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Messages - VesX

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General Discussion / Re: Problem with an Admin
« on: February 23, 2013, 11:28:53 pm »
Lol i was perma-banned for leeching on a gen 16 character with 19 MW items and even then i did not want to "kill" or threaten the admin/dev that did it haha


Global / Re: Globally Banned
« on: February 23, 2013, 11:06:20 pm »

Global / Re: Globally Banned
« on: February 22, 2013, 08:20:23 am »

Global / Globally Banned
« on: February 21, 2013, 09:44:38 pm »

General Discussion / Re: dear devs
« on: February 20, 2013, 04:57:55 am »

Global / Re: Unban Kesh_ATS
« on: February 20, 2013, 03:59:54 am »
this is your best idea to restore your company's credibility here after the angry nerd powertrip of your embarrassing admins against a rival clan leader they have a personal feud with?

Im perma-banned for leeching when ive been playing for 4 years.......So i think admins need to be switched up a little or something needs to be done if this stuff is going on!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 11, 2013, 04:02:59 am »
No i know i said that being mad at Muse but i take it back i talked to Kreczor im PMs hes chill and i have no problem with anyone else and i did i called them and they are sending a technician out on wednesday so ^_^ Now i just need Tydeus to unbann me and actually warn me if it happens again he can fuck me!!!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 11, 2013, 01:53:17 am »
Lol well no matter how i play i always charge in and attack like a ruthless warrior hahaha and a baddie you say -_- hahaha and dont think so maybe ya got me confused with someone else haha!!!!

But for on topic so many people agree that i should be banned for a day or 2 but perma-banned.........I did apologize and say sorry about 50 times now and said it would not happen again and i sent him 2 messages and a bunch on IRC and he wont respond............This is just not fair i did not harm anyone or any shit like that i had hardware issues!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 11, 2013, 12:57:51 am »
BTW please no more CHAOS guys posting in this thread  (EXCEPTION TO CANARY) because they all just post bad shit cause they want me banned and are all in teamspeak with Tydeus in the same channel so that voids anything they have to say!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 11, 2013, 12:55:41 am »
Okay im trying to get used to the ping spikes now in community its not easy but im getting it!!! I should not be banned though i should have got a day ban or 3 day ban anyone agrees except for tydeus...........Idk what his plan is but i apologized and messaged him in Teamspeak and sent him 2 messages i think he just wants to wait cause theres no way someone could be such a dick to ignore apologies over something so stupid and perma-ban a good player who has been in the community for years for it...........theres no way i know Tydeus can be a strict admin but cmon................

Anyway im waiting for his response yet again ive seen him read this over and over and not respond idk what his plan is but im hoping to be unbanned since i play everyday =( and i apologized and said i would fix this issue.............

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 10:56:50 pm »
Please unban me i wanna do strat battles tonight................Read what i said before this let this be my last warning or something cmon............

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 10:17:29 pm »
Im in community killing people with lag 7-2 score let me back in NA and i wont be a problem.............Let it end here and put this in the past?

Cmon please ill make sure i quit the game and lose my multi if i lag if that makes you and everyone feel better.........

I posted screens/I apologized/I explained Myself/I have a bunch of people that understand what else do you want???

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 09:55:26 pm »
The in game "permaban" checkbox is bugged. So what you actually got, was a temp-ban. That doesn't mean you weren't previously banned for it, just because it was temporary.

For how long then??? Because i did not even notice it............Why did you not say that earlier cause if u banned me for 5 min or an hour i would not really notice that but a day or longer i would......

So you banned me once before for this??? Did not even realize is that the only time then???

And am i actually Perma-Banned this time or is it another bug?

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 09:49:28 pm »
Ummmmm when did you perma-ban me??? Cause i think i would have made a thread about it man so dont say banned multiple times when you are wrong on that matter and you are lieing to make yourself look good........You just want me out of this community and this is a bullshit way to try and do it no one has ever been perma-banned for this and especially without a day or week ban beforehand!!!

You perma-banned me for leeching( Running into a wall as you say) I have not even recieved a day or week ban you just perma-banned me try and justify that and say that your not wrong???

And that you have not had a beef with me from the past? And have not said shit about me in game in admin talk that is no one elses business but mine!

Also i posted screenshots of it happening for proof which you completely ignored and 3 or so other admins admitted your wrong in this situation and this is to harsh........What else do you need to unbann me and see this is bullshit?

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 09:15:20 pm »
I love this community!

Anyway Tydeus or Canary please respond as you are the Judges of this case

Read through it all, soak it all in and free me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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