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Messages - kooktar

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NA (Official) / Ban Request for Smithy
« on: February 08, 2015, 01:19:20 am »
1. Name of your character involved: Raven_Kooktar
2. Name of offending character(s): Remnant_Smithy
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: NA1 6:45pm EST
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: Basically Smithy was on a TKing binge, was fed up with witnessing the blatant abuse to the community that was occuring for atleast the hour that I played this mod. Time of screenshots was Smithy's 3rd or 4th time to 'end of round kill all teammates', if you go back in the logs you will see multiple team kills. After killing 3 teammates and finally dying to Hospitaller_Bonz (whom was defending himself as no admins were on). Next round spawns in Smithy starts swinging his long voulge around at teammates, just being an annoying little douche, tagging multiple teammates until he hit his target to kill -> Hospitaller_Bonz. After finally killing him he dropped all his gear and leeched his way to the enemy.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: I think he did what he did because he is apart of the popular kids behind the cRPG forums. Too many times have I seen remnant members (and other popular kidz) get away with murder because they have a bunch of nut cupping fanbois in the admin crew and/or people determining how repercussions get dealt out to the offending community members. That being said I feel he probably thinks he is immune to any sort of ban or punishment, I personally like to cite when Mae and remnant crew chain TK'd me at round start multiple times and got away with it. <3 mae.
6. Multiple Screenshots:,lJxbGSP,qPjAK8O
7. Names of players that can witness what happened.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions for nerfing Horse Archers
« on: September 11, 2014, 05:13:27 pm »

Everyone seems to QQ about the balance of 1v1. This IS a team game. Horse archery is strong for a reason, it was OP in real life as it is in this game for all the reasons everyone is QQing about. Grab a shield, clump up as a group, stand next to pikers.... many ways a team can counter horse archery.

If you wanna stroke your epeen and complain about 1v1 balance, CMP should take down all servers but the official duel servers.

« on: July 18, 2014, 10:12:23 pm »
Your poll is flawed and is missing the melee counter to crush through: high athletics. When they do the overhead swing, you can run thru them faster than the player is allowed to turn while swinging (lolstab nerf). Thus it leaves you blocking left/right which cant crush through anyways. Repeat this process until they fail to block you and its gg game over.

S key Hero w/ long weapon

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 08, 2014, 08:27:12 pm »
I disagree here to some degree.

The reason the issued punishment was a permanent ban was due to Allers ban history.
So someone who has never broken the rules should not be permanent banned.

But many others should indeed be punished. Whether it would be a warning for everybody who has never done anything wrong, a ban for people who already have broken the rules a few times or whatever. They need to be punished.
Or as you said, Allers has to be unbanned. If he then does something wrong he can be banned again for all I care.

But this way of dealing with only certain people comitting "serious crimes" such as not trying hard enough is not just.

The problem is Canary, in this thread, admitted that the BAN HISTORY is a broken ass system. Basically you have a ban history if you are on the bad side of someone, and those in favor get let off with warnings, another testament to the discrimination that occurs in this community. Warnings, for whatever reason, are not tracked. So in theory players could be in an endless cycle of receiving warnings simply due to the fact that they have a lack of BAN HISTORY.

Real world example:

Player X did not try and was warned 10 times by 10 different admins, a ban was never issued because the admins reviewing each of the ten cases was in whatever mood they felt it not necessary. Player Y did not try and was banned on his first offense because the admin reviewing 'did it live'. Player Y on his 2nd 'not trying' session was then banned again for the same offense AND HE HAD THAT GOOD OL BAN HISTORY so the admin issuing could justify it as, DIDNT LEARN HIS LESSON. Third time around Player Y gets perma banned.

Player X hurt the community ten times. Player Y hurt the community 3 times. Who is the greater evil here? If your argument's foundation relies on the BAN HISTORY, its so full of holes it could basically be called bullshit.

The BAN HISTORY should be done away with period, let alone used as a tool for argumentative purposes.

In the case of Allers if we remove the BAN HISTORY from the equation he was permanently banned for NOT TRYING. Lets think about that. Hmm.

I feel so strongly on this subject because I was the victim of admin abuse, I was essay banned on BS accusations from a community server admin from way back.

*edit* clarified my thoughts after posting

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 08, 2014, 07:41:50 pm »
In response to Oberyn's flourish of activity in the recent pages:

I think what you are failing to realize are the raw facts, you seem to overlook these due to whatever emotions are evoked within yourself when the name 'Allers' is stamped alongside the story.

So I ask you to remove yourself from the heated discussion and look at the simplest building blocks.

For example:

The majority of the NA Admin team has issued a PERMANENT BAN against a cRPG Community Member/player on the grounds of 'Not Trying'.

This has been interpreted as leeching, but based purely off verbage of the defined rule this judgement is incorrect. The player in question was actively moving and fighting for his team, but dying more than he killed.

