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Messages - MacX85

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General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 25, 2015, 01:21:22 pm »
So witty.  :lol:

What? It was just a straight answer.

General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 25, 2015, 09:52:35 am »
Will I be able to make a viable rock thrower in Melee?
Will I be able to use ladders in Melee?

Both a working catapult and ladders where in the kickstarter trailer.

General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 25, 2015, 06:54:22 am »
In tournaments it was... I thought the title is supposed to reflect the atmosphere of close-ranged battles in medieval times which is fine, I think.

General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 25, 2015, 12:04:22 am »
On the other hand, are there really people in the world who don't like Age of Empires? :shock:


Isn't it a bit like "Die by the Sword"?

Never played it though. Looks a bit weird.

General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 23, 2015, 01:43:20 pm »
- Yes, the armies are tickets. The tickets are characters from your city (possibly with a multiplicator, depends on gameplay tests). Which means drafting an army blocks individual characters of everyone in the city, hurting your economy. There is still some discussion going on about the details of this, but it's about the symbiosis again.

Those characters are NPCs (as in the before mentioned family alts), right?

General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 23, 2015, 08:27:23 am »
to ur first question: The reason why they are doing that is that earlier or less earlier there will be someone winning it (or more like a big alliance winning it).

So, if it just means that the round is over once one faction has "won" the map (i.e. taken all of the map and ressources) I can live with that. I guess then there wouldn't be anything to do for other factions anyway. But when there's 2 to 3 big factions who hold themselves at balance I don't see any reasons to reset everything.

I hope your character progression is independent and won't be reset as well.

General / Re: Dev Blog #2 What is Melee?
« on: November 23, 2015, 12:09:40 am »
Sounds very interesting.

Two questions:

1. You mentioned one "round" will last for several months... Why have rounds at all? Can't you make it a persistent world map in which empires can form and stay for years?
2. So, there are two instances where you can fight: wars and instanced round-based battles. So, am I not supposed to encounter enemies when riding through the lands and have some small but interesting skirmishes with them?

As far as I know, Chivalry's combat is nothing like what I'm proposing. In Chivalry, you simply click a button to attack or block.

I mean in terms of pressing a button which immediately starts the attack animation as opposed to hold the attack as long as you see fit. I definitely prefer the latter.

Sounds pretty much like Chivalry, or maybe I don't understand you correctly. I prefer the Warband approach to anything else I have played so far. I wouldn't stray away too far from it.

General / Re: chadz is a vampire
« on: November 19, 2015, 11:53:58 am »
Oh, didn't see. Thread can be closed then.

General / chadz is a vampire
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:16:42 am »
Ripper X made a new video on MBG

love it!

Rather a request than a question:
please make a formal introduction of what you planned for with Epic.
I believe it's pretty much inofficial to the public up until now.

General / Re: A little char creation teaser
« on: November 13, 2015, 05:29:44 pm »
Just beautiful  :|

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