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Messages - Wizard_of_chaos

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Sell/Trade / Re: Want an easy 50K and about to heirloom greaves?
« on: January 21, 2012, 01:49:13 am »

Sell/Trade / Re: Want an easy 50K and about to heirloom greaves?
« on: January 20, 2012, 07:44:26 pm »

Sell/Trade / Re: Bus stop. 7 MW Items to trade.
« on: January 20, 2012, 08:21:49 am »
Vaegir War Helmet+3 for Gnezdovo Helmet +3

Sell/Trade / Want an easy 150K and about to heirloom greaves?
« on: January 20, 2012, 06:37:51 am »
I'm offering 150 000 for anyone who'll heirloom the Mail Chausses (27 def) in exchange of my Splinted Leather Greaves over mail (30 defense). They're the best weight for the armor (3 armor for 0.4 weight increase from the Mail chausses). The next best greaves after are gonna be an increase of 2 armor for 0.3 weight... So you can heirloom some of the best greaves and get a 150k more gold in bonus. Just put the mail chausses+1 on the marketplace demanding the +1 Splinted leather greaves over mail and 150 000 more gold and I'll accept them, you get 150k and the splinted greaves+1.

So it's like heirlooming the Splinted leather greaves over mail, but by heirlooming the mail chausses and trading them with me to get a 150K more gold.

I'm reliable. Who's taking it?

General Discussion / Shield in back defense
« on: January 09, 2012, 06:12:04 am »
I'Ve heard the fact that keeping a shield in the back helps reducing damage. Does it reduces damage when you take damage to the shield only at your back, or front damage too? Is the power of the shield necessary to get less damage from hits with the shield? (Does a practice shield reduces the same damage that a heather shield, for example? or a heirloomed shield reducing more the damage even if on the back?)

Any links to a post about it if it already exist? can't find it.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Armor delimitation
« on: January 04, 2012, 03:06:53 am »

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Armor delimitation
« on: January 02, 2012, 08:44:20 pm »
I had so much in mind that it was from the belt that I really wanted to make it sure and clear that it was from the knees. There's an imprecision: Some players are saying it is from the knee and down, and some from the thigh

but tigh is above knee...

So the upper part of the leg over the knee is part of the body if I understand.

Suggestions Corner / Teamwounding penalty
« on: January 02, 2012, 04:46:44 am »
I think the teamwounding penalty should have a 5 seconds delay before the other player can blame the one that hit before so there is time to say sorry. Being accused teamwounding can show a mistake if the person asks for pardon, and telling the other sorry shows it was not intentionnal and most often can remove the anger of the teamhitted accidentally player. Seriously, I see so much accusations in a game and I don't see anyone anymore telling sorry. I think this really discourages people saying sorry as there is no time before getting accused, and honestly it's pretty frustrating to be accused while it was a mistake and not having the time to say anything. As you may know, it is impossible to never teamhit anyone accidentally in M&B Warband


Beginner's Help and Guides / Armor delimitation
« on: January 02, 2012, 03:33:12 am »
Is the leg armor starting under the belt and the torso armor over? Or is the leg armor starting at the boots and the torso is a larger area, so it takes more weight?

What is the % damage reduction by armor for armor types?

For cut, is it like the number of armor in % less damage? (so 60 armor would mean 60 % less cut damage there)
Or is it a fix number less to the damage number?

For pierce, what is the % damage less?

And for blunt?


General Discussion / Re: Leg VS torso and armor questions
« on: December 31, 2011, 08:01:42 am »
So would I get hit more by a cut damage on the legs with 47 armor legs than on the torso with 59? (is the armor deduction big enough to make the damage bigger on the legs?)

If I understand, the feet get 100% and not 80% like the rest of the legs?

General Discussion / Leg VS torso and armor questions
« on: December 31, 2011, 07:37:57 am »

I would like to know what is the difference in % of the damage dealt to the legs or the torso

If I have 59 armor torso
and 47 armor legs
Will I receive more damage to the legs when hit there by a cut damage? if the torso is 100% damage done, what are the legs?(i guess you receive less damage to the legs?)

What is the damage to the head if torso is 100%?

Closed Requests / Hi
« on: December 11, 2011, 01:10:37 am »
Does it shows if a ban is a perma ban or a tempory one for for those who have been banned?

Sell/Trade / Re: My +3DrkCavRobe for a 3DruzhinaMailSh or Haubergeon
« on: December 05, 2011, 01:11:57 am »
for a +3 Haubergeon too

Beginner's Help and Guides / Elegant poleaxe
« on: December 04, 2011, 08:23:33 pm »
What's the secondary mode of the Elegant poleaxe? Is it two handed? What's the stats of the two handed if it is...?

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