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Messages - Algarn

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Teleportation is now a thing ? Or superhuman-like abilities I guess, Bronn literally managed to pull his own weight after a battle, plus the weight of a man carrying an armor, a sword and a golden hand; and carry themselves out of the battlefield (500m distance ?).

Dumb political moves, like burning a father and his son in front of dozens of soldiers, then claiming not to be a murderer. Instead of ransoming them or letting them live, nah, let's just burn them and forcibly recruit dozens of useless soldiers instead of letting them go (at the scale of the war they're 100% useless), because that's what we do to be well-perceived, right ? Sansa is being idiotic, basically trying to usurp the throne and gain passively influence, yet I wonder how a leader being absent for a few weeks is something causing unrest, especially when their lives are at stake. I call bullshit on that aswell.

The only good scenes were the ones where Cersei lets her inner Mad Queen out in front of Jaime, and the ones where Gendry appears. Oh and the Hound I guess.

rant/10, they're pulling things out of their asses at this point so the plot moves forward.

Quite strangely, my level 72 4k health/ES shadow with 65% evade isn't really faring well right now. I went with the same build (or roughly) as the previous league, yet I find myself getting absolutely rekt by the mobs, despite me doing way more damage per second than before (10k without buffs, I guess it ends up at around 18k ish right now when I'm using the damage buffs). Did the bots get their damage buffed or something ?


This didn't have to be the whole ironbord fleet, just a number of ships that may or may not have been patroling around Casterly Rock just in case.
Dunno, I kinda saw the admiral ship, unless there are several ones, this means Euron is able to teleport his entire armada across the continent, or to have Jaime becoming a mastermind able to predict all moves from DT. Oh and don't get me started on how he managed to build a freaking armada from the scratch, in that time.

I don't know if they are indeed supposed to despise slavery, sure they are Braavosi, but after all money is the only thing they care about IMO.Pycelle once said to Tywin: "You have built the stongest house".

Yea, that makes sense aswell. Not like he could look any shadier tbh.

Also, they didn't really lose that many soldiers in the siege of Riverrun.

They were short on food, money, and had waged a devastating war against the North. And again, the Reachmen had a freaking castle, filled with wealth (ability to get food to last for months). And even if it wasn't their forte, according to Olenna, they still should've had way more bannermen and soldiers than the lannisters, or at least, enough to put up a fight (according to the lore).

I also should add DT has at her disposal one of the greatest spy network on Westeros, and that the populace from KL was literally cheering at Cersei, despite the fact she blew up the holy septry, and killed thousands of innocents from her own city. I think they're rushing it like crazy, it's quite obvious with the length of the battle scenes, and the length of the remaining seasons.

Like Xant, I think the way they've made DT lose most of its army almost looks like fan-service :

ep 1 : oh boi, Cersei is done.
ep 2 : oh well, their fleet is gone, I guess it's to make things a little bit fair.
ep 3 : ok, plz.

And with the trailer for ep 4, I can almost bet two things will happen (haven't watched anything but trailers) :

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While the simple answer to most of your questions is "the show runners are ignoring the books almost entirely at this point," this one is at least somewhat explained by the show. Randyll Tarly jumped ship and sided with the Lannisters instead of the Tyrells, hence strengthening the Lannister army while simultaneously weakening their enemy's. Exactly how large of a force he is supposed to command is unclear, but for this point at least the writers kind of covered their arses.

Haven't read the books, so I can't tell. However, what I can tell, is that house Tarly is not supposed to be more than a minor house, even a supposedly great commander isn't worth an army. It still doesn't make sense that the Lannisters, who waged wars all over Westeros, still find themselves able to wipe the Reachmen like if they were nothing. I'm still betting on a hardfought and costly victory for Daenerys, with the death of Greyworm,  Mormont (he'll make it to the battle, I'm nearly sure), and one of her dragons at least.

When I take a step back, several things are weird :

- how couldn't the rest of DT's fleet could get ambushed in plain daylight without them knowing or anything.
- looking at the westeros map, how could the "new" ironborn fleet get to king's landing, then back to casterly rock (literally at the opposite side of westeros) in time to destroy a fleet that came from Dragonstone (supposedly ?) but left much earlier ?
- the braavosi Iron Bank is meant to despise slavery, yet they seem to refer to it as a business of theirs ?? perhaps they're simply luring Cersei in a trap or something, maybe they'll finance Daenerys' invasion, which wouldn't be the weirdest thing to happen in the show.
- how could the entire reach army be defeated when in the lore, it is one of the most powerful in terms of numbers (not affected by any recent war), they were also sitting on a castle as far as I remember.
- how can the lannister army be powerful enough to wipe the reachmen after fighting the North, the Riverlands, and some other foes ?
- why didn't tyrion use the dragons to take military bastions ? (not like casterly rock is filled with civilians as far as I recall)

I also want to see Ser Davos some more, this guy is a legend.

