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Messages - Auphilia

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I think archery should be deadly. It should be a threat. If you see archers, you should feel the urgency to be forced to deal with them ASAP as a cavalry player, xbow player, archer, or shielder.
You should know that if you leave them there, they will do major damage to your team and you may end up losing. The problem is too many players don't give two shits about teamwork and are only interested in their own personal K/D. If a cavalry player sees a bunch of archers, he would rather avoid them and lance people in the ass and get more kills than to do his role as a counter to archery.

Archery has never been over powered because of its stats, it has only ever become powerful because too many players are cowards and unwilling to risk their own deaths to fulfill their class role.
The shielders won't pursue archers because they don't want to be kited around.
The cav won't pursue archers because they don't want to become dismounted.
All other infantry won't pursue them immediately because of obvious reasons.

However, if cavalry did start pursuing them, shielders would not be kited, cavalry would not be focused, and the archer threat would be eliminated unless they were also supported by their team (unlikely).

Archery is the class in the game that is most obviously balanced entirely on masterwork bows and arrows. Anyone who does not use masterwork is at such a disadvantage as an archer, that I personally don't even consider them a threat. It is ridiculous to only be effective with masterwork items. No other class in the game is ineffective without masterwork items. Anyone who specs into archery probably waits until they get all the masterwork gear before even testing the build, and even then, you might have to headshot people multiple times, end up being slower than most 2hers & polearms, and if you ever do well even once, everyone will lobby another nerf.

If we look at game balance from a meta perspective, we will see that whatever class is the easiest to play and maintain a high k/d is going to be the most played class all around the board. Two-handers and polearms have been the most played classes in all of warband history, and will likely always be. Naturally whatever counters these classes will cause those who play the class to cry nerf because they want to maintain their superior position as a class. If archers were ever stronger in whole (not talking about that one archer pro who is just ridiculously good at the game) then more players would play the class, however, we do not see that, and we have never seen that in crpg. If it happened, archers would want their counters to be nerfed, due to this vox populi effect we have. Although it may not be vox populi at all, it may just be that the balancers all play two-handed and polearm classes and have always played these classes *cough*.

I don't imagine this game will ever be properly balanced because too many players favor 2-handed and polearm classes. There is nothing inherently wrong with this, but it just shows how the majorities "fun" will always overshadow any sort of "balancing" and attempts to make the game fun for all.

I think every class should be deadly and powerful. Obviously a 2-hander and polearm has superiority in melee combat, and it should end right there.
Ranged players should have the advantage on infantry without shields, otherwise what the fuck do we need shields for?

To be fair, it is easier to hit someone in melee than to hit someone with ranged at a long distance (unless they are idiotically running in a strait line).
If all melee players who catch up to archers can basically 1-2 hit kill them, then why should archery not be as deadly?
Archery should be 2-4 hit kills, not 10, not 20, not 30 if you are a HA and have two quivers.

I don't even play the archer class, and I probably never will do a full gen as an archer. I'm a light cav player, a counter to archery. More archers would also be a counter to me, and even I can admit they should be buffed.

The way it is now:

Cav kills the 2-3 archer players that are still left in existence on NA. And now cav has to deal with the insanely heavily armed pike ridden one shot kills your horse infantry mobs, that archers would have otherwise at least watered down by now...but they haven't...because they are nerfed to shit.
Then the infantry mobs just blob across the map like an Ebola virus eating up everything in its path. There is no room for countering any classes. There is no room for tactics. You do not need to try to coordinate your team, you just need to make sure your mob blob stays bigger than the enemy mob blob, and you win.

If archers were stronger, cav would have to carefully consider pursuing them.
Shielders would be needed up front.
Blobs would be discouraged because archers could just shoot into them always getting a hit.
Every class would have to play their role, and tactics would be encouraged.

Diplomacy / Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« on: October 17, 2014, 08:41:48 pm »
That is just the thing though, instead of trying to rely on the developers to create some wonky mechanics fix to roster problems, or mega-clan problems, why can't we just have some decency and integrity and play fairly with each other? The developers wouldn't have to create these mechanics if we just had integrity. No one wants to play monopoly with some asshole who starts off with twice as much money as you. No one wants to play poker with some group of friends who are looking at each others cards and snickering about how easy it is to manipulate the game and win every single time. The purpose of this thread is to avoid looking towards the developers to solve every problem, and to take some responsibility ourselves. The problem isn't mechanics, the problem is a community of cowardly, cheating, dishonorable, poor-sportsmen, min-maxing, trolling, griefing, exploiting, cockroaches that crawl in and out of every crack and flaw they can find in the system. In real life, no one plays with assholes who play this way. People just figure out they aren't worth bothering with. Online we have to deal with it, or create a collaboration of solutions. Rosters can be solved without mechanics. Mega-factions can be solved without any codding. It's as simple as everyone agreeing to play fair.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Desire/ Nightingale
« on: October 17, 2014, 07:59:25 pm »
It was 50-60 players around 12am. Three hours later it was 20-30 people because it was three o'clock in the morning...
Pretty sure that is why people were getting offline. It is called sleep, and has nothing to do with game mechanics or admin abuse.

