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Messages - 1slander

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18]
If you hadn't figured it out yet, it's not really about you, it's whats best for the majority. Let's look at numbers here.

California has a population of 36,000,000, Texas 24,000,000, Washington 6,000,00, British Columbia (West Canada) Population is around 4,500,000, and Alaska has a population around 690,000 of which you are probably the only person representing the M&B.  I'd say that a server that suits a VAST majority would be much better bet to please the Western population.

If you look at the current results from the poll you'll see a tie between 3 major US choices. It seem to me a middle ground between them would be the best choice. Oh look Salt Lake City is about equal distance from LA, Seattle, and Dallas Texas.  :rolleyes:

I second this guys vote for Seattle - it really does seem the best choice.

So Seattle it is!  Awesome, that was easy!  Thanks for coming out guys!  We need to set up a donation acct for Gorath and see this get rolling.

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 05:32:41 am »
Any idea on cost Gorath? 
Is it that you have a server or is it that you would rent one?
Must be different price per size right?

Seattle was already offered.  Haven't heard any offers from anywhere else.  Have heard mention ingame of a possible Vancouver server as well but I forget who it was now and that was a month ago.  Either way those are prime for me - I'd donate!

But this isn't a real choise issue afaik.  It's all based on who steps up and actually makes it happen, and us throwing money at them to lessen the load.

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 01:46:05 am »
Crossing my fingers on Seattle or Vancouver...I've been playing with 90-170 ping right through with the current NA's available.  Parrying just isn't a big possibility with that ping and this skill lvl.

16 people voted yes so far.  Any idea if there is a large enough player base to support a WCNA server?  I mean I'm guessing there must be, but that's based on assumption alone.  50+ solid would be great.  But even the 80 man dips below 30 alot.  But a WCNA would feed from all current NA's as well as stragglers from the EU I guess.  Things would even out.

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 01:04:37 am »
Once I take care of some bills/upgrades I've been debating whether or not to spring for a Seattle cRPG server if chadz would be cool with that.

Heard you mention that alot since I started playing crpg.  I would donate if you started one.  Would be nice to see a 80-120 man battle server, or whatever you call it.  Never play seige myself, but maybe both if people wanted that too. 

What would the startup and monthly costs associated be?  I know nothing about servers and whether people rent them or have them?  But if we could ballpark costs I'm sure we could cough up donators to get it up and running.  But from what I can tell it is up to chadz and I really don't know how things are run either so it's not my choice either way.  Just throwing it out there though.

Van Isle here as well!

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 22, 2011, 09:59:37 pm »
British Columbia here.  A Seattle server would be great!

General Discussion / Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 22, 2011, 09:40:35 pm »
Time for a West Coast NA Server!!!!

Please vote and if in the case you think you could host one please tell us what you have to offer!

Thanks a million for all the hard work you're doing!  Great job and keep it up!

General Discussion / NA servers password?
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:54:17 am »
Seems both NA battle servers need a password now?  Been waiting for them to die down a bit so it would come off but doesn't seem to be.

General Discussion / Re: difficulties with my 1h/shield char
« on: January 07, 2011, 05:35:08 pm »
Have you tried spamming your attack?  Use a fast weopon and dont stop swinging.  Block once or twice with the shield moving in fast then get in there close and start swinging.  It's cheap, skilless and very effective.  Strafe them constantly right up against them - and keep those attacks coming.  I'm sure things have changed a little since patch, but spam ftw hands down.  Let the ones who cry about spammers be the ones who can't whistle anymore. 

Keep on whistling.

Spam / Re: How did I get a troll score of -1
« on: January 07, 2011, 05:28:21 pm »
I think it's most definately + makes a troll.  Why would it be negative?  That makes no sense.  I guess everything needs a manual these days.  Did you guys know that +50 gives a permanent ban on a forum member?

Thanks for the info.  It's great to see something positive being said about the new cRPG.  I haven't tried it yet but any and all info related is much appreciated.  I love this community cause there are basically no trolls. 

Any info on WPF distribution and the new standards set?  Is it still viable to go pure or is it a waste?

General Discussion / Re: not working
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:09:22 am »
im lvl 30 but something is hilarious ,

Age   45 [30]
Experience   5889459
Level up at   5363154
   i got moar xp than the lvl up  lol
Kills   19660
Death   3237
Gold   277635
Generation   11
Attribute Points   29
Skill Points   31
Weapon Proficiency Points   250

What's more hilarious is your kill score, seconded only by your ingame bank account.

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