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Messages - Cris

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General Discussion / Re: So, is Horse Archery Skill really Balanced?
« on: December 06, 2012, 11:17:20 pm »
Mounted ranged is only fun for you playing it, the rest of us hates the existence of the class. And for all you turds that are going to yell at me that you should be able to play the game in a way you like, you're wrong. Cause I would like to play the game as a flamberge wielding centaur with a jetpack and I can't.

So for being a selfish dick, you get the effectivity of a stone, seems fair to me.

Tbh I dont have HAs when Im on alts (both melee and foot archer). You can shoot HAs at range, you can kill them easily in small map, you easily dodge arrows, and the most simple of solutions, use a shield.

I am not asking for 1 shot kills, or headshots across the map. Right now, a HA at speed is lucky to shoot at a target 2 meters away, that is just wrong.

May I add, I have been killed by a high str thrower with mw stones in less shots that I killed him :-P

General Discussion / So, is Horse Archery Skill really Balanced?
« on: December 06, 2012, 09:22:50 pm »
Well, is it?

When compared to damage and accuracy of other ranged played styles and the quality of build at high levels, the limitations of it might just surprise you... and remember, the whole point of horse archery is the ability of shooting off horseback "at speed".

Please note: We are looking at a class, not at good people that still use it well - melee players as skilled as the best Horse Archers will beat you on a melee  fight in peasant gear, dear I say even at peasant levels - it doesn't mean peasant gear is overpowered, it just means they are good

Well, there are two main builds at attainable levels:

The damage build: 18 strength and 21 agility
                                                                   --> This build lets you have PD6 and use nicer bows (great for strat if you don't like yumi), get riding 7 for the best horse, 7 weapon master and 3 Horse Archery.

The accurate build: 15 strength and 24 agility
                                                                  --> 5PD, but it allows an extra point in riding, and most importantly 4 horse archery and 8 weapon master.
                                                                       This is a big damage and bow limitation tradeoff.

You all know that Horse Archery damage is really low, PD6 HAs still take several shots to kill you, and PD5 HAs like myself will take an insane amount of shots to kill someone in any kind of good gear, even with loomed arrows and bow. Most of you will good armor and good memories will be aware of this fact.

Obviously, any mounted range is very annoying if you aren't ranged, and Horse archers should not be as deadly and accurate as foot archers.

Nevertheless, look at this example.

Level 32 Build

4 Horse Archery
172 archery (132 points after -40 penalty from 4HA_
5 Power Draw
Riding 8
4 Power strike (irrelevant, but if you needed to know where the spare points were, they are here :-P)

Champion courser
MW horn bow.

Please note: This is the accurate build, so you would expect some measure of accuracy from a level 32 dedicated horse archer.

Screenshots at speed.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Video: Look at reticule

Does it look really balanced to you?

I believe that as a class horse archery is severely unbalanced. A dedicated class, any class, should be able to be good at something at high levels.

Horse archers right now:

- Can only be really accurate with a high damage build if you slow down greatly before shooting
- Lack decent/balanced accuracy if opted for a more accurate build
- Pay masses of upkeep, due to the high upkeep for arrows design to balance upkeep payment for foot archers, who run very cheap overall gear.
- Have a -10WPP penalty for using the very same skill that is design to make players better at shooting on a horse (horse archery is supposed to reduce mounted penalty [-20% stats], for total reduction you need 10HA points.
- Do not receive speed bonus for arrows shot (last i checked), but are affected by speed bonus against us.
- Thanks to the HA WPP penalty, HAs load bows much slower.

Once again, I totally agree that mounted ranged are annoying, and obviously HA should not be as accurate at speed as archers on the floor. But right now the class is really underpowered.

The fix to test that I propose is the elimination of the Horse Archery -10 wpp penalty, it hurts accuracy, it sucks for siege and strat, when horses are not used, and it also goes against the very point of the HA skill.

Discuss and thanks for reading

WSE2 Beta / Re: Satisfied user
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:42:21 pm »
So far all looks good.

General Discussion / Re: Best class to play with 100+ ping
« on: December 04, 2012, 01:30:37 am »
Horse Archer

(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Re: microsoft sam explains archery of old
« on: November 28, 2012, 09:32:28 pm »

you are showing your time in this mod. Originally it was much faster shooting, much much faster :P

General Discussion / Re: microsoft sam explains archery of old
« on: November 28, 2012, 09:03:30 pm »
As much as I'd love to do that again, too many 2h and no shield polearm people would just cry nerf instead of going to the melee server

General Discussion / Re: To all HA
« on: November 28, 2012, 06:57:04 pm »
yup, our damage hurts, specially with 4HA points and PD5 builds.

Blame the -10wpp per HA point and 6agility per HA point forcing less strength and the normal -20% damage/speed mounted debuff

also, 4HA builds is still inaccurate. Its a but if a shame that there isn't an accurate build available.

General Discussion / Re: Crosshair on request
« on: November 21, 2012, 05:57:43 pm »
thanks meow, gonna give it a try

General Discussion / Re: giving crpg that "punch" back
« on: November 21, 2012, 05:06:55 pm »
you were that corazina armor cataphrac horse archer that needed luck or super sneakiness to only land a hit,  werent you?

That was one of the armors i used, but I wouldnt see i needed luck, i often for HS across long distances on a courser at speed :-P or take most of the other team by myself, but thats not something I think this should come back too, back then high level HA were OP, although I do think that now HA that go for a 4HA build are a bit underpowered and very inaccurate, but thats a whole different topic.

I'd like to see a faster game play again, its fun. Faster swings, faster running, faster horses, harder blocking, etc (not the old archery animation, its great for archers, but at high WPP it makes us machine guns)

General Discussion / Re: giving crpg that "punch" back
« on: November 21, 2012, 01:08:15 pm »
I liked the old days, but the retirement system wpp bonus and quick reretating (which i didnt use btw, only gen2 then :P) needed fixing, and no upkeep made for infinite tincans ends up being no fun for many people.

Faster and more accurate gameplay was awesome though, i'd love to see that come back

General Discussion / Re: Horses repairs: observation
« on: November 05, 2012, 08:14:08 pm »
Trying playing Horse Archer, we pay for arrow upkeep too.

But then again, it has been so from almost the beginning of upkeep patch ages ago

Game Balance Discussion / Re: HA
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:11:52 pm »
That would be stupid.

People have higher riding so the penalty would be greater. High HA/riding HAs already have given up a good PD value in exchange for a measure of accuracy at speed (which is as accurate as a shotgun with only one small ball per shot 100m away)

General Discussion / Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:04:50 pm »
There was a free respec once. They gave everyone a free respec in the huge patch that added upkeep. Though they will probably never give out another one :P

Upkeep wasn't the reason. In that patch the massively reduced levels. People like me in the low 40s ended up being high 20s after the patch. More than a respect it was a reset.

General Discussion / Re: Is archery bugged atm?
« on: November 01, 2012, 12:38:34 pm »
From that HA information I just see that sacrificing PD for higher HA means even less damage and still crappy accuracy due to -1 HA points anyway....Oh, and we'll suck on foot too if the -wpp penalty carries off the horse. Thanks...

I understand the need to not make HA overly attractive, but the -HA point is a bit too much, regardless of it being like that pre/post patch

General Discussion / Re: I like you guys.
« on: October 31, 2012, 02:57:30 pm »
Lovely to see this is still a loving community XD

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