Krean Cavalry Charge:
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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Cavalry build advice
« on: October 17, 2014, 07:09:11 pm »
Well if you are a lancer fighting another lancer with a heavy lance, you probably are going to lose if they are any good. The extra length dictates that they win UNLESS they make a mistake. This does not take into consideration if you make a mistake or not. They have full control of victory and you are subject to their skill.

As far as horses, I always go for what looks the best. I like aesthetics. The Charger is a really nice looking horse, so why not. :P

At the moment I use an Eastern Horse, because I like the speed/maneuver. This makes me deadly vs anything, just very squishy. If I get caught by a pike or something, I'm dead. High risk, high reward.
Courser is pretty much the same.

Diplomacy / Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« on: October 17, 2014, 06:48:32 pm »
I would agree on that, but at the same time a lot of these clans are a fraction of the size they use to be. LCO for example, activity wise, are they really that large?
Hospitallers at one point was larger than all of LCO currently, and so was Occitan. If they agreed to split up, they would be very small, I'd imagine.

Also, I don't mind having a few very large clans. Their size might make them Kings, and force them to never be allies. The kings would have a lot of responsibility and have to maintain order in their own realms. If Dukes turn on them because they are being tyrants, and the other King takes the opportunity to attack, they wouldn't be in such a great situation. Also if we evenly distribute fiefs to clans, a large clan would only have a few more fiefs than a small/moderate clan. It would only give them more troop farmers, not really more gold and equipment.

Diplomacy / Re: To the Nobles of Strategus
« on: October 17, 2014, 06:23:24 pm »
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How is this that much different from strat 5? Other than actual roleplay.

I'd answer this question if I didn't just spend an hour or so answering it in further detail above.  :rolleyes:

Diplomacy / To the Nobles of Strategus
« on: October 17, 2014, 06:06:12 pm »
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For five generations we have brought total war to these lands, and soon another.
However, this may be our last. The end of our reign is not far from sight.
Once more we gather warriors from all sides of the world to make our claim.
But let us not forget our history. Let us not repeat our mistakes.
If this truly is the end, the grande finale, then let us die in celebration of all the glory we have seized.
Let us make this last moment our best moment in history.
That we may die, but the legend of Strategus will live on!
That our glory be the envy of our gods!
And if they deem us worthy, that they grant us the power to rise out of our graves and meet battle again!
We decide our end! We decide our fate! And now is the time to decide!

It is time that we stop blaming the faults of this game on the game itself, and realize that the community plays a heavy role in its quality. The future of Strategus is as much our responsibility as it is the developers'. The developers are doing their part, it is time that we, the community, do ours. We can make this very fun and worthwhile. We just have to respect each other, work together, have integrity, and use our creativity.

The Proposition: All clan leaders agree to meet together in Teamspeak and discuss and suggest methods and rules to make Strategus more fun for everyone. Every leader will be given a time to speak and put forth their suggestions and at the end we will all vote on each one. A full list of passed rules will be provided to everyone who participates. Anyone who plans on participating in the next Strategus is welcome to come and listen. The rules that pass will be enforced through Roleplay. Those who break these rules will be considered rebel factions, primitives, bandits, whatever you'd fancy, and will be dealt with by the civilized factions who follow the universal laws. The objective here is not to limit anyone from their own personal fun, but to add flavor and encourage those of us who affect Strategus on a global level to help create an experience we can all enjoy.

Here are five examples of propositions that could be voted on:
*Influenced by Crusader Kings II gameplay

The Casus Belli Proposal
(click to show/hide)
The De Jure & Titles Proposal
(click to show/hide)
The Mercenary Integrity Proposal
(click to show/hide)
The Balance of Power Proposal
(click to show/hide)
The Immersion Proposal
(click to show/hide)

This meeting would probably take place sometime in early December, before Strategus 6 launches. We can publicly post all the proposals here, so everyone is up to date on what material will be discussed and has time to prepare arguments. Teamspeak will be used just to finalize everything and issue the votes. Again, these are all just proposals that could potentially make the next strategus more fun, please be constructive when posting any and keep in mind each proposal is in assumption that the majority of clans will follow it.

