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Messages - Mongolista

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Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: March 27, 2014, 12:07:16 am »
All of those are great ideas but everything can be somehow misused, in the end it is always about the attitude of the players and since Greys abused the game mechanics so many times in the past I dont think theyre gonna change anything about their attitude, I thought maybe the Greys would leave the clan after everybody started spitting on them because Harpag got caught multiaccounting again, before then it was the autoblock, yet they still got so many players who apparently do not mind, what more, there are actually people leaving other clans to join them lel, apparently there are no morals in this game and as long as they keep winning nobody minds they are just a piece of shit that proved many times in the past they cant play fair. Everybody just cares about the gold and exp, if you guys are so obsessed just with the results of the game, why dont you make your own server and get instant lvl99 with every fief on the map, with endless gold, seems like lots of fun yaaay greedy little bitches

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Seriously - Town Equipment
« on: March 26, 2014, 08:36:46 pm »
Who cares?  Towns are meant to be taken.  It just means whoever takes the town won't have anything nice to keep.

not really, this way capital cities are much easier to conquer than castles plus they get the robes which are useless but very expensive, they sell them and voila they even profit from conquering these cities lelelel

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Seriously - Town Equipment
« on: March 26, 2014, 06:57:56 pm »
Brace yourselves, capital towns sieges are coming!

On a more serious note - 1 hour battle, 3k tickets burnt and 100-150k exp? kthxbai

Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: March 26, 2014, 02:17:45 am »
Ah I see Harpag, so why dont we just join the GO or DRZ, how would you like that? Would you fight each other then? Because I dont care how you see the game, all I see is that because of you strat has became really lame which is why the majority of antiUIF just left to another game, many people here tried a role-play, many ppl here had great ideas about different play-styles, all of them failed, why? Because of you...admins dont give a shit about strat (srsly starting a new round with new Crime feat and a little higher gear prices), it is the community that creates and enhances the game and as long as you and DRZ are gonna play the pricks, everyone else is slowly gonna leave the game and cg, you have managed to ruin yet another great game, enjoy wanking over each others armies till you bleed out.

Im actually proud of the rest of us for not lowering to play your game, that HRE and Eques can still have their fun wars, that SB still fight the OdEs just because thats what they enjoy and will keep on doing that until you knock on their doors and say sorry fun is over and they will just leave too, just because you cannot pick an enemy of your size. I hope youre gonna have lots of fun when youre gonna have the whole playground for yourself :))

Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: March 25, 2014, 11:59:23 pm »
As it has been said few times before Corsair, people are getting bored of the same shit going on over and over again, basically they have played the single player and they finished it 4 times, either they play a new game or they just leave, no point in finishing the same scenario one more time. There is no antiUIF and there will most likely not be any antiUIF, all the major clans and people left, DRZ and GO won the biggest no lifers on crpg community leading the biggest economies and factions every strat while other people just leave, because lets face it, the game isnt that interesting to spend 10 hours a day on it which is the only way of making at least a challenge for UIF.

For the last few weeks I have been playing almost 24/7, joined every single battle (even the naked ones) against UIF to take at least those 2-3 tickets off their armies, I have joined everyone, did not care about the clan as long as it was fighting Greys or DRZ and just when you think there is actually some progress Kalmars attack Greys territory at the prime time 1.5k vs 1.5k major fight and what do they get for their roster? 3 extra people that didnt get in because of full roster, those people were lvl5s and stuff. The next time completely the same thing, a great battle, expecting lots of exp, turns out we get 20 people for the roster, against twice as much defenders who charge in the middle of the fight we lost 1k because the flags went down.

Kalmars blitzkrieg was absolutely fine, it was the most clever thing to do, sitting in the castle would never give us a better chance than what Grandmom and others came up with, having no way of entering the NA land and being pushed to the last piece of north territory does not leave us with a great economic advantage either right? Everything they have done was correct, we had more tickets, we had better gear, the only thing we are missing right now are people for the roster and the least Byz could do is roll for our rosters so there are some equal chances.

Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: March 24, 2014, 04:46:24 pm »
I love how greys and drz are playing the tough guys now, while just a few months back they were whining about almost everything in the strat, greys claiming to leave several times because admins werent fair and now theyre acting like heroes :D Im up for another banwave of multiaccs to see how many of those miracle new active strat uif players are actually "new" huehuehue....

Anyway I, for myself, trust the Kalmarunionen and its leadership and my sword and shield is theirs as long as there will be any invaders to bounce back off to their little corners. I dont care what colour I wear, white or blue, I will fight proudly for those who need to protect, even for those who are not decided yet what colour they fancy.

Yes Corsair, I am talking to you, last strat you have joined the uif because they had less people and you wanted to help the weaker one to make the strat balanced and fun again, now I challenge you to raise with the same cause back on your feet, be the hero of this strat and protect those who are in need with your shield, I challenge the whole Byzantium Empire to take all the courage once again, turn their mighty spears and spill the blood of those who dare to turn this realm into a complete massacre, to defeat those who do not care who you are or what you stand for, who have no diplomacy and take what they want, who will not be satisfied until the whole world will be under their command.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Kalmarunionen once again
« on: December 20, 2013, 01:51:31 am »
I did not accuse anyone of lying and the other Kalmarunionen guy definitely used the long spear after I banned the first guy, because I wanted to make another ban poll after banning the first one and I couldnt because I have already polled one ban ;) I was about to go to spec and screenshot him and put it on forum when he said Fine Fine and stopped doing that.

