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Messages - Trael

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So far best maplist seems to be on shogunate server. For some reson almost all maps i have seen there feel good and fun to play.
eu2 seemed to be sandvillage after sand village based on observations from our squad, has caused us to ignore that server lately...

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: spears...
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:57:22 am »
it says
Long Awlpike: Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Carried on back.
but i cant use it with shield
Based on what i have heard in game and forums, thats outdated info. Based on my observation of chat long awlpike got changed in last update to "cant be used with shield"

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: February 24, 2011, 01:27:43 am »
(click to show/hide)

This has recently been brought to my attention. THERE IS A FACE
Hahahahaa made me laugh. Thank you.
Double hahaaa, next tab had,2428.msg40739/topicseen.html#new open.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Renaming All Weapons to Proper Names
« on: February 24, 2011, 01:22:53 am »
yeah getting sword of cookies back would be superio...

but yeah... does not sound too bad, not all that nessessary, but then again its not like us playing this would be anyway nessessary on many scales of things...

General Discussion / Re: Remove crosshairs from ranged weapons
« on: February 21, 2011, 01:20:56 pm »
Because archers suck as it is.  :P
Historically a longbow man could keep three arrows going until he ran out.  One striking the target, one in transit, one leaving the bow. 
Nations that used short recurve bows such as the Mongols had a high fire rate. At the moment an archer isn't much quicker than a crossbow and with lag affecting things actually hitting a target, let alone killing it is difficult enough.
Taking the crosshairs away would make it nigh on impossible to use the class as was intended.

Let put it this way.  We could not re-enact the battle of Agincourt as it is because the archers would only be able to get off one arrow before the cav hit and mowed them down.  Why make it worse.  :wink:

they just want to make bows and crossbows even more sidearm weapons that they are now. ;)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Peasant Build
« on: February 21, 2011, 06:24:19 am »
So it'd probably be a waste of points to invest 11 powerthrow for stones ( on the 33/3 build ) And just curious is knockdown chance affected by how much strength/ps you have?

Oh did almost forget all lovely stones... We have been talking earlier about how at point when our whole squad gets batshit insane, we all make stone powerthrowers. Heirlooming stones 3 times and making some 39/3 build with just powerthrow. Then move in group of 3-6 breaking (hopefully) peoples shields with stones, before smashing them with our lovely blunt damagetype to ground. Definetly could consider 36/3 build with PT maxed... hmm could it do damage...

well its not like mostly any of these builds with those gears would really be fun to play for more that while... but in theory yeah... why not...

Spam / Re: Ask a girl anything
« on: February 21, 2011, 06:14:32 am »
You think eating fat will make you gain weight? No wonder you have such trouble with your figure...

It's all that HFCS, if you can abstain from it for a few months, your taste buds will completely change. And that "meal" is like a snack I eat before breakfast.
Gaining weight and gaining fat are quite different things in my books. Gaining fat is where i have never seemed to make any progress (not that i would have really tried or wanted) so i have kind of guessed that i would have to eat quite differently [tossing wild guess that having some sugar in my food could be good start, instead of standars "and then i wanted something sweet and came back from shop with couple of grapes" and so...

Gaining weight, in that i have seen direct correlation to gaining muscles, so if i would want i could up my weight by starting to train those... but then again, would i need some, have time, have unlazziness enough...

Dont know can i really say that having stable weight is problem with figure.

Kind of annoying when im trying to get effective foodstuffs, so i would not need to use 1/3 of my wake hours eating some diet products that hold 90% of nothing just to get enough energy for my body to feel good, just becouse trend seems to be "loose weight, loose fat, what do you mean everyone does not need to reduce their eating just to be able to fit tru doors...."

Btw... i kind of hope Trippin is playing _Troll: the flaming_ with his frien.. i mean multiple personality disorder personalities... becouse this many replies would potentially net quite score, expecially when part of them are just other conversations going in thread.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Peasant Build
« on: February 21, 2011, 06:00:16 am »
duh... wrote some text, including testvalues from calculators and just at wrong moment pressed backspace resulting in it all dissabearing in pageload...

well i would guess

39/3 build (78hp)
14 convert
2 if  (with peasant clothes your going to get hurt lot, so no need to think maxing if will save you)
13 ps
1 ath
1 wm
about 114 - 116 in one wpf
still wont do all that much damage, but good start... needs quite manual block skills becouse of slow speed.

27/12 build    (74hp)
8 convert
6 if
9 ps
4 ath
4 wm
about 136-138 in one wpf
more allaround, usable with other gear when huge ammount of gold starts to annoy, "quite generic" so wont supprise all that much with huge damages or so, compared to near 40 str builds.
to get some idea of weapon damages (i myself normally use reference values of 22, 50 & 70 armor)
(22 is what can be gained from something that does really cost almost nothing to upkeep)
(50 to expensive mid - cheap high)
(70 milanese & black)
(should start using black lamellar as reference, kind of can i slay ninja with 1 hit...)

also dont forget that that wont include speed bonus, and speed bonus can be something like 50% just by running sometimes...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hunting/Light Crossbow Moving While Reloading?
« on: February 21, 2011, 12:05:20 am »
Not correct.For you atm maybe.
But imagine HorseCrossbower with HA 6 and high wpf which can be done easily at lvl 30 -31.
yeah sure completely dedicated max max wpf horse crossbower can reload quite fast... but im supprised if he/she can reload faster that horse archer. so still not safe against horse archers becouse of their yber firespeed and every jump or damage stopping crossbow reload.

sure horse archers can be killed, but by default on 1vs1 they do tend to have advantage if both parties know what they are doing.

but btw... to original thing... found myself earlier today thinking same while playing. could be mode change or so... reload faster by bending ... or reload slower by being able to move while reloading. Pretty much as it is on top of horse, maybe slight movement speed penalty and little more reload speed penalty as optimal (since while running or moving you cant use all that much strength with arms...) or so...

but yeah...

