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Messages - Sandersson Jankins

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 176
they can all camp in the small woods surrounding the property while the chosen Few are allowed in the cabin proper, but only for small periods of time after which they are compelled back into the scrub-woods. this will naturally form a sort of ad-hoc caste system among all present. i imagine it devolving into something like prison gangs where you're basically forced to stick only with the clan you came in with. the frisians and other favored people will be at special risk when back in the woods, of course. i might allow the more frail ones (obviously myself included) to stay in the house without restriction. this might end up with the underclass marching on the house and burning it to the ground.

its all for science, Stanley and Milgrim and Zimbardo did absolutely nothing wrong

General Discussion / Re: post urself irl
« on: April 05, 2019, 12:15:15 am »
Moore's advertised a suit sale for $300 but after i bought it i found out it was only on certain brands so this damn thing with the shoes ended up costing me $850 and i've only worn it once. It's a Bonobos though so I can't rly complain

also i'll have you know that belt is real, and can be reversed to have a formal black leather side, but i had brown shoes so i had to go with the peanut butter LV side.

i guess you look breddy gud but do you have to seem so damn smug? what do you know that i don't? do i have some shit on my face or something? do you have insider knowledge that you are superior than me in all respects?

General Discussion / Re: Have you met a cRPG'r irl?
« on: April 04, 2019, 12:10:58 am »
i was a real piece of trash for not hanging out with Jaren when he was rolling through a couple times. i'd like to think i would be different now.

i also bailed on Kolee & co when they were at my university for a while. i regret that one less than Jaren.

i spent a week with Daruvian in Ohio when i was 18 and i shared a bed with him (only platonic ass-slapping involved)

real sperg edit: apparently nobody from Ohio told the little-known Cunt Kaiser the Booty Baptiser (aka Super Destroyer Fuck Machine) that we were in his very town for a week so he stayed at home and played video games. then we got back in TS and he's like what the fuck

General Discussion / Re: Light's Ranking! RANKINGS ARE IN!
« on: March 30, 2019, 04:18:17 am »
that was pretty neat. thanks for your service

i always think to myself that its a damn shame that people like this coming into the game in such a late era/epoch are just so late. why was ya'll sleeping on this mod years ago??

General Off Topic / Re: Name that song!
« on: March 29, 2019, 02:55:02 am »
Okay new song, its an 80s song but it has sonic the hedgehog music

its this one right

General Discussion / Re: Havelle's CRPG Rankings List
« on: March 26, 2019, 04:59:08 am »
might i suggest the rarely-witnessed Cunt Kaiser the Booty Baptizer for consideration in this list?

General Discussion / Re: Knightmares CRPG Rankings List (Edited Daily)
« on: March 24, 2019, 05:42:20 am »
i thought it was a neat list but i don't know any better

i've been wanting this or a world of darkness MMO for ages. hear tell that one of the main writers for the original is associated with this project, but forget in what capacity.

boy, it'll be easy for them to fuck it up and hard as hell for them to come close to VtMB. thoughts and prayers

Diplomacy / Re: The Story Deepens
« on: March 23, 2019, 04:45:10 am »
i spared the rod and spoiled the child

General Discussion / Re: Knightmares CRPG Rankings List
« on: March 22, 2019, 05:34:51 am »
why dont you play anymore?

i have been playing war of rights with europeans and (interestingly enough) middle easterners at like 9am-2pm EST because i work third shift and have a whack sleep schedule but i'm currently transitioning into normal ppl work so i'll probably play next month. still have tons of fun whenever i play

General Discussion / Re: Knightmares CRPG Rankings List
« on: March 22, 2019, 05:31:20 am »
this thread will revitalize the game, knightmare has a fucking great psyop here. he knows how to pull at the soul-strings of the archetypical c-rpg nerd.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Buff Polehammer
« on: March 22, 2019, 05:04:09 am »
the polehammer looks a lot cooler than the new german poleaxe model (confirmed the other night by me and kale in ts) so that has to be taken into account

General Discussion / Re: Havelle's CRPG Rankings List
« on: March 22, 2019, 04:24:29 am »
i miss butslap shitburger

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next one needs to be everyone jumped to lvl 35 old stf and make it roadrash race

also this just seems like all will be the same fastest build there is possible for stf, is there photo finish camera I need my Ronin hat back

can you nudge and kick on duel servers?

give everyone rocks and temporarily bring back the native polestagger animation for when you get hit by them

General Discussion / Re: Crpg Player Tier List (NA) [Overall Skill]
« on: March 21, 2019, 03:05:42 pm »
this is simply embarrassing folks, and i certainly am not saying that because i am tsundere at the fact that i am not included in the list. here's some related light reading to get ya'll back on track's-it-who-are-the-most-cunt-players-right-now-(in-na-fuck-eu-fegs)/

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