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Messages - Dexxtaa

Pages: 1 ... 163 164 [165] 166 167 ... 169
NA (ScotTFO) / Re: Nappys unban req
« on: January 26, 2011, 04:42:35 pm »
Did you fail to read the server rules?


I just read the Hospitallier thread.

It's 5 pages of important stuff, potential recruits, diplomacy and all.

I like that kind of activity.

But I think I like our 5 pages more.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Carry team mate on your HORSE
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:37:54 pm »
Ushering a new era of trolling possibilities.

"But I wanna ride the pony"

Events & Tournaments / Re: Naked Mike day
« on: January 26, 2011, 03:34:42 pm »
Nekkid Mike Day started about a month before Melee Monday, but only caught on (and went official) a week before Melee Monday.

But I think they have different objectives.

As for NMD, I think if the overall feedback is generally positive, I'm sure the admins will be happy to put one up, especially with the new system.

General Discussion / Re: Wider PoV
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:22:39 pm »
The closest thing you can find to POV in MnB right now is using the +/- keys on the numpad.

Not yet. I wanna see them though. It's gonna be funny especially after we failphotoshop  everyone else in

No it's not animated for me.

Also, I edited my post because I'm trying to kick bad habit.

Get in Steam, too!

Way to change your avatar when I change mine, mate. 

Spam / Re: LLJK and ATS cold war?
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:00:49 pm »
LLJK are evenly spread between srs people and trolls.

Between them and ATS administration policy, I can see the conclusion that's been drawn from that.

Not true though. LLJK trolls and rages at everyone, ATS kicks and bans everyone. I don't think it's a cold war. I think it's just an ideology clash.

ps cool new avatar yo

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Grind, grind, grind even more! - nerf!
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:43:07 pm »
I like option two because it really encourages team play and tactics.

I know that I ran with 3 of my boys and we ran 3 map rotations (including the one we started on) with 20 rounds undefeated.

Having that kind of synergy should be rewarded with a higher multiplier. Maybe 8x max though. 10x is pretty crazy.

Suggestions Corner / Re: -50% Upkeep for One Slot?
« on: January 24, 2011, 04:30:06 pm »
I don't think it's a good idea.

I do fine with my peasant shirt, shoes and hat.

Just don't be armor reliant. You'll be fine.

General Discussion / Re: What do you think about autobalance by banner?
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:29:00 pm »
Hell yeah. Love BannerBalance. Going 3 map rotations with a x5 multiplier? Kickass.

Unbalanced? Maybe, but the "Your Team : Enemy Team" netXP counter does a really good job balancing the Character Levels.

To say nothing about player skill though. I remember doing work as a level 2 peas-o (2 kills 3 deaths, wooden sword yo)

But it's a total blast looking around and knowing that your buddies are gonna be right there with you on spawn, and it's awesome time.

General Discussion / Re: Traitors who give the enemy quarter!
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:08:50 pm »
No, you misunderstand, its not harder, its a joke. 2 players who understand "combat dance" and their weapon ranges, there noone in the world who can beat that v 2. But since the majority of people playing crpg have NO respect, I wont help in teamfights. Ill backstab the last guys defending the flag on siege, but I wont run to help teammates in the vast majority of fights: Why? Because being killed by enemy, yeah thats fine, being killed by my own team makes rage. I dont wanna rage.

Enforce Reflect team damage 100%, and I will be in every fight. I dont fear the enemy, I fear the fucking nabs on my team.

As far as killing my "friends" on enemy team, I leave them usually because I know them as good players, and in most fights, having 3 guys after you is a ADVANTAGE: They kill themselves. I use this to my advantage and so to many others, if all nabs back off my "friend" on enemy team, I LOVE to kill them first.

But I wont fight next to some twat who has never played mount and blade, bought Warband, got FUCKING DESTROYED in Native Multi, so downloaded cRPG cause they think grinding will replace skill: Guess what, you still suck, I wont fight next to you because I dont wanna die from your shitty mistakes, Get the fuck out of my way and I will do my damndest to kill every single enemy by myself if I have to, as long as no teammate fucks me over, I can best almost anyone.

This isnt Hubris, this is dedication to Mount and Blade. I Love this game, its the best multiplayer game out since CE, and that was 11 years ago. Noone can tell me Im not in the top 1% of players, and noone can tell me how to improve my play style.

You go fucking practise, Vance.

Aggro Grey is best Grey

General Discussion / Re: How to spot a noob/easykill?
« on: January 24, 2011, 03:01:31 pm »
And HA without a horse.

Edit: You also forgot the oversized sword.

But sir, I am but a humble peasant.

General Discussion / Re: Traitors who give the enemy quarter!
« on: January 24, 2011, 02:45:05 pm »
Like Cas, I leave my clanmates if they're certain to die (I have no problem sealing their fate if they ride that horse too close to me). If there are perfectly legitimate fights close-by, I'd pick those over fighting my clanmates (have you seen them fight? They're scary, mate) for the sheer fact that I'd rather stay alive that much longer to cripple the enemy team.

Yes, there is hesitation in killing my own clansman, I won't lie, but if we're the last few people on the map, I'm not going charge into a 5v1 just to kill my clanmate, because if you've noticed, people are crazy kill hungry crazy people. Chances are that my peasant butt would get kicked by my own teammates before we even reach the opponent.

Also, since banner balance, I haven't had that problem too often :)

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