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Messages - Shamlow

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General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 12:32:43 am »
Currently, you level pretty fucking fast, you gain money pretty fucking fast, you can have your choice of gear PRETTY FUCKING FAST. It IS noob friendly, but unfortunatly, its like any online pvp game: There are those who will see that you are not clued up on the timing, footwork, blocking, and will punish you, not because they dislike you, but because we ALL live for it:

It's not newbie friendly, that is why almost all the reviews hate on it, and all the players hate on it. Except for the 10 diehard fanboys I am talking to at the moment, that are so scared of change they are arguing with themselves.

I am agreeing with almost everything everyone is saying. All I am saying is that the upkeep against lowbies is to high, and should be in the least level based, if it has to be in at all.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 12:30:03 am »
Have you ever played literally any other online MMO type game? Does WoW start you out as a super rich badass??! or can 99% of the guys you meet own you and buy all your shit for pennies to them? Where would any satisfaction from leveling up come from if playing did not get you better gear? Wow... idk what is wrong with you.


General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 12:27:56 am »
I hope this has helped you to understand how random, backward, and ignorant you are being.

Alright, if you are going to argue with me about this and call me stupid. The least you could do is type out coherently in your post, or read over it one time to check your grammar. Maybe your first language is not English, I don't know.

Shamlow, to be very clear :

If I wear 0 upkeep equipment at level 30+ at x1, I win 50 gold per tick.

If I wear 0 upkeep equipment at level 1 at x1, I win 50 gold per tick.

If I wear 5k+ upkeep equipment at level 30+, I lose money.

If I wear 5k+ upkeep equipment at low level (that allows me to use that in the first place), I lose the same amount of money.

This is exactly my point, there is no reason for the level 1 to be hit with any kind of upkeep. It is just slowing him down and making him want to quit the game.

The only way k/d could influence your income is that it influences the winning chances of your team, which is hardly true as the autobalancer is very far from perfect (so most matches are won because one team crushes the other) and their are 100ish other players on the server that influence the outcome too. Also, good players are teamswitched around.

This adresses one part of your claims.

None of that has anything to do with anything in this thread. Nobody has talked about k/d or even win/lose income differences. They don't matter, only you keep talking about this. I don't know why it is hardly relevant to the actual problem.

This is false. You do not earn money by leveling up. Most level 31+ people actually are broke because they can't retire and sell loom points.

Furthermore, upkeep hits everyone the same way. That someone with 1M gold would be less afflicted than someone with 20k in bank is a twist of the human brain.

You have to earn money by leveling up, you just stated why in the previous quote. By just standing afk and leveling/gaining gold you are earning money as you level.

The fact that you don't understand how someone with 1million dollar and someone with 20k dollars are effected differently by a tax that hits them both equally in borderline insane. That means you don't understand simple addiction/subtraction much less economics. Why do you think people with higher income and lower income are taxed different in real life? Do you not understand how it would make more sense to make the upkeep% based vs your level in the least to help out poorer/newer players?

Simply stop posting in this thread, because I am not going to talk to you anymore. I see you posting a lot on the forums, and are just trying to get face time, but I am honestly trying to help this game be more appealing to a wider based audience.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 26, 2012, 12:12:04 am »
1. Before level 20, you can hardly do much things for your team, so basically you wear peasant gear, which means you already should have gained a reserve of at least 20 k gold.

2. At level 20+ you can start wearing medium gear and help your team, and even with gear worth 20-30 k you make money.

That is my point. Why do new players who are already trying to learn the game have to be hindered so hard, for no reason.

You are agreeing with exactly what I am saying. You are telling new players, Hey, you are useless, run around in peasant clothes dieing all over the place for X amount of time, basically so high level players can feel better about themselves.

I am saying low level players don't matter, they can't do anything. That is the same thing you have been saying. The reason is because they have so much against them already, why do we have to slow them down even more? What does it matter if before level 20 they can wear mid level, hell even the low level gear without slowing down their income?

Why is everyone so afraid of or against helping low level players? Do you not want more people to play this game? Seriously.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:46:33 pm »
Ok, Warlord I don't understand why this is so hard for you.

