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Messages - goresaw

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Discussion / Re: NA 100 Man Admin Needed asap
« on: June 21, 2011, 07:07:57 pm »
I love Zealot

General Discussion / Re: NA 100 Man Admin Needed asap
« on: June 21, 2011, 06:58:38 pm »

3) For the most part this isn't our decision.  Though I'm sure Ecko and Devilize are skimming this thread it's not as if this discussion is a jury deciding the fate of LLJK or Zealot.  That decision is in the hands of server admins. All we can do, and should do, is discuss the merits of different punishments for Zealot, or LLJK, in the hope that our opinions are consulted by the admins.

lol you're the worst.

You shouldn't do anything, it's a game bro. chill out.

General Discussion / Re: NA 100 Man Admin Needed asap
« on: June 21, 2011, 06:47:28 pm »
Look, right now you are all pretty much at rock bottom - all banned from ATS servers. This guy is trying to hand you a rope by suggesting something less... radical... and you criticize him and insult the admins further? Not a smart move in my book.

Just because he runs a mod of a mod's server that doesn't make him above criticism bro. He's a baby with some semblance of power and from what I gather, he just kinda forced him self into it.

It's funny that this is causing such a stir...just ban the people who are directly responsible and clean up your fucking mess and move the fuck on.

General Discussion / Re: NA 100 Man Admin Needed asap
« on: June 21, 2011, 05:56:42 pm »
Just put him on a permanent black list for that server plus all other servers run by the same affiliation. Problem solved, no need to make this into a massive problem.

LLJK is not magically run by one grand overlord and every goon his minion. They are probably equivalent to the Mercs in that they have a few members that do whatever the hell they want.

No need to ban all of LLJK. When the 22nd did the historical stint they were not all mass banned due to one bad apple. Just permanently ban a group of LLJK that can not control themselves and be done with it.

Black list, eh? You want a crybaby biased admin with bad social skills running ALL of the NA servers?

General Discussion / Re: NA 100 Man Admin Needed asap
« on: June 21, 2011, 05:41:56 pm »
Zealot has deliberately tk'd, griefed, and has now deliberately compromised server security.  I do not value his place in our community.  Can anybody speak as to why he shouldn't be given the most severe ban possible?

Because some idiot's server security and you crying about a game isn't exactly a horrible thing.

If you care enough to go ballistic about your server being messed with then start off with caring about your own server's security (your investment) first.

CRPG = 25 year old larpers with 12 year old social skills

Suggestions Corner / Re: Let's Talk Voice Commands
« on: June 14, 2011, 08:29:25 pm »
It's a great idea, but most people turn them off due to spamming anyways.

Faction Halls / Re: Lots and Lots of Jolly Knights
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:08:48 am »
I approve of this thread.

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