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Messages - 1slander

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General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:43:11 pm »
Living in Jersey, I usually get 60+ ping on the current NA servers. I hate to think what my ping would be on a server in Seattle. If there's to be a West Coast server, we should also get an East Coast server. That way we can properly split our already small community.

Why not somewhere in South Dakota or Nebraska? Somewhere right in the middle that would make players on both coasts even.

Can't imagine the current EC servers being pulled?  We're talking about new servers being introduced as well as what's existing.  Though I'm sure after a month or so the playerbase would settle and maybe one of the EC servers wouldn't be needed anymore.  Like say the 80 man?

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 08:22:54 am »
Nice to see I brought someone around  8-)

I take it you are somewhere in British Columbia? How's the free health care working out for ya?

Nothing is free.  We pay huge taxes.  Hst, income tax, hidden taxes, carbon taxes, hidden taxes.  We also have to pay for medical, but ya the burden is on the tax payer - aka - the citizen.

Meh, it's an ok place to live.  Too cold, too wet.  Sometimes I think of moving south.

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:26:50 am »
Hate having to do this - but I gotta pull out a map.  Wow you guys have alot of states.

Ok, considering the position of the current map unless every NA server would actually move to a central position as suggested I don't see the point in placing more servers merely 2 states over.  If that were the case then I would suggest keep the current east coast hubs, with more based out of say Utah.  That would make more sense to me if we were trying to make two centralization points.  But ya, if it were moving everything to one hub, then right in the middle seems the obvious best spot.

Events & Tournaments / Re: Theme battle - Ogre hunt
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:19:40 am »
So they don't have ogre skin on?  Just plate armor?  Sounds childish different.  Like use your imagine theme battle?

Not trying to be a dick here just saying...hmmmm...ok...

Suggestions Corner / Re: IF changes needed?
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:10:49 am »
someone in heirloomed black armour + best of everything might become really hard to kill is the only downside

Being that guy in heirloomed black armor with huge strength and max IF would really be the benefit.  Hello strength builds!  Imo someone who puts in the time to hit that point in the game deserves the success he reaps.  It would be short lived anyhow, can't wear that armor forever before you run out of money.  Consider it hero mode.

Just greedy for a really low ping here is all.  Completely biased and not thinking of anything as a whole.  I of course see your point.

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:06:00 am »
This has all been hashed over alot quite a few times - the whole WC server thing.  I myself have only been playing about 7 weeks maybe, tops?  I am with you on all you say Beyz.  I still find the community odd at times, but it took awhile to adjust and now it just sort of makes sense.  There are some really miserable people who play this mod, and they are so noisy at times they make new players feel like it's a whole bunch of people, but naw.  It's really just a few bad apples.  All in all I've found the community to be decent enough. 

But ya, starting up servers having just started playing.  I'd wait for sure.

What's a DFW?

If Bush got in twice I think Seattle can get in once.

Suggestions Corner / Re: IF changes needed?
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:24:24 am »
i think +2 armour would be enough

Ya I was thinking about the same.  I mean +3 seems too much perhaps.  No less than +1.5 though I guess.  At +2 I think people would definately put points into IF. 

But how would the +armor modifier work you figure?  Considering current armor spread across chest, legs, head - like add the bonus to each I assume?  It would allow people who run helmless to actually have a +armor to that region.  A real bonus to an archer keeping a high wpf, or a speed demon spam monster.

6 pts in IF would then give say +12 armor to each core region.  That's a substantial bonus and also given new maintenance costs allows chain to become plate in essence.  How that equates vs a hp bonus I dunno.

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:17:48 am »
Don't get my wrong, I'm not really debating the location for my own interests. I'll get a lower ping from Seattle for sure as I'm in Nor-Cal. But there are others namely, 24,000,000 people in Texas and many more in the surrounding areas that wouldn't. How many play M&B WarBand... I don't know. But I started a poll hoping that Gorath would pick a more centralized location for the fact that I would like to see the community grow and attract more attention.

IMO a growing population means overpopulated servers.  I already have to wait to get on during peak times with that crazy cool down pw timer.  The servers can only handle what the donators are already donating for slot space.  Maybe this is a dilluted point since perhaps more players means more donators, but I would imagine the % of players who actually donate is very small anyways vs the actual player base.  I would imagine the real donators are the ones providing the servers, and what is provided is probably all they are comfortable providing.  I'd donate monthly to a real low ping server for me.  But I'm just one guy.  But ya, not arguing a point, because it could really be looked at either way right?  No definitive right answer imo.  But if Gorath is ready to roll, a Seattle server is awesome!

Suggestions Corner / IF changes needed?
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:13:33 am »
I suggest IF be changed to a '+ armor modifier' vs a '+ health points modifier'.  It would allow the use of lower class armor at a more effective level, or just boost that suit of chains ability to stave off the damage.  Not sure what a good +armor stat increase would be if this happened.

I only refer to west coast server because in my mind it's either vancouver or seattle for placement.  Selfish opinion there, but to each his own.  I'm not even sure if the others are technically east coast, just call them that as comparison.

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 06:02:11 am »
It will still be lower.  I don't entirely get it though.  I mean Gorath offers to pay for the server himself even yet people don't think it's worth it?  Any WC server is great.  I am of course all for Seattle as it's close to me.  You play on an east coast server atm, and it works right?  Seattle can only be better, for alot of people.  For those right in the middle of pings, I guess they just get more variety.

Let's face it.  It would be a swing vote on which server to play right.  During peak hours in EC alot of WC people might play due to higher #'s, while it would be vice versa for the WC peak times.  It would yo-yo but at least alot of us on this side of the map could get a taste of low ping.

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 05:44:55 am »
I'd be renting one.  I could host one I'm sure once I get my tax return and upgrade/buy puter shit, but I don't have my old T1 line anymore.  Now I'm on crappy cable (lol, beats the ol' 14.4 baud modem but still).  I'd probably go through Jest and his servers since he's reliable and the accessability for them is pretty simple.  Usually it's $1 a slot, so I'd say a minimum of 100 a month and that'd probably be like a 64-70 man server (have to account for tax and fees).

If chadz is cool with it and everything, I'll do the startup for sure once I get my money direct deposited (should be sometime in the next 5-8 days) and then figure out a donation page from there if people would like to help out.  Never a requirement though.  Ideally I'd like to keep the adminship spread throughout a few clans so to avoid any "FUCK (___insert clan here___) ADMIN ABOOSE!" shit.

I agree with everything you said and would be willing to donate to see this happen.  If enough people threw down and it hit $80-100 wouldn't it be possible to see it happen sooner?  To be honest I don't see why you should have to pay for it all.  Especially considering all the QQ babies who then treat you like you're performing a service for them, crying in forums about abuse when they got booted for building ladder art or shot their team mates horse and whatever else when it's coming out of your pocket in the end.  No, we should all chip in, I'm pretty positive the WC peeps will do what's right and send you coin.

Talk to chadz, see if this is a go, then post a donation link through paypal I guess.  I think people will donate more if the donations are noted and costs are up front.  Otherwise I think people tend to think it's a money grab perhaps.  I dunno, just my 2 cents.

General Discussion / Re: Iron Flesh needs some love!
« on: January 23, 2011, 05:37:20 am »
What if IF was an armor modifier.  Like a natural armor + bonus count instead of hit points.  I know it's left field but it makes sense to me.  That way a high level in IF would actually see a naked peasant having natural armor resistance.  Not really a relative referance but for example.

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