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Messages - BlackWhite

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General Off Topic / Re: Shitty Romanian Internet
« on: August 18, 2014, 10:06:22 pm »
Try getting your dicks wet outside a computer.You visit a country to stay somewhere with 10 duds to talk to creepers on some 'dating-now-100%pussy' wannabe website.damn

Will use less sarcasm next time.  It's mostly for the other guys who can't use apps like facetime/skype to talk to their loved ones not in this country Also so I can play god damn C-rpg whilst on downtime.

What kind of ISP would do that, and how are they not bankrupt already?

It's not the ISP itself I don't believe just restrictions placed on where I'm at to limit bandwith for the people here.

General Off Topic / Shitty Romanian Internet
« on: August 18, 2014, 05:24:12 pm »
So here I am in Romania, beautiful country and all but god damn I'd love to make a Plenty of Fish account. There is some weird restriction I'm guessing with ISP where I'm at that doesn't allow most phone apps with wifi, ANY torrenting (can still buy/download itunes bullshit) or the annoying part, no playing of any online games or game engines like steam.  Oh and I can't log in to sites like PoF which is gay as hell because I'm trying to get my dick wet. 

Any recommendations for getting around this? Any help will also be greatly appreciated by the other 10 dudes I'm here with and will get you a beej from HarryCrumb.



So I literally am in Romania and just saw Dracula's castle.

P.s. Vlad is like a damn super hero here it's kinda awesome.

Faction Halls / Re: Ravens of Valhalla: Recruiting NA
« on: August 06, 2014, 10:05:49 am »
Been saving myself for you bb.

p.s. Don't lie, you don't work.  You live in your "rents" basement and drink 40's whenever you get your allowance money.

Faction Halls / Re: Ravens of Valhalla: Recruiting NA
« on: August 02, 2014, 05:36:31 pm »
Romanian girls are effin hot.

me > devilize @ 2h cav

Faction Halls / Re: Ravens of Valhalla: Recruiting NA
« on: July 19, 2014, 06:21:07 am »
Remember that one time we had 17 people on at once? I do.

Faction Halls / Re: Ravens of Valhalla: Recruiting NA
« on: July 08, 2014, 05:24:57 am »
SUP M8.  Just a little bump because this is on page 2.  Harry start pushin.

Faction Halls / Re: Ravens of Valhalla: Recruiting NA
« on: June 23, 2014, 08:21:15 am »
Teamspeak :(

Have been laughing for 30 seconds now at the fatty trying to knife the bottle.

Faction Halls / Re: House Stark [NA]
« on: June 23, 2014, 08:01:13 am »
Role play clan.  Good luck!

Faction Halls / Re: Ravens of Valhalla: Recruiting NA
« on: June 14, 2014, 05:16:56 am »

Sell/Trade / Re: Evlampiy's shop "Fat Pillager"
« on: June 12, 2014, 07:55:02 pm »
Check my thread for something you might want for the Miaodao!!'s-shop!!-horse-archer-dream-kit/


Faction Halls / Re: Ravens of Valhalla: Recruiting NA
« on: June 11, 2014, 06:26:33 am »
wow Sandy don't have to yell jerk :(

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