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Messages - Darkwulf

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General Discussion / Looking for an old mod (banners)
« on: December 27, 2011, 06:00:03 pm »
There was a mod that turned the backs of all the banners black.  Does anyone have the link to that mod? 

SO basically when you wore heraldric armor the back would show black insted of blue, white, etc.

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: October 14, 2011, 01:53:35 am »
It is really only needed when someone complains about a rule violation using I to talk to admins only.  The admin should then stop playing and watch the offender and the complaintant (for false complaints of course).  In my opinion this goes along with being an admin.  If they don't want to do this because they are too busy enjoying the game, then maybe they are not wanting to be an admin for the right reasons.  Just my opinion remember.

Recently I have been using I chat about team wounding.  One day I used it 3 times on the same guy and nothing was ever done, even tho i saw 3 admins using pink text talking about stuff that really is not important or stuff that should be in pink text.

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: October 13, 2011, 06:29:04 pm »
I would like to apply for NA Admin. (again)

I was an admin on the old NA 100 server and I got few complaints during my time at it.  I am back playing now and I am very fair.  I simply follow the rules verbatim.  I don't care if it's a clan member or a friend, I enforce the rules as they are written.  I also spend a lot of my spare time creating maps to contribute to the community.

One thing I do a lot as an admin is fly around in spec mode to investigated claims of rule violations.  I sacrafice my own play time to do this so others can enjoy the game without being trolled.  I wish more admins would do this when they get complaints.


So is that all I have to do to get our banner in?  Will it be in on the 16th or do I need to do something else?

Alright I have a finished version of my banner.

Can you help me find a flag to replace in the banner pack.

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I think the banner goes with the name.  We were lords of order who turned towards the way of chaos.

Hence the chaos star.

Also I did that in paint.  I will play around with it some more.  Don't know how to add texture to it but I will try.

Hi guys.  I am starting up my Darkfall guild in CrPG. 

The Fallen Lords

We have 5 active members playing and more on the way.

I made a quick banner for our clan and saw that there is no blatant lettering aloud.  I seem to recall letters on other peoples clan banners.  So here is what I have so far.  If the letters are not ok then I will erase them and resubmit it.

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Uploaded with

cRPG Technical problems / Re: RGL Error-- What do :(
« on: October 06, 2011, 02:51:50 am »
you just patch from and it should fix it.

General Discussion / Re: Couple Questions.
« on: October 05, 2011, 12:38:45 am »
Ok thanks for the replies.  I was only gone like 6 months or so.  Just wanted to know what they were talking about agility.  Guess it was nothing.

General Discussion / Couple Questions.
« on: October 04, 2011, 10:43:00 pm »
It has been awhile since I played CRPG. 

I saw someone in game saying agility builds have been nerfed and archers are OP now. 

Can someone explain?  I am currently stuck in a 18 18 1h build (worst idea I have ever tried).  I was going to try my favorite build 15 24.  Just looking for info on the agil nerf.  I might change my build, im about to retire.

Closed Requests / Re: [BAN] Hospitaller_Louis_MVI
« on: May 31, 2011, 04:42:40 am »
If you guys have a problem with a player when no admins are on.  Come into the Hospitaller TS and tell someone you are having a problem with "said" player.  An admin if on will come in and watch to see what is going on so he can take action.

Louie came in and said he had a problem being tked 4 rounds in a row because people accused him of delaying the rounds.  If that is the case then someone should have come in and brought it to my attention.  When I came onto to the server I saw someone kill Louie again at the start of a round.  When you take such actions if an admin is watching you run the risk of punishment regardless of the reason.

Your ban is only for 1 hour.  I agree with you there needs to be better moderation of the server.  There were zero admins on when I got there and it was a full server.  Admins are only going to punish for things they witness happen.  So do not take action into your own hands.  Come get someone for help.

Buy / Re: Masterwork Crossbow offer 750k Gold
« on: May 26, 2011, 05:51:39 pm »
Deal.  I just put a masterwork crossbow for sale on the marketplace for 750k

Closed Requests / Re: [Unban] PieParadox
« on: May 26, 2011, 06:10:54 am »
Kicking your team mates off ledges to kill them at the beginning of a round is extremely frustrating.  The dead player now has to sit the round on for 5 or 6 minutes doing nothing.  I watched you kill one team mate and make more failed attempts at killing others.  Intentional team killing is something you should know not to do and not everyone gets caught red handed, so you are taking risks when you attempt it.

Now of course with that said, this was the first time I had played on that map and realized shortly after how messed up it is and saw the mass amount of troll killing in the log.  Another admin changed the map soon after.

So no excuse for team killing, but I will recommend the ban be lifted early and honestly I should have just given you a 1 hour ban.  I am trying to locate Devilize now.

Closed Requests / Re: unban request for CRPG_NA
« on: May 24, 2011, 01:50:47 am »
You were banned from the NA-100 server (Devilize).

You killed three of your own team mates, which is never acceptable.  You can put whatever reason you want on it. 

Anyways, you posted fast and I responded fast.  All I look for is a somehwat accurate accountability for your actions.  Just remember in the future, being kicked off a ledge and killed by your team mate can be extremly frustrating.  If they are delaying the round or blocking passages then it will also be dealt with.

I will recommend your ban be lifted to Devilize.

Announcements / Re: Hack abooze
« on: May 24, 2011, 12:58:48 am »
Yes, because we only banned their user-name, they can just change their name and come back.

I would just buy another serial key.  I can't believe this idea slipped past you.  Figured you thought of everything.

This is what most people are going to do.  Back in game, new name, nobody will ever know they offended. 

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