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Messages - Garrus

Pages: 1 ... 17 18 [19] 20 21
Magyar Fórum / Re: Névsorolvasás
« on: February 16, 2011, 01:33:20 am »
mmm.. khmkmhm
Igazi színfolt vagy, jó látni egy hölgyeményt közöttünk!
Isten hozott, szia, szép a hajad  :wink:

Kalappal a sulihoz, és messziről kerüld az ilyen addiktív baromságokat vizsgaidőszakban,
nehogy úgy járj mint egy ismerősöm ismerősének az ismerősének az ismerőse.

p.s.: teljesen megroppantam, hogy kihagytál a felsorolásból  :rolleyes:

Faction Halls / .:HuN:. || Magyar cRPG Közösség
« on: February 15, 2011, 09:34:05 pm »
The Hungarian cRPG Sanctuary

Magyar cRPG Közösség

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Magyar Fórum
HuN-cRPG Steam-csoport


Célunk a magyar cRPG játékosok mindenféle kötelezettségtől mentes összefogása, segítése,
valamint járulékosan a magyar játékosbázis növelése.
Akinek akad felesleges szabadideje, ezen a csatornán keresztül nyugodtan terjesztheti kezdeményezéseit.

Az ezen fórum alfórumaként üzemelő 'Magyar Fórum' is a közösség része, de a közvetlenebb kapcsolattartás végett
szerveződésünk magja az alábbi Steam csoport:

Steamcsoport: hunscrpg
A böngésződ segítségével menj a következő címre (ha a steam beépített böngészőjét használod, megúszod a bejelentkezést),
és csatlakozz a csoporthoz. Ezzel hivatalosan is bekerülsz a közösségbe, így annak minden előnyét azonnal élvezheted.
Bármilyen kérdésed van, azt tedd fel nyugodtan, azért jött létre a csoport, hogy segítsünk egymásnak a játékkal kapcsolatban!
A cím:
(a csoport egyelőre Public, azaz bárki szabadon csatlakozhat, azonban amint létszámunk eléri a 9001 főt, átváltunk Invite only, azaz csak meghívásos rendszerre (haha))

Játékbeli nick előtag
Azok, akik szeretnék jelölni a játékban, hogy magyarok, tegyék a HuN_ előtagot, illetve a _HuN utótagot a nevük elé, illetve után.
Utóbbi eset például akkor lehet kényelmes, ha egy másik klánban szeretnél tag lenni.
1) HuN_*nick*
2) SajátKlán_*nick*_HuN

egyelőre ennyi :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Make it so people can not multibox
« on: February 09, 2011, 07:06:31 pm »
If everybody knows the bug, then it is called feature:) use it if it hurts. I think its funny how hard they try to die :) I saw one guy doing that, but I won't name him

General Discussion / Re: Head damage: pierce 3x, blunt 2x ?
« on: February 09, 2011, 06:38:32 pm »
the calculator looks up to date, but it shows I can haz 156 wpf with 3 remaining, but in fact I have 154 and 9 remaining (cant spend). its wrong!

General Discussion / Re: Head damage: pierce 3x, blunt 2x ?
« on: February 09, 2011, 06:35:02 pm »
Afaik the damage is calculated without random factor and the randomness is armour based (min 50% armour, then random). I have atm no link for the 50%, but if you use the damage calculator and set the armor to 0 the damage will be constant.

you are right  :wink:

General Discussion / Re: Head damage: pierce 3x, blunt 2x ?
« on: February 09, 2011, 06:28:25 pm »
Quote: "..without armor to avoid randomness..."
isnt your weapon damaging between the highest possible and half of it, randomly ? (without an armor). wpf counts too and the duration of your swing, so when the end of the swing gots the enemy maybe it does minimal damage, when too early, it bounces off..

I dunno what is your test environment, but try with level 1 characters, read about what armor exactly does, and try to find a composition, when two cases are possible: 1 damage or 0 damage. idk its possible or not, but I would check it.

General Discussion / Re: Spam build
« on: February 09, 2011, 06:15:39 pm »
oom, I really typed so phucking much, and everybody else wrote only those bunny-penises ?  :? When will admins implement to let thread starters be able to mark replies "Hidden", so those ones appear in one line with an expand button and only with a "hidden post" string in title to easily get rid of trolls and boring-posts ? Both makes not much sense, but you can read them if you want. You should be able to enable or disable "auto expand hidden replies" in your forum setup. That would be cool, and I should have write this to suggestion thread but I'm lazy and hope sy else does it. peace

General Discussion / Re: Spam build
« on: February 09, 2011, 06:09:59 pm »
if you really want to spam like hell, and you don't want duel much but killing ppl in a short way, try to get a damage which kills ppl in 1 hit, which is -based on my experiences- 7 ps and above. I had a 27str/15agi/9ps build in my previous generation, that was a tank, but as you get less agility and less athletics, your dodging abilities go lower, but that is important if you want step into your opponent's face and kill him, so if your athletics is too low, then your movement is easier to track and you can get trapped. You can have even 9001 damage.