The problem comes in with that fact that cRPG player X is treated differently than cRPG player Y, this is what we call discrimination. This is a problem.

I propose that all player X's are treated as player Y, or vise versa, so this would either mean Allers would be unbanned OR many, many, many of the faces you see in game today would be issued permanent bans.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 08, 2014, 12:56:55 am »
Role of the concerned father played by the cRPG community (replace 'life' with 'cRPG')
Role of the main character, the NA Admin team (replace his main repeated phrase with 'Ban History')

Please note this video is not to portray the physical attributes of the NA Admin staff, but the dialogue fits so perfect and I recently re-watched some Tosh on Hulu.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 07, 2014, 11:02:24 pm »
I made a handy chart back in the day for how to handle chat abuse but it could really be applied to any form of rule breaking. The main point though is 1 week bans should be the most severe punishment for anyone who isn't hacking. Repeat offenders will be ban far more often than not if they don't learn to control themselves.

The problem lies in the roots of the system. The FORUM for the mod itself has the good ole' UNBAN ESSAY folder, which basically everyone gets to flog you with their e-peens as you publicly repent for whatever wrong doing the clergy of inner-circle cRPG heroes deemed you guilty of.

For those of you who don't know I play as Raven_Kooktar. Ive been off and on, but if you've seen me in game have I ever really done anything? No. However I do have a BAN HISTORY. Way back in the glory days of the community server I was essay banned, with no previous BAN HISTORY for TWing an admin in combat on a siege map while we were engaged with enemy on the ramparts. The admin (forget the name) fell off and died due to pole stagger. I was basically perma banned because i refused to stoop to the level of begging to return to a video game. Whatever the case the ESSAY BAN was lifted as after about a year I reinstalled and was able to play this game again.

Anyone who plays this game, creates friends and enemies. Thats what makes it so great, seeing that troll or some fotm HX trolling and DELAYING WITHOUT BEING BANNED is very gratifying to kill. The problem occurs when these same players are now given the option to permanently remove their nemesis from the community.

Bottom line is PERMANENT BANS should be limited solely to exploiting/hacking. If you don't wanna deal with a player because of BAN HISTORY and use it as a catalyst to drop a PERMANENT BAN so you don't have to deal with his/her trolling or general pain-in-the-assness then you shouldn't be a power figure head in this community.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:04:07 pm »
Everyone knows this.

The people that are still making huge effort posts against this ban(you know who they are) that will not be over turned are in it for a different agenda.

If a bullshit ban can happen to one person, it can happen to me. Thats my agenda. Ive been playing this game for years, check my forum post history, I have prolly ten posts, 9 im guessing from this thread.

Everyone in this thread is so biased, you either 'hate' or 'love' allers and thats what you're fighting for. The real fight is the fact that this fucking admin team has permanently banned a community member for NOT TRYING based on a BAN HISTORY that Canary even said was fucked and was a broken system. A BAN HISTORY doesn't track warnings or any other useful form of information. That being said people without BAN HISTORYS can fuck off and act like total douchebags in game with no reprocushions due to their lack of BAN HISTORY.

'Uh this player has no BAN HISTORY and is not a known troll, he'll get off with an untracked warning. DERP' - NA Admin

Bottom line is, apparently you all gathered up and discussed the issue, and turns out NOT TRYING with a BAN HISTORY is a permanently bannable offense. And to me, and 2/3rds the community is fucking laughable.

Go get lives, yinz guys are steering this game into the ground, fucking jag-offs.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 03, 2014, 07:32:16 pm »
What allers specifically said about it was that he was "choosing to die by them hitting me" and "I don't feel like trying", which indicates he wasn't really making an attempt to actually play the game, even if he was at his keyboard and moving around. There's a difference between playing recklessly, playing with low quality gear, and not attempting to try.

I don't see how you can sit there, with a straight internet face, and publicly say this as an official response for the NA Admin team. What a fucking joke. So on the hearsay of a ban thread author, and the free willed, innocent, unsuspected self incrimination testimony of the accused, allers was permanently banned from the community for 'not trying' whilst owning a fraudulent ridden, broken-ass-system tracking, biased 'ban history'.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 03, 2014, 06:15:59 pm »
Ban is dumb.

I spend most of my lower levels as a peasant on various chars sprinting round the edge of the map sight seeing, avoiding conflict and charging in when theres only a few players left. By this standard I should have been banned long ago.

Now that the precedence is set, it is a  perma ban.  But fret not, I will stand up for you also, but our voices will not be heard.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 03, 2014, 04:47:13 pm »
In the case of allers, it was concluded that he broke the rule he was accused of breaking. His ban history came to bear on the permanence of his ban, since he's had multiple accounts permbanned already and has already received an essay ban - after an incident where one of his accounts was permbanned for exploiting QML on an empty server. After all of this, a smaller punishment could not have been considered with respect to the way permbans are handled. It wouldn't have been fair to the other people who have received permanent bans.