If you are a clan leader and you are interested in participating say so in here so we can have an idea of how much collaboration there will be. We will all agree on a time and date that is convenient for as many of us as possible.

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* This does not have to be exclusive to NA. EU and other regions may participate. However, English will be the language spoken.
* The reason clan leaders are voting and not just anyone is because they will be responsible for enforcing the decided proposals on their individual clans.
* Although only clan leaders are allowed to vote, everyone is allowed to give input.
* A clan leader must have 5 active members to be considered eligible to vote. We know mostly everyone by now so don't bother trying to make shit up.

Let's be friendly.

Leaders Attending:
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Current Proposals:
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Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Cavalry build advice
« on: October 17, 2014, 01:49:12 pm »
I never really understand these. You aren't asking about mechanics. What is good or bad is very situational and subjective.
The best advice you will probably receive is to find a play style you enjoy, and MAKE it viable and fun.
I've always liked 1h cavalry, and always come back to it.

Personally, I prefer agility to strength and never go over 15 strength.
If you don't plan on having any athletics however, it would make sense for you to invest in just enough riding to get your horse and the rest into strength. A champion horse is more than enough to get around most enemy cavalry.

1h Cavalry is great to pick of unorganized, unaware, hardly armored/armed peasants and afks. Anyone aware of you that has any experience can easily out range, out maneuver, and deal more damage to you in each engagement. 1h cav is probably best played as infantry support. You are able to pick off those who retreat your infantry, and get behind those who remain to fight. The enemy archers will target you instead of your infantry, which is usually a good thing. Overall, 1h cav is a team class, not a solo k/d class. If you plan on working with your team, or if you have an organized clan, this class will always be viable.

As for choice of lance, it again depends on your role. Great Lances are very powerful, but very vulnerable. It is best to great lance in formation with other cavalry teamates.
Most of the highly skilled cavalry players default to using the Heavy Lance. The cavalry metagame is not about how much damage you can do, it is about how much damage you can do without taking any damage at all from anything (with the exception of range). Therefore, length is more important than raw damage. The Great Lance is the longest on paper, but swinging a lance adds length to it, making the Heavy Lance the highest length potential of all lances. IE: If a Great Lancer is jousting towards you and you have a Heavy Lance, if you time it correctly, you will always hit them first. Few players are familiar with the lengths and timing, and it takes getting used to.

With all cavalry builds, the metagame revolves around length knowledge and map awareness. Not just your weapons, but enemy weapons also.
Of course, some people can't be bothered to get good at cavalry and exclusively only charge people who are unaware. This won't help them against enemy cavalry though.
If you plan on only going for unaware targets, then it is probably best to get the high damage "Lance" or Great Lance. I'd recommend the "Lance" for novices. Couching has its own learning curve and being forced to dedicate to a forward charge to deal damage costs most novices their lives.

1h cav if you wish to be a team player and not get too aggressive.
Heavy Lance if you wish to be a strong all-purpose cavalry player.
Lance if you wish to be ninja cav and only sneak up on people.
Great Lance if you want to familiarize yourself with the various weapon lengths and typical footwork of evading infantry.

Of course, you could always be 1h cav and carry any of those lances.

My preferred build is: 15/21
But you could go 18/21 if you didn't care about athletics.

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General Discussion / Re: <3 Love at first sight
« on: October 15, 2014, 07:48:08 pm »
More proof that King James and I are in furious love.

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More like proof that you and the other Yoshi children are in furious love with me. Of course, it could just be autism.

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General Discussion / Re: Shield usage on duel server
« on: October 13, 2014, 06:58:57 pm »
I'm almost always a cavalry player so when I go into duel with 7-8 riding and champion horses that I can't use (as no one will duel cavalry), and end up going on foot and also putting away my shield for some people, effectively making my build level 20 in comparison to their level 30s. I'm not complaining.

Anyways Phew, play your build and do what you want, just don't complain in here when you are guilty of the same shit as everyone else. You wouldn't duel me when I was on a horse. You refused to fight me without shields. Then when I beat you with shields, you came back with an axe lol.  :rolleyes:

We have been messaging them on steam. Their captain is inactive and hasn't replied when he has been online (as far as I know), and their lieutenant moved to Australia apparently. We will try other methods to contact whoever else is on the roster, but this shouldn't be a chicken hunt lol. Any single one of them can contact any single one of us, and we would reply.

We are still waiting for word with Pepe.

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7-3 The GURP. beat Kingdom of Krea


Faction Halls / Re: The Jōshō Shogunate [Rebirth] WIP
« on: August 13, 2014, 01:16:54 am »
Anyone from RL is welcome. It would probably be called Red Lotus if not for the sexy golden crane banner.

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