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Messages - Daunt_Flockula

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General Off Topic / Re: France under attack....
« on: July 15, 2016, 08:58:27 pm »
Please do go on, I can take it!  :mrgreen:

I'd really rather not do that again. Problem is you never get to understand how much of a "real" dictator he is and how furious I rightfully get whenever he is mentioned (hence my reaction over at the Kratos admin thread, for example). You actually taught me something though. I now know that the last thing I need in my life is somebody on the internet saying I make them cringe sometimes.

General Off Topic / Re: France under attack....
« on: July 15, 2016, 08:50:51 pm »
What will Turkey do when an independent Kurdish state is formed on Turkey's border?

That's one of the end goals of the Greater Middle East Project. It might happen any day now.

Turkey has helped vilify Assad as much as the rest of the west and allowed itself to be a doormat for T's travelling there, so who's really to blame here?

Do you actually believe I think very highly of what Turkey has done to elevate this crisis? Don't trigger me or I will go on and on about how much I hate the great Tard. Some people seem to have developed a cringing reaction against that. So I am not doing it.

General Off Topic / Re: France under attack....
« on: July 15, 2016, 08:00:36 pm »
Yeah, they bombed everyone except ISIS.

You can tell that to the burnt-down smuggled oil trucks and the jihadist Turkmen goatfuckers, who were the most acclaimed "civilians" supposedly hit by Russia. You murricans should seriously start pulling your heads out of your asses with the entire anti-Russian propaganda. At least they aren't destroying every single stable ME state on every possible occasion, like the united states of terrorism does.

General Off Topic / Re: France under attack....
« on: July 15, 2016, 10:10:48 am »
I wonder when will they actually do something against ISIS. Y'know, military campaign and shit, air strikes on empty fields is a lie they've been telling us for years on PKK, so I'm not buying that. What is the reason that ISIS can survive this long I need an explanation.

There are numerous claims that European countries are pillaging Syrian oil buying IS oil just like our shithole of a country. Maybe because of that?

All I know is that a real western alliance could more than easily shred them to bits, if they really wanted to. Sadly all that anti-IS alliance story is bullshit. So far Russia has been the only nation to have actually done something to stop the goatfuckers to the West's dismay.

General Off Topic / Re: France under attack....
« on: July 15, 2016, 09:58:55 am »
Funny. The French consulates were temporarily locked down and French citizens were warned about an attack in İstanbul for yesterday. All day I expected terrible news or to bite the dust myself during my work commutes. And then later in the evening this happened.

It seems to me that French intelligence parties were punked very badly. They focused so much on a potential attack in İstanbul that they got totally blindsided. Then again, as Angantyr said, it is plain retarded that a fucking truck was able to make it into a huge crowd on a national celebration day.

Already heard that it's irritating.

Still, I can't believe that Imrelith is a challenge, especially with his "OKAY I STAY ON THE GROUND FOR HALF A MINUTE, ATTACK ME NOW" swing into the ground that accomplishes nothing at all  :mrgreen:

Carantir on the other hand is darting around the place like a motherfucker and you only get two hits every single time.

Yep, Caranthir is indeed harder than both Imlerith and Eredin, especially if you fail to realize that you can use his projectiles against his summoned elementals.

General Off Topic / Re: Abortion, religion, politics, art
« on: July 09, 2016, 06:42:40 pm »
God is an abortion to crime.

Really? I played on Death March and Imrelith was hardly a challenge.

Wait till the last fight of Blood and Wine. Though you will soon find out it's very easy, it's guaranteed to inject some frustration into you initially.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Turkey
« on: July 04, 2016, 04:55:30 pm »
Dayum, I forgot to check this thread and the reactions are golden  :mrgreen:

Being contradictory in a thread where anti-Tardogan racks up 100% of favorable opinion tend to make me sound pro-Erdogan, but its just that I find that you've been lazy in your arguments lately. You begin to sound like Oberyn on immigrants; even if in this analogy immigrants are evil, your article-long posts are based most on the time on literaly nothing. Here, a selfie and a couple words, where you build your own subjective context around.