If you have a level 1 and a level 31 completely naked, they will earn the same amount of gold. They will have the same amount of upkeep.

If you put the same weapon in their hands, they will still have the same amount of upkeep.

The only difference is that the level 1 has ZERO gold, and the level 31 has x amount that he has accumulated during his 31 levels of play.

The reason that upkeep was put in the game, as stated by the Dev, and several people in this thread. Was because everyone ended up in full plate/horses at level 31 because there was nothing else to buy. They hit the top of the food chain so to speak. Now I'm sure that there were still people not in full plate, because of preference of game play, but that is not relevant to the argument. The problem was everyone was in the same(maybe best) gear all the time, and they didn't like it as far as it effect balance(maybe boredom).

The problem didn't arise as those players were leveling as much because they were actively spending the gold they earned. Now I'm sure it did start to add up at some point along the way, maybe late 20s.

So, upkeep gets added. You have to pay to wear certain types/levels of gear.( Something I am ok with) You are now taxing players EQUALLY on items, the problem with that is low level players are not equal to high level players. Low levels have not accumulated any amount of wealth, they have to run around naked for X amount of hours, doing almost nothing. This is not fun, this does not make people want to play the game. This is a huge problem with this mod, go read the reviews on any gaming site and you will see editors/reviewers and comments by actually players stating this. New players are severally discourage from playing this game, and one unnecessary aspect of that is charging them upkeep.

I have played this game for like two weeks, I'm not going to give up because it's hard or necessarily hard. I like the combat/combat system, I like that it rewards players/people that use tactics. I like the maps, I like the different mods, I even like vanilla.

I have tried other mods, and I truly think this is the best one. The problem is you don't give most game players a chance to enjoy it. Let them level up without upkeep, let them get to the max level a little easier. This doesn't hurt anything or anyone, it will keep more players interested in the game.

For a game that I think requires more "skill" to be good at, I don't understand why any of you would be worried about allowing low level players to get to a competitive level faster. If you have a year of experience over someone, even if they have the same gear you should have a significant advantage over them. If not, maybe they are just better than you.

I am fine with keeping upkeep how it is at level 31, it's clearly working. I don't see 180 people in a 200 person game running around in full plate. That's good if that is how they are balancing it. At least they put effort into that, that means maybe they are willing to put effort into other things to make this game better.

All I am saying, is you should reduce if not do away with upkeep for people who hardly know what the fuck they are doing in this game. Give them a chance to get into the game, let them enjoy it.

Jesus Christ with you people, do you not want to try to make things better? This type of game is one of the only times you will get a chance, you are dealing with a group of people/players that coded a mod for fun. I guarantee they are willing to make the game more fun and appealing to everyone, not just new players. You can't just think about yourself all the time, "Like of I went through hell levels as a peasant not doing shit for x amount of hours, they should too maybe you should think, "Wow I don't see why I had to deal with this unnecessarily, while trying to level, while trying to learn, while trying to save money, while just trying to hit someone for damage.

Come on people, use your heads.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:16:54 pm »
Be gone already.

Leave the thread then, you are not giving any kind of input in the discussion. You don't have to read this thread, you don't have to post in it. I'm not holding a gun to your head, you are just trolling because you have nothing better to do.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:14:59 pm »
And again, you say something thats simply wrong. You still donĀ“t get it, do you?

Warlord, tell me how I am wrong. Seriously, type it out in words. You can't do it, all you are saying is "that's wrong" " no you are wrong".

I am giving you the actual facts of how the system currently works.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:09:11 pm »
I am generation 1 and it hardly effects me at all.  You're just a hater.

edit:  And for the record, cRPG hasn't died yet - which means it probably will not soon.

You are lying, or trolling. So, it doesn't matter what you say.

I am Gen1/level22 with mediocre gear, and have already proven how little money one makes at that point. You don't make anymore money that I do the way this game is balanced, it's impossible.

So, you are trolling a forum with a game that maybe 500 people play.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:05:54 pm »
The OP stated WHY upkeep excists in his OP. YES OF COURSE IT IS A MONEYSINK, thats what it excists for.