To the second battle if you were not enjoying it, you can always just leave the battle and let the rest enjoy the exp instead of finishing it all for everyone, at least thats what I would probably do. The forward spawn was set by more than half of our team, which you decided to spawn rape 5 minutes after you told us to build it. The other half of our team could not even set it coz they were chased by cav or rode the flippin catapult throughout the whole map :DDD I understand this is not your fault, but still couldve just left and let the others have fun rather than destroying it for everyone. Its not like it really matters if you lose tickets or equip or w/e.

Good for you, enjoy your Halmar battle tomorrow I will not be there and to be honest I dont even wanna join any more battles with you guys be it fun or proper one. I have enjoyed Grandmom and Arn for a bit who were on the same page and I appreciate they have tried to follow my ideas.

Strategus General Discussion / Kalmarunionen once again + Tueten singing!
« on: December 20, 2013, 01:01:53 am »
So we had two fun battles today, we attacked Kalmarunionen for fun and for exp coz its the end of strat and we wanna burn tickets in exchange for exp, in first battle I have encountered two guys using Long Spears on horse, I have warned them, twice, then I kicked one, he came back and used it again, so I banned him from the battle, the other guy was warned as well and he replied that it is the end of strat so why do I care, once people backed me up, he understood I am being serious and stopped using it, I told both of them I am doing them a favour not to take screens and put them on forum, for which they replied I am whining (ofc what else). We still had about 400 tickets but Kalmarunionen decided to cap the flags and finish the battle earlier because...I dont really know why....

Then the second battle got a bit boring because we had less people (I gently offered the spots for free exp battle to everyone on EU1/EU2 and other TeamSpeaks as well, didnt wanna push it as the battle isnt a big deal, we didnt care if we win or lose, we just wanted to burn the tickets to get the most exp out of it), Kalmarunionen decided 35 minutes before the end and with about 1k tickets left on our side and 4k tickets on their side that they do not enjoy this and capped our flags, because fun battles are boring and because they wanna go play EU1/EU2 or whatever. I have told them we can make forward spawn in front of theirs and make it all faster (just like DRZ did this morning) and they said no...we couldve also chosen to stay in our castle and do nothing till the end of the strat and if we knew what to expect we would definitely rather attack each other than feeding someone asshole's power trip.

This way I want to apologize to Kalmarunionen for bothering them so much with our attack and you can be sure we will never do such stupid thing ever again :) Ill make sure to avoid you guys next time strat is about to end and we want to burn tickets and get something from it. A way to go! Ni!

My thanks goes to everyone who gayed up our TS during the second battle when Tueten played on ukulele and everyone started singing at one point  :lol: I, for myself, must say I have enjoyed the battle very much just thanks to you guys on the TS! Ni!

P.S.: Cum recorded Tueten playing and singing, and its pretty good, ask Tueten for more info, he didnt want me to add the link here :(

Announcements / Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
« on: December 18, 2013, 07:44:30 pm »
Fips - please - this is just my suggestion and don't want to argue about it now. You know that even chadzinski agreed with me then. I have extensive experience in strat and I think that I know what will be good for gameplay. In my opinion this is the only effective tool for reducing harmful "nolifing effect" which leads to frustration and burning things.

I'm off

you have also extensive experience with cheating, doesnt mean we should allow you to cheat coz you can go around the rules unnoticed

Diplomacy / Re: Coalition-Druzhina battle agreement aka Gentelmens War
« on: December 18, 2013, 01:54:52 am »
Thanks Chris :D No we never made any pacts with UIF and yes we were always with Coalition, which, to be honest, did not help us that much, but was still standing behind our back, which is pretty much what we needed and we did good job as bordermen. But we have never backed down even when Coalition stopped playing and same as Fallens, we will most likely not play the next strat turn since we have too much stuff to do in real life and not enough energy for another round. We could probably find the time but none of us is really enjoying the game that much to put that effort into it.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus 4 end round snapshot [EU]
« on: December 18, 2013, 01:27:42 am »
(click to show/hide)

I see, youre just a troll

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus 4 end round snapshot [EU]
« on: December 18, 2013, 01:06:38 am »
343,000 Garrison 41 million silver on NA versus 919,000 Garrison and 173 million Silver.

Hands Down, NA won strat.

2163 attacks, with 1,560,000 dead. 721 killed per attack

3951 attacks with 1,860,000 dead 470 killed per attack.
Therefore: MORE XP from NA than EU.

I must say your constant downgrading of EU strat and advertisement of NA strat gets really irritating.

Not sure what youre seeking for by doing this, even if NA is ten times better EU players are gonna play on EU coz playing with 200 ping against 20 ping is not cool.

Also great job Butan, too bad most of the winners are winners thanks to annoying others with their cheating and multicc and duping so much that the competition just left. Doing one ban wave of multiaccs per strat while giving just few weeks ban for multiaccounting is just....funny.

Announcements / Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
« on: December 17, 2013, 03:39:17 pm »
I just wish there was more hunts for multiaccs and more brave factions to stand against UIF, actually, make it more brave factions to stand as one against everyone else, so it wasnt just two blocks but 4 or 5 blocks, NI!

Announcements / Re:
« on: December 17, 2013, 03:24:20 pm »
As Gurnisson said, I have been using long dagger since the very beginning, coz rondel has to switch to second mode to be able to slash from sides, long dagger does all attacks in main mode and now even has more attack than rondel and costs almost twice less, I have been playing the dagger troll to show how fked up this is and I have fallen for how fun it actually is, but yeah, Im for disabling shield with dagger too, it seems just too much

Strategus Issues / Re: Stuck in a mountain.
« on: December 16, 2013, 05:00:19 pm »
Oh so he was giving misleading information since the very beginning? I did not see that coming at all! Greeks were always honest about their info!

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