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Messages - Niemand

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16] 17 18 ... 179
Closed Requests / Re: (BAN REQ) ThePunisher_Of_Balde
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:08:41 pm »
May i ask something? Aren't you guys are in the same clan with him?
But i have to add that this guy isnt in the Baltimores clan anymore, he still has the tag but isnt able to change his name.

Deutsches Forum / Re: RoyalKnights
« on: December 08, 2012, 02:30:03 am »
Dann braucht ihr ja nich wieder dieses lächerliche etwas von einem Clan aufziehen. ;)

Deutsches Forum / Re: RoyalKnights
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:46:19 am »
Japp. Gibt ne Menge Leute, die den sozialen Aspekt beim spielen in den Schatten irgendwelcher Achievements stellen. ;)

Deutsches Forum / Re: RoyalKnights
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:37:08 am »
Oh du hast ja keine Ahnung. Sogar eure mums!
Aber ich hab auch meinen Stolz. ;)

Deutsches Forum / Re: RoyalKnights
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:34:49 am »
ich denke jeder von euch ist schon in Ayweens Lanze gerannt. Also gibts das offensichtlich auch in grün.

Aber wenn du mich am Skill messen willst: Deiner ist wesentlich geringer. Du hast keinerlei Clanleading-Skills, während ich wenigstens ab und zu mal positive Stats inGame hab. :D

Deutsches Forum / Re: RoyalKnights
« on: December 08, 2012, 01:23:14 am »
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Fortschritte? Wofür denn? Never change a running system.

- immernoch ca. 10 aktive Mitglieder +Anhängsel <= das ist konstant und großartig so. <3
- 2 cRPG-Server
- 2 Strat-Fiefs
- Nen Jihad aus den USA gegen mich persönlich
- 1 minecraft-server, der nicht mehr lagged (einrichtungs-phase)
- aweng jQuery knowledge, die ich mir in den letzten paar Tagen angeeignet hab.

Nja. Wenigstens hab ich keine Rückschritte gemacht: CotgS war noch nie aufgelöst, umbenannt und neuformiert. :D

Server Info / Re: [Server] EU_cRPG_CotgS
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:58:03 am »
Can ye gimme a list? :D

Then i can maybe do that. Having exact Mapnames that you want would be simply great, because I just need to find them in the scenes-file and add them (if they are available). ;)

Deutsches Forum / Re: RoyalKnights
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:56:23 am »
Oh mann. Bleibt einfach tot, war gut so.

Das wird immer lächerlicher, je öfter ihr diese halbherzige Nummer von Clan wiederbelebt.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 07, 2012, 05:37:50 am »
Regarding this thread:
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Can we remove Niemand from this community already?
You'd love to, huh? ;)
But no, I am the chimney of cRPG. I am anchored into the bricks of the community, warming everyone with hatred. :D

Alright, I will make only this one statement-post to this situation. I didnt want to and simply watched this thread, but right now I feel like it.

First thing: Call me what you want, as long as you tell it straight to my face. You did with this thread, so you have my respect for that.
Second thing: I dont fucking care about your trolling. This is really amusing. ;)
Third thing: Most of my allies and people that run into me from time to time know, that I am an arrogant, trolling arsehole but not a chocolate chip cookie. This was already said by different people and what no_rules_just_play said was true: I kicked people for racism/antisemitism out of the clan. If you still wanna believe I am a chocolate chip cookie: have fun with it. At least I dont hurt your feelings when I post shit on the forums.
Fourth thing: Yeah, Berenger, feel free to gather yourself a little army and come at us. But fight fair and at fair times. Since I guess you want a good battle with lots of exp and fun, too. I dont have the need to fight you, but I will if you are showing up in the green Lands. To be honest I am thrilled to see what you have... I guess it will be an army of around 2000 men, armed with stones, wearing nothing then a turban... but I am hoping for a real (edit: equip-wise) army, because slaughtering some naked men feels kinda wrong and is more annoying then fun.
Fifth thing: I do not hide behind my allies or any other factions. I like to achieve my stuff myself and have not asked anyone for backup. As far as I remember I even told kinngrimm to stay out of this. (Rostersupport is alright, I guess.)
Fifthandahalf thing: The thread in the german forums you posted asked if they should make a little alliance for me, against my enemies. I told them not to.
Fifthandthreequarter thing: The one thing I did was accepting the offer of a NA-faction, that offered me to send in a little troop. I think its better if the fight stays NA vs. NA, because its more fair. I dont know if they will do it and I wont be mad if they dont.
Sixth thing: I had lots of plans to answer your "Jihad" and people did bring in lots of suggestions for that. Like changing my clan to a Rastafari-Clan or playing the evil chocolate chip cookie for you(r amusement) or Joining your Jihad against the evil chocolate chip cookies. But in the end CotgS exists over 2 years now. We have our pride "for our clan" (dunno if thats grammatically expressed correctly) and we are fitting together pretty well, even if we do not rock the battlefields (except for some exceptions => Ayween). And it would be wrong not to face you head-on.
Seventh thing: All those trolling strat-screenshots are wrong. We are not planning to expand. We are quite happy in our green lands. We got two villages for our 20+ assigned faction-members, means ~10 members for each village. I think that is fair. I even declined the request of kinngrimm to take lead over another one or two villages.