Level 1 characters don't need a money sink, they already have one.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:03:29 pm »
You people are so dumb. You don't see anything wrong with the current upkeep system, because you are only looking at it as it is relative to you.

I say "Top Players" and you immediately  think I'm talking about people at the top of the scoreboard. I mean do you have any reading comprehension at all, where would you even get that if you have read any posts by anyone in this thread?

I am not bashing the upkeep system as a WHOLE. What I am saying is currently the upkeep system effects LOW LEVEL PEOPLE worse than it does HIGHER LEVEL PEOPLE.

This game never had a problem with level fucking 1s rolling people in full plate, I fucking guarantee. EVEN IF a low level person had the best items in the game, he would do little to NO DAMAGE to a level 30.

If I have 1 million dollars, and taxes take 10,000 away, who fucking cares. If I have 20,000 dollars, and taxes take 10,000 I HAVE A PROBLEM. This is the way the current upkeep system works. This is hurting the the POOR PEOPLE(LEVEL1/GEN1) in this analogy more than the RICH PEOPLE(LEVEL 31s).

To the people that say, oh just shut up and level to 31 and make your cash you won't have to worry about it. I'm not worried about it for me, you are right, money will not matter to me at some point. Just like it doesn't matter to most of the playerbase now. I'm not worried for me, I am worried for New potential players who get fucked in an already steep learning curve game.

If you don't give a shit about new players in a game you currently play then you don't fucking care about the game. Just enjoy watching it slowly die like every other half done mod on the internet.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:26:11 pm »
Once I was down to like 2k gold after buying a loom point for 700k.
I played in my usual ~26 k gold gear for a few days and was at 70 k gold again. With every gear below 30 k gold you are making shittons of money, upkeep should really be higher, its just to low.

You just stated why the current upkeep system is not working. Money does not matter to you, a high level player.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:20:38 pm »
It depends.  100k won't sustain the "high level players" from wearing high level armor, high level horses and high level weapons.  If you're staying around 20k gold for your loadout, 100k gold could potentially last you forever. 

So it really depends.  I'm sorry I didn't provide all possible scenarios for you when I wrote a quick reply.  You're trying so hard to prove your point, and trying so hard to dismiss any reasoning that goes against your point, that you're being 100% blinded by the bias.  Take a step back, take a breath, and try to brainstorm yourself why upkeep is in place.  I'm confident you'd come to the same conclusions the others in this thread have.

You are making my point for me, you are arguing with yourself at this point. You are telling me upkeep isn't a big deal to high level players, AKA the people who you want upkeep to effect, correct?

There is no way you have an education level past high school.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:17:56 pm »
No need to explain, you are a new player who can not manage his money wisely and think expensive gear = moar skill and moar kills

I have made gen 1 alts and never had a single problem keeping money in my character's wallet.

Does it suck sometimes? Yeah sure. Does it make the mod unplayable for new players? Absolutely not! I have seen quite a few new faces  pop up on crpg and do quite well, and made it to their first retirement and so on. The problem isnt repairs, the problem is how you are managing your gear. People here have been trying to tell you this but you do not seem to want to listen.

No, you are either just trolling, or just not that intelligent.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:15:25 pm »
Most top players I know of wear a sustainable amount of gear. There aren't that many wearing plate or using heavy cav 24/7. On the other hand, without upkeep there would be little reason not to do that.

I am fine with upkeep against top level players, if that is how they chose to keep their income down. That makes sense, since they already have a huge level advantage over new players. I have already proven low levels can barely hurt them, if at all. Which I am also ok with, if that is how they chose to balance their mod.

You should not be charging upkeep against someone who just started, hardly knows how to play, and gets one shot all the time.

You are the troll here. For fucks sake, just play till level 31, sell your loompoint and stop whining.

Hi, that is why upkeep is bad.

Get to level 31 and it won't matter.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:11:44 pm »
So just because most of us were able to manage our gold, not be an idiot with using too expensive gear, and grinded our ways to multiple generations to sell it for gold we damn well earned, you think we have to pay MORE?

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My Skype name is Shamiggles, if you want me to actually explain this to you I will. I'm not going to argue with a blatant troll for 3-5 pages.

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