Suggestions Corner / Re: Hunting/Light Crossbow Moving While Reloading?
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:45:20 pm »
Ever seen a mounted crossbowman aiming at an HA ? Not me, that's for sure.

Actually, HA are the ideal counter to mounted xbows, not the opposite.
Exactly, bow horse archers are total "FUUUUUUU RUN AND HOPE SOMEONE ELSE KILLS IT" for horse crossbower.
I'm currently playing horse crossbow, wpf 150 in crossbows and 4 in HA... and i have to say that yes we mostly do good against lancer cavalry, and some polespammers and 2h spammers... but really with ammount of bolts that just dissabear when they hit horse or rider, its quite annoying to us too.

And no its not easymode, (well when some polearms/2h user runs to open and does not even try to dodge while completely separated from rest of his/her team it is easy mode... but with any weapon riding or not it would be)

personally i still consider fast computer and melee as easymode. :D

edit: and yes... problem with crossbows currently isnt in light or hunting crossbow, its in most expensive ones.
personally i think horse crossbow is currently most working and balanced crossbow build.

Spam / Re: Ask a girl anything
« on: February 19, 2011, 02:17:49 am »
So you're one of those.  Must be nice.  I drink a beer, gain a lb.  In the end however I just don't give a fuck since cosmetics is the only use for the whole six-pack body craze.
My taste buds tend to go the opposite route as yours as well.  Fruit is typically fairly bitter and textured funky.  I'm just a meat and potatos type of guy.  Bacon wrapped steak with garlic and a side of slow cooked brisket with a baked potato. 
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your taste does not go all that differently compared to me, i can see myself enjoying that :D

but yeah not all that much into drinking beer, well good thing becouse gaining weight sounds like getting "weaker" if muscles wont grow also and growing muscles sounds like work aaand lazynes is saying it would be extra work and unnessessary..

but yeah i know from couple of my friends that beer is in fact quite good at giving couple extra kilograms.

but duh that item of meatfullness in your picture looks delicious...

General Off Topic / Re: Minecraft
« on: February 18, 2011, 03:21:47 am »
i play sometimes and almost whole our m&b squad has minecraft.

Spam / Re: Ask a girl anything
« on: February 18, 2011, 03:20:35 am »
You're not eating enough. I find it really easy to manipulate weight both ways.
"You're not eating crappy enough stuff. After stuffing myself full of sugar and fat i find my genetics to end up changing my weight to some direction even without adding muscle mass." <-- fixed that one for you ;)

me myself, atleast if i dont eat pure sugar & fat diet, wont end up gaining weight with basicly anything but having my muscles grow, in the genetics.

good thing i dont really need to get more mass, as i really dont like eating much sugar, i dislike its taste (and no sugar does not taste sweet, it tastes like sugar and dampens all other tastes in food, unlike making foodstuff sweeter with several types of fruits and so...)

basicly no matter how much i eat, it wont stick as fat. (im thin next to having no stomach to be found if i havent just stuffed myself full of food, but still i dont basicly know anyone who can and does eat as much as i do irl.)

but muscle on other hand is completely different thing: back at military service first 2 months most reported loosing weight, i gained 3kg (fastest change in weight in that decade) and during 1 year of service gained total of about 10kg (when i entered i was about 54kg [and just under 180cm if someone is wondering]). later after service at some point i picked up fencing again gained 9 kg in mostly just leg muscles in year or two. :D

You can still do good with 1 in crossbow wpf. If anything there should be a bigger hit on people with 1 xbow wpf and a much bigger boost to dedicated or hybrid xbowers.

agreed. most of "issues with crossbows" are 'they are used as sidearm, we must fix it somehow' and almost all changes have just made them more and more sidearm weapon they were trying to avoid.

as result we have gotten damage nerfs and so, stuff that ends up 'hurting' dedicated players more that sidearmers. would there be some reason why we would not just get crossbows with largely longer base reload speed and lower accuracy and _MUCH_ more effecient crossbow proficiency.

currently reports show that wpf for crossbows is practicly capped around 135 in terms of accuracy.
sniper crossbow being _possibly_ only one to even be able to gain accuracy benefit from higher wpf (and that being basicly only becouse its _LEAST ACCURATE_ of all crossbows... thanks accuracy inversed to damage... thing that archers wont get, becouse most of their damage comes from power draw.)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Question about wpfs in xbows above 160.
« on: February 17, 2011, 09:07:48 pm »
Also if anyone knows, how is horse penalty on shooting calculated?

so even when people standing still wont get any accuracy bonus, will calculation order go so that people riding will still get closer to accuracy of footcrossbowers with _HIGH_ weapon prof.?

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