZ, Kapikulus, Fallens, Byz, Mercs. Not this typical 1: UIF players, 2: others. We lost some battle and won some battles, i really wouldn't have cared a less what had been the result of that war, lose or win, not care. i enjoyded that whole war and those battles because they were tough, equal and really hard to win.

"dont talk shit to your enemy because as you can understand - its only a rage, nothing more." I'm sure for now you understand my point of balanced strategus. I really don't have problem with Grey or DRZ as clans. You have played together long long time and that's fine, however i (can confess) casually trash talk to spineless dickless cunt players, players like Knitler or Varadin or Kapikulus. They are very well aware of how good Greys/DRZ are doing in strategus and they still wanted to winner-join them whereas other factions need all possible help even to get rosters full. It's a huge plus if players average level is +30. If there is time when some other faction is dominating +70% of strategus map, i will fight against them. If there is time when Greys and DRZ are clearly beaten by stronger enemy, i will roster support you. As i said, i have nothing against Greys and DRZ as clans.

"if something like this going to be happened irl would you make a poll for the changing the world because its unfair FOR YOU?" i believe i already answered this. Polls are not for making one person life/feelings/interests better. Polling for either "yes" or "no" needs majority of votes, not same as one person feels he want to change something for his favor. That's more like dictator.

Whou, what a wall of text and most people "tl;dr" :)

General Discussion / Re: Stop Strat?
« on: June 11, 2014, 09:47:11 pm »

strat 5 has been a disaster since the start.

Yep, there should be some sort of poll every one month or so whether EU/NA needs to restart. Currently no one is playing EU strat and there is nothing to do except waiting day X when strategus will be over. With polls players will have even some chance to affect strategus balance. If one faction/alliance is getting too strong, players could poll for restart strategus. Strategus is a nice little extra for cRPG, without it there are just battle server and arcade ultimate spamming simulator siege for leveling up low level characters. If those are only options, no wonder people are quiting and playing another games.

Let's hope this new Tournament game mode spices up mod, at least there it won't help if you make an alliance with three biggest factions so you can run over enemies with overwhelming armours and weapons.

Diplomacy / Re: Seljuks vs Kapikulu, Operation "SG" initiated.
« on: June 09, 2014, 02:46:08 pm »
Good luck and have a nice fights (both sides). I hope you'll get full rosters because nothing sucks more than 2000 army with good gear is lost in battle due (half)empty roster.

Announcements / Re:
« on: May 29, 2014, 10:21:36 am »
Good patch +1, shame you forgot to buff ACS  :mrgreen:

If you are going to do something lame to inflate KDR, why not just photoshop it or lie?

Anyone else has this weird bug? My KDR calculator started to fail at some point when kill number grew too great, even huuuge. Now it just keep saying infinite and i have to do the calculation manually :(
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Suggestions Corner / Strategus balance suggestions
« on: May 06, 2014, 10:24:16 am »
As we all know, there is no disadvantage to be a big clan. More players -> bigger bannerstack -> more strategus money and tickets -> better gear etc.

1. Make bigger clans' army upkeep cost higher. If there are two clans, clan A has 300 members and clan B has 30, the upkeep cost for 200 tickets army is higher for clan A.
Why: This feature would give a small balance between big ones and small ones in economy. There are tons of silver in strategus and most of them are in the hands of big ones'. When upkeep cost is same for all clans, bigger ones benefit mostly.
Effect: Small clans could compete better in strategus if they are active. Also this would help new (small) clans in strategus when their upkeep cost is lower. This also encourages new clans join in strategus.

2. Make bigger clans' S&D grow slower in fiefs and castles.
Why: Bigger clans have +20 fiefs/castles, this forms so huge area in strategus map that they can trade goods inside their homeborders with good bonuses, without any risk random army will attack.
Effect: Bigger clans would have to look more incomes in order to keep their massive armies equipped. When big clans can't do trading inside their homeborders as efficiently as now, they will expose themselves for possible attacks. When big ones need more money in maintenance, successful robbery would be a huge reward for small clans. This would balance economy too.

3. Not sure if i like this one either but still... No more strategus silver and tickets from siege server
Why: Siege server is pretty arcade. Many players join in there and start to level up character. If you die, you'll wait 5/20 secs and then respawn whereas in battle server respawn time can be +3mins. This makes playing in siege server more casually. However, when UIF members are active strategus players, most of them are +33 lvl and bannerstacked in same side. This form two teams, team 1: high level ones vs team 2: random players plus those who are leveling up characters. No wonder siege server is so unbalanced.
Effect: If UIF members want to grind tickets and silver, they would have to join battle server. Then, i'm sure, number of players will drop in siege server. Probably temporary but siege server gameplay would be more balanced. Also, a bit easier place to play for low levels.

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Spliting up a big clan to clan1, clan2, clan3... of course would make these changes worthless but then in strategus map logistic is hindered a bit. All transfers must be allowed first before if players were in different clans. Clan1 members couldn't see where Clan2 and Clan3 members are in strategus map. Then bannerstack would be smaller in siege and battle servers.

I'm sure i missed some points there and i know with these changes strategus wouldn't be perfect but i believe a bit better. By better i mean balanced. Balanced mod is more enjoyable, more enjoyable makes mod more active one, which gives more lifetime to mod.

Share your opinions and thoughts please.


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