So with this, I want to thank you guys for amusing me with this thread... Berenger for his great friendship and the plotting of this thread via steam (just kidding! :D)... and I want to thank all those that did side with me, I didnt expect most you to do that. ;)

Always remember: This is just a game. Fairplay and safety first. Strat is not everything in life! (at least I hope that for you... Oo) ;)

Good Moaning, Ladies.

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 06, 2012, 05:37:52 pm »
Since when is this the decision of the community what a dev does with his program? Oo
He could ask for money for usage and it would still be alright. He could invite the whole ColdFrontAlliance or UIF and it would be alright.

You guys really just sound like jealous whiners that rage because their enemies are developing a plugin that can be used to make strat better... like we would betray you and cheat in a game.

Guys. Seriously. We got our honour, too. So, for example, wouldn't I purposely attack an NA-fief on their nighttime or use autoblock or aimbot or other shit. I used to cheat in D2LOD, Anno1602... and i stopped it, because it took away my pride about all achievements I made. And, believe it or not, I did NEVER use any cheats in Warband Singleplayer. (Yes, that really is true.)
So: This tool is not cheating, it is being developed for making your strategus better.

Btw: I would like a drag&drop-function for equipment-transferring. :O

Deutsches Forum / Re: Marktplätzchen
« on: December 06, 2012, 04:32:45 pm »
hrm. jetz müsst ich nurnoch wissen was ich für nen +1warhammer kriege... :O

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 06, 2012, 12:40:17 pm »
Eyecandy script was made public to everyone. I didn't see a single announcement for your shit on the cRPG forums. Not a word said. Only a select few knew about it. You were open about this tool? Good excuse. Offering it to one enemy clan and to a shitload of your allies.

So you are flaming/raging/whining because you were not invited to the party-preparations? Poor vibe... you must really have no friends at all if that is important to you.

DUDE! Let them finish that thing before they make it public. I (and I am sure I am not alone) HATE it when dev-companies sell games/programs that are not nearly done. Instead they are pushing a 2GB patch in the first week after the release. And why? Just because morons like you are not able to wait a bit longer for the game to finish be cleanly done[edited].
This is why I do not make any deadlines in my projects. it takes as long as it takes. its ready when its ready. and it will be released when its ready. Until then: Shut tha fuck up.

Was it shared to all your allies before everyone else though? Of course the developer is going to see it before everyone else. Let's not be dumb here. Not to mention the eye candy thing is mostly visuals and not a direct advantage to your entire faction.
Shut it. Shure I trust my allies more then all the other jealous whiners out there.

And man. As much as you whine, I would ban you from that project, just to enjoy your whining and jealous raging for the rest of your life. :D

Vibe? You are NOT number one in this world.
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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Cheating or No?
« on: December 05, 2012, 10:55:10 pm »
I kinda wrote the same things DaveUKR did, but with other words... he just sent it faster. :D
If you still want to read it:
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Deutsches Forum / Re: Anti - Niemand - Allianz
« on: December 05, 2012, 10:28:35 pm »
Gundsätzlich Negativ!

Is wie beim AIDS-test. Positiv ist Negativ. :D

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