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Messages - RamsesXXIIX

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General Discussion / Re: Just putting this here....
« on: April 30, 2013, 07:29:21 pm »
Made a reply on the events sub-forum, gonna keep it to there.

Not at all.

In some important battles, we're gonna prefer skill over almost everything else. But even a skilled player can still break the discipline of an entire team and thus lower the overall K:D. (By being a reckless idiot)

We often accept people of less skill in our battles, not everybody can be a Robinhood.

Strategus Issues / Re: Wrong Strat ticks given per crpg tick.
« on: April 30, 2013, 07:22:10 pm »
IMO strat ticks should have nothing related to multipliers.

Events & Tournaments / Re: Opinions ?
« on: April 30, 2013, 07:19:17 pm »
This sounds fresh and new, I like it.

One thing that becomes vital is:

1) The match is in an arena on the map and everyone else is standing outside the arena?
2) The match is played out on a map and everyone else is in spectator?

If 1), how big an arena is it? (Makes a big impact!)

if 2), what map(s) are we talking about?

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Diplomacy / Re: Преступлéние и наказáние
« on: April 28, 2013, 06:58:58 pm »
I think this conflict is stupid and both sides have been neglectful in theit attempts at solving this diplomatically. Whatever happens, I hope this war will be quick and you can shake hands afterwards.

For now, the Fallens are free to sign up for both sides, however we shall attempt to sign up for both sides equally.

Looking at SoOs pic...who was Frank? cant remember him...

Frank, the first ever dedicated horse crossbowman.


Here in the Coalition we feel that some people have forgotten the point and use of TS in our battles. Some people forget the most basic rules of conduct in a TS: Don't speak when others are speaking, don't chat or small-talk during battles, etc.

Some people have even muted their TS during play, using it only for the roster call.

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This behaviour is unacceptable and completely disrespectful to the numerous people in strategus who dedicate many hours of trading and moving to bring us fun, entertaining battles with lots of xp. We want strategus battles to be a chance for more organised play, and not a rampant team deathmatch.

As a result, we will begin to issue timeouts from coalition strategus battles.

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General Discussion / Re: Moderators in this community
« on: April 12, 2013, 05:29:09 pm »
Shik is the only reason I might regret my investment in M:BG.

Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: March 17, 2013, 02:57:21 pm »
Taleworlds are cooperating with Coalition.

Just ask Smoothrich, he knows everything

Events & Tournaments / Re: cRPG Clan League
« on: March 16, 2013, 10:21:14 pm »
Team Captain: Gforce mafia
Team Captain's steam: Giuseppe black rose
 Roster: Mosnter truck gforce, Johnny coldtears, Tony hawks Proskeyer Gforce, Giuseppe black rose gforce, lovablepug,gforce
 Home Map: Two rivers


One way to get around this bug is to pick up a 2 or 3 slot weapon. That will cancel out the "bugged" slots on your character and allow you to use all your slots again. For example:

  • Have a siege ladder (3 slots) and a 1handed weapon (1 slot)
  • Throw the siege ladder. You are now bugged.
  • Pick up a 2 or 3 slot weapon (most twohanders or polearms)
  • Drop the 2 or 3 slot weapon
  • You are now unbugged and free to use all your slots.

Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: March 03, 2013, 06:06:51 pm »
This is one of the biggest issues in the current strategus, that and bloc loving people like you.

As usual Zlish you ignore 99% of what I write, take out 1% and put it out of context. Let's read it again:

I understand the sentiment that being in a small faction can be tough, but you have better opportunities now than you had the last 2 strats. I suggest you try to either go your own path and have some fun yourselves, or try to make a deal with one of the two blocks and work for them in return for land.

Did I make it clear enough? I have the deepest respect for honest factions going out of the line and trying things themselves, I simply stated that if such is not for you, it will make things easier to ally with the big blocs.

We'll never know because I'd decline any chance to be in a huge fucking bloc because I don't believe huge fucking blocs should exist and I don't believe in fighting fire with fire.