I appreciate when you talk about your country with solid arguments, I learned a lot on Turkey thanks to you, but there is these times where I cringe when I read you. We know you hate your country and your president, its getting redundant and annoying sometimes, that is the depth of my feelings about it. Dont take me for a pro-Erdogan pls   :cry:  because I actually agree with you   :o

That article-long post wasn't meant to bring to the table some really solid stuff. It's just a small story, a brief view. Of course it doesn't measure up to, say, the total destruction of secularity in Turkey. But I am bored and mad out of my mind. I need an outlet for stuff like this, which seems to be these forums at the moment. I just type this stuff for a cathartic effect. It's not like I am desperate for everyone's sympathy or confirmatory replies. Don't take it seriously for all I care. But you just push me off the edge of sanity when you drop such indifferent comments.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Turkey
« on: July 04, 2016, 12:30:17 pm »
This is why you should campaign to be the dictator of Turkey,

As a political leader you would automatically receive Butan's approval regardless of what you say or do.

It would be a daft lie, if I claimed not to have ever fantasized about stepping up as the new dictator and crushing the snackbarists. I am not a smooth operator like the Tard though. He spent years deceiving people. At some point, although he was a certified religious fanatic, he had managed to get support from left wingers, socialists, liberalists, lgbts and every group of people imaginable. The naivety was off the charts. They believed he was there to deliver change for the good regardless of his own personal beliefs. And look at him now. He managed to make use of that time to render himself almost untouchable.

I on the other hand, would so impatiently start exacting revenge that it wouldn't even take a month for me to get extracted.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Turkey
« on: July 04, 2016, 12:15:36 pm »
You normally expect a politician to at least give that impression for the next 24 hours after something like this, yes. Not take fun-tastic selfies

Christ you've been obnoxious lately

He has been like this for a very long while. Whatever the case may be, his attitude is always "You silly! You are overreacting as usual. As far as I am concerned, everything is fine in your cotton candyland."

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Turkey
« on: July 02, 2016, 11:34:53 pm »
They do look like they are having a ton of fun!...?
You prefer to see all your beloved politicians shed crocodile tears for a full moon and stop living? Come on, you can find better arguments than analyzing selfies and taking words out of context.

If only I had the magical power to make you have to live in this hellhole like a regular citizen. You just don't seem to get it.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Turkey
« on: July 02, 2016, 09:27:39 pm »
Just a little update, which is essential for you guys to further understand what kind of shit we have to live with.

So what do you do when such a lethal attack happens in your country? You mourn, right? You don't go ahead and do fancy stuff. Especially if you are a government official, you just can't fuck around. I mean you aren't expected to stop whatever shit you are doing, yet you mourn.

Here is how we roll in Turkey: We conduct a banterous and cheerful opening ceremony for a bridge just the next morning after the attack. Can't let tens of dead bodies spoil our fun, can we? Selfies aren't skipped.

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The two pumpkin heads on the left are ministers. The one on the right is the mayor of İstanbul. See how many fucks they give?

The story goes on. There is this internationally-acclaimed Turkish motorcyclist. Not giving a name, as I don't like the guy one bit and it matters little. They invite him to hit 400 kmh speed on motorbike on this new bridge as a sideshow. He accepts. He gives zero fucks too. He does his thing, after which the great Tard meets him. Before that, there is something you should know about the motorbike guy. He lost his parents at a young age. He lost both of his brothers. He lost his first-born son. And he also recently lost his grandfather, who raised him. A macabre life right there. So as soon as the Tard shakes his hand, he delivers the opening sentence "Have you even got anyone else left in your family". As crazy as this sounds, it happened exactly like that.

And what do you expect in this case? People would hate it, right? What kind of creature says that? Well, his sheep didn't mind it at all. As far as they are concerned, it didn't even happen. Hell, the bombing didn't even happen. Forget it all. The motorbike guy himself? Yeah, he doesn't mind either. He is totally fine with it. On his official social media pages, he shared photos of him with the Tard, describing how honored he was to have been next to him.

Seriously guys, I hope you never ever have to live with millions of braindead sheep. It is just unbearable.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Kratos
« on: July 02, 2016, 04:14:37 pm »
I thought NA'ers loved that.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [EU]Kratos
« on: July 02, 2016, 02:24:54 pm »
tehehe suck it brits

Brits can't even come close Turks when it comes to tea consumption. I alone chug down at least two full pots of tea every day and prefer tea over stuff like coke next to a meal.

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