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Messages - Algarn

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... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: E3 stuff
« on: June 13, 2017, 05:59:20 pm »
Why didn't you my old friends upgrade to W10 when it was free?

Because the layout reminds me too much of windows 8, which was an abomination. They also collect personal data whether you agree or not, so they can fuck off.

Sell what account? If you're not using an official way to sell an account or a reliable third party, then it's never safe.

Origin account (BF1 + BF4) and Planetside 2 account. Preferably getting the later sold asap considering how much shit has been going on, and while BF1 is dying, it seems they're bringing balance fixes with other stuff, so I'll wait and see before selling it, but I've little faith at this point.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: E3 stuff
« on: June 13, 2017, 06:37:27 am »
EDIT : someone posted them bannerlord vids way earlier, my bad.

I was aroused by bannerlord's gameplay. And I'm excited for Wolfenstein and Metro to come out, (hopefully, someone will find a workaround about that windows 10 bullshit). I however wasn't really disappointed from SWBF2 and BF1's upcoming extensions since I'm not waiting anything from EA to be half decent, even with their millions of dollars of budget; I fail to see how people are finding crucial differences between the first opus and the upcoming one, still looks like an explosive-spamming, casual-catering shooter.

(unrelated) PS : is paypal any safe to sell accounts ?

Besides the weird animations, the fact there should be more warcries on the battlefield and the armors are still clipping, it looks amazing. Bannerlord trumps everything compared to the other games I heard of at E3; when you got an on-crack version of Warband coming up relatively soon; pushing to perfection almost every aspect you can think off, who gives a fuck about mediocre AAA casual shooter franchises ?

I'd pay 100 to 120€ upfront to play it, even more to play it right now. Price doesn't matter when you've been needing your fix so badly for so long, trying to fill-in the gaps with pathetic titles that won't ever come close to give you that "umpf" like warband and cRPG.

General Off Topic / Re: French Election
« on: May 09, 2017, 10:18:21 pm »
I agree that the EU needs to change. But EU bashing is stupid and a show of ignorance... Current EU is still way better than no EU.

I don't belong to the category of the constant EU bashers, since I love the idea/concept of the EU, yet it has to change the way it is operating now, it is even more urgent than it ever was. You can't tell a new president "hi there, congratz on winning, go cut your social programs", especially when the extremist opposition campaigned on the end of the EU altogether and reached 35%. If Merkel doesn't change her political line, France will have to do drastic cuts, which will inevitably end up in FN rising even more by 2022. And Le Pen making France leave the EU will end up in a catastrophic crisis, not only for France, but for the EU as well (Germany included). It's in her interest to keep an united EU, it's a false good solution not to merge the debts, since southern countries such as Spain or Greece won't be able to pay their debt anytime soon anyway, and the death of the EU will end up costing way more in stability, political influence, and money.

General Off Topic / Re: French Election
« on: May 09, 2017, 03:26:22 pm »
What a bunch of bullshit...

Germany aka Merkel has every interest for a strong, well-doing France. Especially with the Brexit, France is pretty much the only other power player left. France is more needed than ever before from a German perspective.

She does need a strong France, yet I can bet you anything she won't allow all the European debts to be bound together, nor she will allow for foreign workers to pay the social fees of the country they work in, and so on and so forth. In fact, Macron's only hope to put in effect his reforms for the European union is to see another person elected, I'm talking about Schulz, and this may never happen, unless a miracle comes by. And if Merkel is re-elected, you can be almost sure France will end up like Spain, doing even more drastic cuts to public budget than anything else. Even on day 1, Juncker is asking Macron to reduce public spending by 4%; and when you know the French rely on public services, it's like scratching a match while inside of a room filled with gas. I'm genuinely not confident about the future, all of this will make Marine le Pen stronger and stronger.

His response to terrorism isnt a poorly thought out temper-tantrum, of course this forum's not going to approve.
You think facebook's bad Molly? Ok... it is. But imagine if your only source of information about other countries (or your own country) was this forum?

Why use this small forum, when there's an entire world of bullshit-spewing like Alex Jones' show or Breibart on the internet.

General Off Topic / Re: French Election
« on: May 09, 2017, 01:01:23 am »
Isn't the winner fairly "right wing" as well?

He's a guy who described himself as "neither left nor right", yet he's the guy behind the very liberal (economically speaking) agenda of Hollande. Basically, he's either seen as a puppet, working for Merkel or for the banks (was an investment banker for some time). I doubt he'll even try to make the necessary changes in the EU economic policy which he advocates for, so it's basically going to be the same thing for 5 years.

It is quite frustrating to see people begging for a change, yet picking the one whose agenda is the closest to the current president's. I wish there was someone else than Marine le Pen in the second round, so some kind of (real) debate would've been held, instead of a forced march toward more Hollandism to avoid everything backfiring horribly, since she proved herself not to know anything about actual economics (or anything relevant for a matter of facts) during that debate.

For a random tourney sure. Expected more when its a tourney with a prize of 10k.

Kinda surprised they're doing one at all really. Random tourneys sure but trying to make it a big deal with 10k? Why? Why now?

