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Messages - Dexxtaa

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Faction Halls / Re: Is there a Spartan Clan
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:58:50 pm »
The Old Stratia used to be a hoplite spartan clan. Not really anymore, as we're based around pragmatism now (being a Remnant and all).

ATS used to be a hoplite clan. They've gone over to archery and horse archery. Or something. And throwers. Or something.

If you're looking to make a hoplite/spartan clan, you need dedicated individuals. The tactics involved are relatively complex. I know some ATS do well with it. I know a bunch of my boys do well with hoplite tactics as well. But it takes practice, and shield and spear really doesn't work well without a buddy.

Yeah... I LOVE my Khergit elite, and wanted to try looming armor for the first time after that punkass Fasader took my shit. However, I'm starting to think that, with the vicious repair costs, that loom might've been better spent on a weapon.

omg I LOVE my Red Tunic and Straw hat. Black boots, too.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: One-handers became too fast => Overpowered.
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:31:35 pm »
lol Thank you, Crassius.

Just trying to articulate what I'm sure is on all our minds.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: One-handers became too fast => Overpowered.
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:06:44 pm »
The 2hander needs to block all of the 1handers feints and normal blows correctly. The 1hander just needs to press RMB and he can't be touched.

Fight smarter. You already sound like you don't like blocking.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: One-handers became too fast => Overpowered.
« on: January 28, 2011, 03:44:49 pm »
Okay reading a couple of replies here and there and the original post, I figure that this thread is kind of silly.

Both sides are arguing really extreme views of the class.

1handers want a buff on their already unbreakable shields. Frankly, any idiot with a level 4 shield skill and a pick can gallivant around and rock out even the most capable two hander.

That said, I don't mind it one bit. I die to some turtle who takes smart swings at me? Good on him, I was bested in combat. I sit back, eat my lunch and hang out for the next round. Shielders are meant to cower (I use cower for my general disdain for shields) behind their boards while other classes whale on them.

I'd give them a break, because shielders are meant to take the brunt of the damage when the battle opens. They hang out front (or are meant to) and absorb arrows for us, and tend to be the first to die when we see that maul poking out just over everyones heads.

As much as they are a bitch to kill, any capable two-hander should be able to take a shielder down with some smart tactics and good combat skill - which, incidentally, isn't handed to you by God on your first two weeks playing this game.


Moving on to the two-handers: As a two hander myself, I think you guys are elitist pricks. "Elite class?" Oh please. You guys are just interested in becoming battlefield gods without putting any work in yourself. All you want to do is get a disgusting advantage over other classes by way of nerfing them, which is highly dishonorable.

If you can't spam a shielder, you whinge, if you get hit by an arrow, you whinge, if you die without engaging anyone, you whinge. Get over yourselves.

Whenever I start whinging about arrows and projectiles, everyone tells me to get a shield. Of course, there's sense in that. I say that I don't like shields (that being true), but also my plans for my build use every skill point available - so sadly, no points for shields.

If you guys don't like getting shot or getting shielder hugged, play smarter. It sounds to me like you guys think that your armor grants you immunity to any projectile.

Speaking of projectiles, nerf throwing. I feel like I'm fighting in a horizontal rain 50% of the time.

Bump with two reasons ;

- Awesome stuff yesterday on the MnB servers, guys. Shock Troop strategies seem to work best with us. Plowing into the other team works really well with our style of combat. We were never meant to hide behind silly shields anyway. Frankly, we used our shielders as line breakers (our most defensive class used their most defensive items as a god damn battering ram) and the rest of us plowed through.

Still need to work on large group tactics and, if anything, we can work with other clans to help our tactics and strategy. But awesome stuff. Oberge's raging and the teamwork really made destroying the other team a ton of fun.

The sheer quantity of projectiles in the air was the only thing that stopped us in the rounds where the machine was slowed down, but we came right back and buttsecksed them anyway.

MineCraft right after was da bomb. Hanging out in a nice peaceful constructive game was something of a nice thing, after killing more people than we can count in an evening.

-Second thing, we need to sit in the Steam chat a little more to finish and refine our final changes for the clan. Just jump in there and hang out all day to stay in the loop. I'm sure we'll have it done really soon. We have Sauce working on the banner for us, and shooting him pictures for suggestions can be beneficial for him (and us).

General Discussion / Re: What do you think about autobalance by banner?
« on: January 28, 2011, 03:02:40 pm »
Good times. Still pretty happy with BannerBalance.

RS Shock Troops hit up a server last night and proceeded to annihilate everything that got in the general area.

Approximately 12~15 of us engaged in battle across varying terrains and for the most part, messed up the multiplier of the other team.

Good times.

If you're someone who likes to use different sets of armor (I know I do), heirlooming armor might end up with you being dependent on it. Which is a shame, really. Reduces your versatility.

Events & Tournaments / Re: Naked Mike Day
« on: January 28, 2011, 06:48:58 am »
Hasn't Mike himself been known to wear gloves?

Yes, but for modding purposes, I think it's best that we keep it as simple as possible. If we even have the vague notion of giving any leeway, everyone is going to exploit.

I agree with Devilize. Footman melee combat only. Shields are okay. Any helm is okay.

Absolutely nothing else. That way it's much easier to mod (think of the admins yo).

You guys are buttheads.

Events & Tournaments / Re: Naked Mike Day
« on: January 27, 2011, 02:40:35 pm »
I reckon any hat would be fine, really. Hats shouldn't be a problem anyway.

Not like hitting the head is going to give us a SUPER BONUS now that the body is butt naked.

Wednesday would be great, all day. Melee only. It's a good opportunity for the archers to practice their infighting and positioning etc.

Suggestions Corner / Re: EXP for killing blow and assisted kill !-!-!
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:38:36 pm »
What does assisted kill mean? Whoever gets the second to last hit? Again there is no reward for kills because it would lead to more reckless killing and therefore more kills.

I define it using the same way Battlefield does it.

If you deal the bulk of the damage to the opponent, you get an assist point on the scoreboard.

So if 2 guys are whaling on one guy, and attacker1 deals 51% damage, and attacker2 kills him, attacker1 gets an assist.

If 3 guys are whaling on the the same guy, and 2 guys deal 33% damage and the third guy drops him, the first two get an assist.

If 3 guys are attacking and attacker1 deals 10% damage and attacker 2 does 87% damage and attacker3 kills him, only attacker2 gets the point.


It's not entirely fair to peasants, but it gives them more of a chance of being recognized (2v1) than they do now (0%)

General Discussion / Re: pike exploit
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:33:34 pm »
He's just jealous of your piking skills. I do that move all the time with my war spear.

I do that with my sword-- uuuh spear -- all the time, too.

Suggestions Corner / Re: EXP for killing blow and assisted kill !-!-!
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:03:03 pm »
Stop making posts trying to circumvent the xp dispense rate.

No. It works just fine the way it is.

The only thing I want to see with assists is a "assist" tab on the scoreboard, because k/d alone really doesn't showcase a combatant. There are plenty of underrated combatants who don't get any credit.

Guides / Re: Explanation of Melee Game Mechanics (Long Post)
« on: January 26, 2011, 05:00:24 pm »
Great post. Brought the mechanics of gameplay out of the shadows of the back of my mind.

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