So because unfortunately permanent bans are a real thing, and have been issued to members of this community on a VIDEO GAME, is your justification to issue the harshest of penalties on such a minor infraction?

Leeching in general has no impact to the enjoyment of players, literally the balancer is broken as shit, and if anything that software and the coder behind it should be perma banned. Yet you let HX scrubs delay the game for 3 minutes round after round.

Over TWO THIRDS of this 'community' in which you 'enforce' 'rules' to protect say this decision is wrong. I personally hate Allers, yet I know if this happens to one person, it can happen to another.

The main problem with this is the Admin staff is judge jury and executioner. chadz wrote the rules. You guys enforce them AND interpret their meaning. This is definately not a balance of powers. The people that MAKE THIS GAME should be the able overturn decisions like permanently removing a member of the community.

You yourself have said he has had multiple permanently banned accounts, why was he not instantly re-permanently banned upon knowing IT WAS HIM? All this is, appears to be an attempt to troll a player out of looms, as it appears only permanent bans apply to a player's account, rather than the player? Honestly another reason the 'permanent ban' is complete horse shit.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 03, 2014, 04:04:49 pm »
Apparently he was suicide leeching. That is on the assumption that charging the enemy swinging your weapon is considered suicide.
However, what is beyond me is that it is only Allers being banned. Apparently because of his ban history.
But let us assume that this ban is just. This, however, does not justify other people not being punished at all for doing the exact same thing.

So either 50% of all other people have to be punished as well, or Allers has to be unbanned. To me only the latter makes sense. Having the responsible admin/s write an apology for having done the wrong thing would be too much to ask, since 50% of them are probably somewhat mentally challenged anyway.

This ban is once again perfect proof of how broken this system is. Admins are corrupt and retarded as fuck. Players who harm the community more than anything else walk free while people who do a minor offence get a lifetime sentence.

chadz, you probably won't read this, but if you expect any of us to actually spend money on your new game you gotta do something about the current situation. Reevaluate what admins deserve to keep their powers, because many of the current ones do not deserve them at all.
I personally do not want to spend money on a game in which the most power hungry people get powers to permban people. And I assume many others think alike.

People in the 'in crowd' do not get punished/banned due to their lack of 'ban history' for breaking the same exact rules. A nice quote from an NA admin regarding the resolution to a deserved ban against a forum celebrity: (
After viewing the logs and the screenshot you submitted, I am going to let this go with a warning. I was not there, but the information from the logs seems questionable. As another point, Mae has no previous ban record (meaning that they are not a known troll). Locking thread, please direct any criticisms to

When people break the rules why are bans not distributed equally? If they were, referencing the 'history of bans' would not be such a crock of shit, and would be an accurate historic piece of statistics to base a judgement like this off of. So I beg to question the admin staff, how can you use a 'ban history' as a sticking point, or sole reason to justify your actions, when bans, and tracking them, is  complete horse shit?

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: June 28, 2014, 02:53:21 am »
If you are not part of the cRPG inner circle of cool brehs, ya mid aswell craft up a shit sandwich.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: June 27, 2014, 10:36:55 pm »
My only thing is the elitism nutcupping that occurs between non friends of the admin team.

I believe i only have one ban on record, and it was some bullshit blatent lie. But I think that was back with NA_Community and their band of lame-ass badmins. As far as the current team, my only ever issue was with Mae, and the baby squad at the time, who were all using throwing lances, and TK'd me at the start of each round for almost an entire map (3-4 rounds) after I accidently tk'd a baby.

I made a post, had screenshots of the remnant scrubs typing in chat which countered their forum responses to my ban post, basically pointing out the fact that they are caught red handed lying, and all of them got off with a "warning" due to fanboism. I don't care though because its a game..

But its frustrating for me, being a no-name non-forum trolling community member, if someone would post a screenshot of a random TK I would be instantly banned no questions asked.

I just want it to be fair across the board, if this was anyone other than Allers, im sure the same sentence would not be given.

General Discussion / Community Growth
« on: June 27, 2014, 09:29:25 pm »
So obviously a virgin cRPGer gets steamrolled in multiplayer. Even a veteran at level 1, most of the time, will get wrecked. But knowing looms etc are a few levels away you grind thru a few hours to get a mid range build with mid range stats. You're able to somewhat compete.

Around level 27 is when you have enough stat points to get a viable build rolling, and after that its just tweaking.

I propose all characters start at level 30. Change the XP required to go from level 30-31 the same as it takes to go from 1-31. That way you maintain the current progression rate. The nostalgia of "being a poor farmer" and working your way up to "full plate crutch badass" have long past. All this pointless system does is waste a few days of gameplay of veteran players (allers leeching his way to a viable level and then getting perma banned) and completely demolishing any gameplay experiences of new players and never becoming part of this game's dwindling community.

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