"Here's is Daenerys Targaryen, yada yada yada yada."


"Well, here's Jon Snow, king in the North".

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Fall of Oriath launches the 4th of August, w/ 6 new acts, skill gems, weapons/armors, various balance changes and more.

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San made one hosted in a google doc somewhere. Idk if its the most recent mechanics or just fairly recent, however, as he didn't stick around long. Maybe try going through his post history to see if it's still up and running. Afaik the numbers were only tweaked slightly, if at all, for certain things after he left. Either way it'd most likely be more up-to-date since afaik he made the only post-patch calculator.

The links are either dead or outdated, the cRPG calculator pack hasn't even got the updated levels, nor the melee wpf gains.

The real question is, can we find the values in the cRPG files ?

EDIT : so far, I only found something related to Tydeus altering the action of armor. While I searched through folders related to skills, those were only the description of what they do on the website.

I've always been willing to try new builds for my alt, yet I don't know a lot of things about my char : namely what are the penalties from PD/PT on my wpf, what agi actually does, what's the (updated) penalty of armor, the effects of ironflesh on said armor, the penalty-free weight limit, and how it works with the armor penalty multipliers. The only calculator I've been able to download is Poul's, yet it's 3 years old, and while it still allows me to plan builds, it mentions none of what I said above, which are game changers.

So, basically, did anyone make/update a calculator I didn't hear of while I was gone ? Or are there plans for the devs to make a calculator on the website itself, or to explain stuff better than it currently does ?

General Discussion / Re: sparvico's day in the office
« on: June 30, 2017, 01:30:05 am »

You need to draw a line somewhere, there is a difference between dark humor (which I'm laughing at rather often), and being openly a flaming dickhead.  Because what you've been mentioning is mostly dark humor to my eyes, and not insults directed to someone in particular or something similar. My guess is that you can have a discussion with the guys who make the rules, and see where it goes from there.

General Discussion / Re: sparvico's day in the office
« on: June 29, 2017, 08:53:24 pm »
they are far more likely to quit because of ranged bundle of stickss like you.

I won't sleep tonight, stop bullying me dude.

Besides , merc mod still has a shitty community, and I fully admit I don't know what drives these guys to play a shittier version of cRPG mechanically speaking. Yet there's something you guys don't understand, it is that people prefer to chill rather than having to mute the chat because some nerds feel like they want to pick a fight with everyone. While I admit one can rage once in a while, there is a difference between going full retard occasionally and being a cunt constantly. The latter is just too damaging not to be dealt with, and saying "look, they're doing better while having more retards, let's make the experience as toxic as possible" is certainly not a good way to get cRPG back to high levels of players. Note that I'm not talking only about trashtalking, I'm also including people griefing and so on.

It's still quite incredible that common sense is still not that common in 2017.

General Discussion / Re: sparvico's day in the office
« on: June 29, 2017, 08:04:49 pm »
Those who're complaining about admins "censoring" their 1A rights forget they're not acting normal, freedom of speech doesn't include being an asshole. New players see toxic players and just leave most of the time, that's one of the reasons I didn't stick with the Merc mod, mostly because it had (and still has) a cancerous community which averages 10 yo at best. I couldn't care less if people say the n word or not, yet I care when those same retards complain they're getting banned for acting retarded. You reap what you sow, don't be an idiot if you don't want a ban. Sure the mod has a low population, but banning trolls is the best way to clean the servers and provide new players a better experience.

tldr : get a fucking grip, don't pour BBQ sauce all over your body and jump into a lion's cage and expect to be alright.

Sell/Trade / Re: 1:1 Trades
« on: June 29, 2017, 05:51:59 pm »
you can ask Uther for free loomexchange,  saw that posted somewhere around.

Isn't it over for a long time now ?

Horse archers just need to swear a martial vow so they can be unerffed. 

2. Don't [...] wear plate

Wait, since when archers with plates are op now ? WPFs affect drastically the damage output, putting on a plate is literally nerfing yourself when it comes to ranged effectiveness.

Sell/Trade / Nevermind.
« on: June 29, 2017, 03:52:35 pm »
I'm not a merchant nor a marketplace enthusiast, so no fancy money involved, if you are interested by one of the following items and got what I'm looking for, pm me your trade.

What I'm looking for (in no particular order) :

- Rus cavalry boots
- Leather gloves (preferably not the black ones)
- Grosses Messer
- Bodkin arrows
- Pronoiarios armor
- Nordic nobleman sword

What I got :

- Heavy kuyak
- Saracen lamellar cuirass
- Long bardiche
- Langes Messer
- Leather Ranger armor
- Gjermundbu helmet

Don't mind.

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