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Messages - Kelugarn

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 60
NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request: Normanne_Kaskar
« on: July 09, 2013, 01:56:39 am »
A 7 second clip showing one hit tells us nothing. A description would be much more helpful.

Going by the logs it looks like you team killed him initially on accident, for which he M'd you. You then go on team wound him again (presumably intentionally) for which he M's you a second time and then he revenge team wounds you, as seen in the video. You later go on to state how you are going to get him banned for control-m reporting you for a team kill.

Looking at the logs and what you said both in this thread and in the logs I'm closing this ban request because it's a petty case of trying to get someone revenge banned.

Stop wasting our time with things like this.

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General Discussion / Re: A Warrior's Path - CRPG CYOA
« on: July 09, 2013, 01:41:32 am »
Challenge the king to a battle of wits, wager your giant's eye against one of his treasures!

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request: Normanne_Kaskar
« on: July 08, 2013, 05:18:26 am »
All you have done is posted a video with no explanation, try and remember the guidelines when posting here:

  • Do not post here if you don't have something directly case-related to say. No lobbying, general discussion whether a rule is fair, how admin is nub, etc. Take those things elsewhere, keep this area clear.
  • When making a ban case, having screenshots or video recordings along with a coherant arguement will help.
  • Please remain calm and coherant when posting here, even if you think someone made a mistake. This will allow us to resolve your case quickly!
  • Failure to abide by the Forum Rules in this section, Unban requests: how to by chadz, Ban requests: how to by cmpxchg8b, or the rules and guidelines outlined in this post may result in a warning or mute. Failure to read all of the above will not be considered a valid excuse for avoiding punishment.

General Discussion / Re: A Warrior's Path - CRPG CYOA
« on: July 07, 2013, 08:41:00 am »

NA (Official) / Re: Unban Faldemir
« on: July 07, 2013, 08:36:00 am »
Still not as much effort as I'd like, but since it's late and you tried again I'll lift your ban. Since it was your first offense let is serve as a warning, do not continue to disrespect the rules or other players unless you want to make another one of these threads.

NA (Official) / Re: Unban Hipster_Yoshi
« on: July 07, 2013, 08:33:53 am »
Much better, your ban has been lifted. From now on observe the rules and respect other players at all times and this won't happen again.

NA (Official) / Re: Unban Faldemir
« on: July 07, 2013, 07:48:11 am »
It's going to take more than one copy-pasted sentence to get my approval. Now try it once more, with feeling!

NA (Official) / Re: Unban Hipster_Yoshi
« on: July 07, 2013, 07:47:53 am »
It's going to take more than one copy-pasted sentence to get my approval. Now try it once more, with feeling!

Make an unban thread in the NA (official) section and formally apologize/acknowledge your actions and I'll unban you. One good post from each of you is enough since you both seem decent.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Hipster_Yoshi and Faldemir
« on: July 07, 2013, 06:22:10 am »
24 hour bans issued to Hipster_Yoshi and Faldemir for intentional team wounding. If you want to appeal post an unban request, feed back goes in my admin feedback thread.

General Discussion / Re: meov
« on: July 03, 2013, 02:49:32 am »
How can you not spell Meow correctly?

He doesn't know how to make that double v character "VV"

NA (Official) / Re: Requesting action against Fury
« on: July 01, 2013, 07:23:53 am »
Issuing a 6 hour ban for blatant intentional TK.

Announcements / Re:
« on: June 29, 2013, 11:42:37 am »

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General Discussion / Re: Tydeus
« on: June 29, 2013, 09:27:17 am »
I still support this.

This is why I donated a second time.

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