For example:
one of my "spammer" tactic is to try to predict when my opponent swings, then I start moving into the range of my weapon right after his swings went by.
It needs a bit of skill, you have to have a feel about weapons' length, have to know your speed well to know what distance can you reach in a short duration, need some experience how the common player plays the game, trying to be unpredictable, etc. So, if you enter attack range right after he could not cancel his attack, you have a free hit. If you can't move fast enough to do this, then I say you can barely play an offensive role (spammer, as you call charging, offensive ppl). Its not the same case killing a piker or a turtle or throwers, etc. You are simultaniously watching multiple targets, and if you would start bothering with one of them in a battle for a long time, what do you think, the other x target will leave you "with honor:)" ? Learn to not waste time.

I have now a 21str/18agi/7ps, that fits my need cause I would like to duel as well, so I have to hit back multiple times to the same enemy in some cases, advantage is that I cause a bit chaos among opponents, who thinks his teammate will disappear when he swings (this causes a lot of TeamKills, ppl wanna hit through mates). Imho its harder to play in the "spammer" way. But if you call "spammer", who is continously swinging.., then thats gay. You see what is he doing, you lift your block, and walk into his face keeping your block, in a generic case the second guy stops that noob. Peasants with masterwork hatchet are more dangerous:)

That is the two opinion what spammer means afaik, but what matters is that what is the "spammer" doing exactly, not what you see as an observing beginner, therefore I wouldn't use the word in this game, missleading for beginners. Anyway, I don't suggest this playstyle for first, cause you need some things to be in your fingers, or it will be only random swing-swing, and you end up in the noob-spammer category :)

only thing that matters is to have fun, enjoy what you do, use the game for what is for, entertain, or it will only push you down. (also continously random swinging can be fun, when you are drunken, you can also write a macro for your mouse driver to keep swinging left-right-left-right-up-up-left-...). If you buy warband once more, you can even risk cheating.. its your decision.. but then I would cut your throat:P And I like watching blood.. mmm

[ofcoz I didn't write here all things you need, especially I tried to give you as less information as possible. Maybe tomorrow I will think that this post of mine is absolutely wrong. Would be silly to use my time to improve others, because meanwhile I could improve myself, and I don't thing that I'm near my goal... Like when you wanna tell somebody what are your driving experiences: you try to tell him everything, but he won't get a big part of that things until he doesn't experience it on his own, and he goes into ugly situations. Im sure more than 62.3% of ppl would find a reason why is my playstyle wrong, what I can't or what am I able to do, what are my limits, etc. But I'm enjoying it, and on the day when everybody start behaving in the way that I like, then will I change my behavior :P, not before ]

I hope your eyes flew out during reading this whole post. sorry for accidental and intentional missleadings.

Magyar Fórum / Re: Névsorolvasás
« on: January 20, 2011, 01:44:28 pm »
Konkrétan le is lehet kicsinyíteni a szövegek méretét, többek között a chat-et is, ha érdekel valakit. 
Van egy nagyon szép xml fájl a WarbandInstallPath/Data könyvtárban, neve: font_data.xml.
Megnyitod jegyzettömbbel, második sorban font_scale="100" -ban a 100-at átírod egy tetszőleges kisebb értékre.
Én 60-70 körüli értéket javaslok, így olvasható marad, de egyáltalán nem zavarja a játékot.
Eddig 60-al játszottam, de a csapatnak írt szövegeket van hogy csak úgy tudtam kiolvasni, ha valami világos felületre néztem
a karakteremmel, általában ha bonyolultabb angol szöveget írtak (tehát nem YES), akkor rá kellett néznem pl. az égboltra.
Most 65-el kísérletezem.

Gy.K.: Ha 100-ról 65-re írod át, akkor a fájl második sorában a következő helyett:
Code: [Select]
<FontData width="2048" height="1024" padding="10" font_size="70" font_scale="100" line_spacing="100">a következő lesz:
Code: [Select]
<FontData width="2048" height="1024" padding="10" font_size="70" font_scale="65" line_spacing="100">
Elmented, bezárod a jegyzettömböt és már indíthatod is a játékot.

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 10, 2011, 11:26:32 pm »
Some people you could also (try to) recruit:

Urlukur - Olwen look-a-like

latino - myself (or was it himself?) look-a-like (pike + poleaxe)

McCord(or Card) - another feint-stab-2h-spammer

Cris - horse archer

Finished why did you left out yourself ?
the purpose of my post: he is McCart

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:25:24 pm »
Mtemtko's avatar always enchants me  8-)

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Crpg keeps crashing
« on: January 10, 2011, 09:33:56 pm »
I am using Windows7 x64 Steam version, when 0.201 came out, I deleted the old cRPG folder, extracted the new, then downloaded the minipatch and overwrote the files in the new cRPG folder with its content. working.

Do you have an administrator profile ?

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 10, 2011, 08:26:21 pm »
I can't figure out this thing..
rather listen some cool music
Boris Badenough - Whats up rocky

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Crpg keeps crashing
« on: January 10, 2011, 07:42:18 pm »
I have the solution!
(click to show/hide)

Magyar Fórum / Re: Névsorolvasás
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:12:37 pm »
Maciról nem is beszélve :lol: de ő más tészta, neki le kell vezetni a feszültséget, de ez az Isshin...
Igaz maci ? ha nem kezdek el bazdmegelni kinyírsz :D nem tudta ki vagyok

EDIT: oké

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