Yeah, especially when the game is pretty much in the end of its life-cycle.

General Off Topic / Re: Buff more than Nerf
« on: May 07, 2017, 01:32:36 am »
Seen it already. While buffing should be preferred, sometimes, games designers get drunk and put retarded things in their game, like R8 in csgo. While extremely powerful stuff for everyone may create a higher skill celling in some cases, it often lowers the skill floor significantly, allowing people to get high rewards without any kind of proper in-game experience. The latest CoD is a prime example, from the short footage I saw, the TTK is so low (for all weapons) and with so little recoil for the weapons it screams "casual". Same goes for SW: Battlefront, the weapons have endless ammo, characters regenerate entirely in 1 second after they are out of the fight for 5 seconds or something, and they got overpowered gadgets as well as a grenade to throw every 10 seconds with little fuse time and a super short animation. The funniest example of what I mean is BF1, where a couple of weapons have more than 70% of the usage time, and the rest are used like 3 to 5% of the time. Sure, the underused weapons could use a buff, but I wonder how weird the game would become with every weapon being as overpowered as the automatico (900RPM smg, in WW1 era where most of the guns don't scratch above 600 RPM). You just can't buff everything until it gets broken, otherwise it's a casual fest as a described earlier. The only exception I see to that are tactical shooters as Squad or Insurgency, with extremely fast TTK, but that's another story, since it takes in account other parameters such as map balance for example.

For me though, cRPG had an almost perfect balance in 2012, where almost every build and class was potent enough to be used well, and had their counters for the most part. Then the devs kept blanket nerfing everything that wasn't pure melee infantry with a good load of agility, effectively killing the game for many people who either saw their favorite playstyle nerfed, couldn't be arsed to trade their useless items on the marketplace or to grind for more gear.

lol most of the comments are about bannerlord not the tourney.

Who gives a shit about some random 2h spinning sperglords trying to measure how big is their cock ?

The sad thing is that those maps will be dead a month or two after release, or even sooner (premium only). We've come at a point where the PC bf1 pop is almost the same as bf4's, and it's not even out for a year.

General Off Topic / Re: Turkish Constitutional Referendum 2017
« on: April 30, 2017, 02:45:37 pm »
and a couple of tv shows because they are bad for "family thinking", he´s not even trying to surprise us anymore

Come on, that's one of the only good thing he's done, forbidding retarded reality tv shows.

General Off Topic / Re: Turkish Constitutional Referendum 2017
« on: April 30, 2017, 12:15:07 am »
As I thought, it looks like the votes were rigged. Tardogan can't even win a referendum without any political opposition leaders/networks against him, and had to rig the votes. It's quite fascinating to remember that this country was a rising star in the middle east a few years back, and to compare it to the joke it has become now.

And I love the reason for blocking wikipedia. Because everyone knows that wikipedia is basically the central platform for terrorists.

General Off Topic / Re: Turkish Constitutional Referendum 2017
« on: April 16, 2017, 08:59:20 pm »
Time to leave Turkey.

General Off Topic / Re: Working is gay and even Russel knew it in 1932
« on: April 14, 2017, 03:43:39 pm »
What do you mean by "distinguish yourself from others"? Why would you want to distinguish yourself from others?

And you feel uncomfortable because you've been conditioned to be a wage slave since you could talk.

Money is artificial and when AI and robots are producing more than we can consume (post-scarcity economy) there's no reason not to give it out for free.

A scientist is different of a lumberjack. Our experiences shape us, idleness can't bring us anything good if we aren't doing something of our lives on the side. It's not about being a wage slave, it's about doing something I'd love to do, as Ikarus said earlier.

"there's no reason not to give it out for free."

You're right about money, I wasn't questioning that, I'm questioning idleness itself, and the (in)ability of people to gain more than the standard revenue by taking risks (machines will do it), exercising a job related to producing very high-precision/quality stuff (jobs taken by machines), and so on. I don't think pure communism wage-wise would solve anything, since we, by nature, want always more. I can't see a society like this one working, yet it's coming in 30 years or so (estimated that a large chunk of jobs will be destroyed in that period of time thanks to automation), not with a fully fleshed-out AI, but with sufficient abilities at one task to be able to take the job of a human person. It's also disheartening that most of what we're learning today will be completely useless in the (relatively) near future.

General Off Topic / Re: Working is gay and even Russel knew it in 1932
« on: April 14, 2017, 12:01:06 am »
No, we don't. Cash is artificial. And sooner or later there'll be universal basic income (UBI) in every first world country.

Funnily enough, it literally is the vision of one of the candidate for the french election. And while cash may be artificial, you're buying services and goods with it, and you most likely won't be able to distinguish yourself from others with UBI, unless it is very high for everyone, which is an utopia. While I hate working, I can't help but feel uncomfortable if I'm getting paid doing nothing, and I'm not alone, since a survey shown that 70% of french people would still be looking for some kind of professional activity. I could find it, but meh.

500kg nerds in front of their computer all day for a lifetime is mostly what I meant, and sorry for the bad latin, it's been years since I studied that stuff. It's mostly an insult in french, calling someone a "larve" to describe general uselessness + "leeching".

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