As we did for three strats. Don't forget the Anti-UIF did this because we were forced to, not because we wanted to. This should also address your point about me being a big-faction lover. Honestly, stfu. You don't know shit about me nor my opinion on the matter. You're just a pretentious little rat who sits in the corners and cries whenever somebody does anything so you can get some attention. I have no patience or respect for people with such a complete lack of consistency like you.

And none taken. I know enough about the mechanics of strat, i've dabbled in learning about the map for a long time before my various faction-related endeavours. My point is that i have absolutely no interest in joining one of the large factions, and i'm not accusing you of being deliberately evil xD merely that whatever your intentions the end result is the same.

Since you're knowledgeable about strat, how can you presume the Coalition, as well as any other faction, gain anything in terms of ressources and manpower from an excess amount of territory? It doesn't, as I said it only stretches us even further.

The end result is not necessarily the same. If our objective was to hoard land, we'd be getting the result you're speaking of. IE: Huge factions holding every single piece of land on the map. As I've said already, this is not the Coalitions objective, and I doubt it would be any other big faction's objective.

I'm perfectly happy now having fun myself as you so rightly say (although huge swathes of the map are full of S/D-whore factions that attack first and ask questions later (if ever) since none of their allies are prepared to punish them whilst other large enemies exist). And i never got wiped in that manner. My previous post was for the likes of 'Phalangites' and other small factions that came on full of enthusiasm, got a fief, and were steamrollered to the point where they quit.

Things can be hard, very hard for a small faction. I agree that it can be very disheartening to see all you've worked vanish in smoke. However, I still believe skillful, small factions are able to survive and adapt to the situation. Not all are, naturally.

To Basnak: I'm all for nerfing big factions, but how can you nerf them in an appropriate fashion? I'd like to see concrete suggestions, because to me it seems that the trust and friendship these factions share is very hard to nerf indeed.

I'm sorry if boring  :)

I think more correct terms could be:

pain in the neck

Diplomacy / Re: Shu Han declares war on the infamous Crusader Alliance
« on: March 03, 2013, 03:04:14 pm »
Imagine for a moment, you're a small faction, just playing with mates. You work hard to take a fief maybe. If another small faction wants to attack your fief you can have a fun battle, and if you lose it you can always try and retake it another time. Now imagine Grey Order or Coalition take your fief, you're steamrollered with no hope of ever retaking it. And for the rest of this version of Strat that fief will belong to one of the large factions and the area hostile to small factions will become even larger. (Coalition owns about 1/6th of the map, even passing through you run the risk of being attacked as a potential S/D stealer). So i'm sure the large factions are loving it, and maybe accuse Kinngrimm of giving land and support to smaller factions because he has too, but it's players like him that make it bearable for the rest of us.

Otherwise our only options are to join a massive faction of people we dont know, or just stop being active cos there's no way in. I dont really care if you're UIF or anti-UIF, if your fief gets taken by Coalition or Grey Order or Mercs, or Druz (if you're in the desert), then it's not going anywhere, it'll just be absorbed and the map will shrink for the rest of the players.

2-man faction for the win!!!!

No offense, but maybe you should try being in a large faction and read some more about the mechanics of strategus before you presume to know the intentions behind our actions.

I can assure you, the Coalition does not want to hoard land. Having extra land does not yield big benefits, but stretches ourselves and our resources. The more land we have, the more we have to protect. We've also actively been giving lands to new clans or smaller clans, even though some of them later turned to be our enemies. (for example, I've heard we gave land to Ghuraba (Not sure about this as I was inactive back then))

This strat, we've been taken big portions of the center of the map because it splits up our main enemies, Druzhina and GO.

I understand the sentiment that being in a small faction can be tough, but you have better opportunities now than you had the last 2 strats. I suggest you try to either go your own path and have some fun yourselves, or try to make a deal with one of the two blocks and work for them in return for land.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: New to strategus
« on: February 22, 2013, 08:26:10 pm »
This video might be helpful

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