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Messages - Algarn

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General Discussion / Re: PEPE IS STILL ALIVE !
« on: October 02, 2017, 07:29:16 pm »
how many pple keep playing crpg nowdays ?

0 everytime I check it.

General Discussion / Re: good old days
« on: September 15, 2017, 08:27:35 pm »
I came, I saw, and I question reality now.

have any of you played the GOT mod for warband?

Which one ? There are ACOK and AWOIAF. The first one is the one I play, it's quite polished, but the units tend to be very tanky (often having 9-10 IF), yet quite weak (2-3 PS for most units). The second one is painfully hard, not because of the difficulty of the fights themselves, but because a fucking peasant can get you injured permanently if you don't heal the wound caused by his OP pitchfork. ACOK however also has some random events which can either buff the shit out of your character (talking about gold, attribute points, renown, honor, and so on), or destroy its stats permanently, so I'd advice looking to the wikia about the events themselves so you don't have to deal with the same bullshit I had to deal with during my first playthrough. Overall, ACOK stands way more polished and fluid than its counterpart, but both mods are to receive big updates (5.0 for acok, 2.0 for awoiaf), so I'd advice playing both, see which one you prefer, then check them again once the patch has dropped. Hope this helps.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: Battlefield One
« on: September 07, 2017, 12:17:51 pm »
I'd pretty much love to get a refund. Seriously, I could make a list of things dice fucked up/is going to fuck up next patch. Too bad the prices of the accounts plummeted thanks to their "revolution" bullshit, there goes my fucking cash. I'm eagerly waiting for the MG14s noobs camping in every fucking corner of the map with their overbuffed, 200ms TTK weapons, this will make for some great competitive gameplay. I don't think I've been that I've ever been burned over a game ever before, but that's some second degree shit right there.

General Discussion / Re: EZ
« on: August 30, 2017, 09:51:47 am »
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sry the salt is strong in me, spammy
how do you know that they won´t be possible?

A bannerlord vid showed gameplay with someone checking the animations, it was from some weird french/german (?) youtube channel. He tried to cancel the attacks as fast as possible, and the character would only cancel them every half a second. I'm sure feints will make their return in some form, but not in that old spastic fashion which looked 200% realistic.

It was reposted on m&b reddit, link included in the post.

General Discussion / Re: EZ
« on: August 29, 2017, 04:53:20 pm »
This entire thread is the reason "fast feints" won't be possible in Bannerlord. I'm actually relieved that the m&b devs acknowledged the cancer it was.

Petyr's dead, house starkaryen confirmed, dragonbowl confirmed, cleganebowl is more or less confirmed. Alright, see you in two years.

AI doesn't look better, Mechanics look the same to me and actually a bit worse on the attacks.

Only improvements I see are graphical. What improvements do you see?

Most improvement feature-wise will be for single player (way deeper political system if I understood it right). Besides that, the only noticeable changes that will occur will be on the graphics and performance. I must admit I'm worried about the animations and the terrible combat AI, if they don't change the animations before release, it will simply be a "good" game, not the game to rule them all.


Seems like it's not book-only.

That's shitty writing then. They never mentioned (as far as I recall) in the show the fact Berric and Jon should have a way slower heart-beating rate, and little (?) blood flowing through their veins.

The thing that ticks me off the most is that they go out on a mission into permawinter without headwear.

Quite ironically, those who took it didn't end up so well. Even better how Jon manages not to die after he went into frozen waters, and then proceeded to ride back to the wall. Sure, you could get the "fire wight" explanation, but this is book-only it seems.

They should've never went for less than 10 episodes.

Xant, the combat is actually very good, but what absolutely sucks are the controls during combat. Namely some hybrid mouse acceleration bogus. Maybe it plays better on a controller I am not sure, but with a mouse it's very unresponsive and sometimes downright working against you. If the controls were alright, I'd dare say it's the best combat melee combat system in a game aiming for realism and authenticity.

But is it overall worth the price to you ? I've been on the fence for a long time on whether or not to buy it at the release, yet I need to see more gameplay before deciding.

They made Hound a forced edgelord woah so badass.

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Just look how shitty this scene is.

That's why I said some. Some of his scenes are downright mediocre when we're talking of a GoT-level show, yet I'm still hoping for Cleganebowl to happen now they're done with their retarded plan to get a wight "alive".

Everytime some GoT video appears in my YT recommended, I can't help but watch it. The downhill on the writing is eye catching really. I get randomly angry because a franchise I fanboyed for became a brazilian korean tv show, and it became even more frequent in the recent weeks. Every conversation in season 1 is legendary. Every dialogue gives you chills. Seriously, now we are only left with feminism and warp technology.

I loved the dialogues back then. And while some characters still have some nice lines (Hound/Davos), it got worse overall. Same goes for events, and character depth.

Compare Tywin to Daenerys right now. I mean, burning a general and his son in front of 200 men because they refused to bend the knee, that's some actual game-changing strat right there, especially for your image.

They should've included that scene where Bronn dragged Jaime from the battlefield, or the absolutely moronic plan with WWs; too bad it was released after "the FOF" aired.

The good thing with this episode is that we've got a great blend of heroes in the same group (or are they ?), the bad thing is I don't want to see any of them die for a stupid suicide mission that is most likely going to fail.

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