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Messages - isatis

Pages: 1 ... 143 144 [145]
General Discussion / Firebomb??
« on: July 11, 2011, 08:47:13 pm »
Maybe you don't notice with all the grrr about archer and HA and DTV (yeah i am speaking of you killingface :D) but Firebomb got dommage !! again

anyone had tried it out if they are working like bomb or they just hit a bit before smoking?

if you can respond me that will be great indeed (I have not download the patch yet, I am waiting for new drama thing like new update  8-))

thanks all!

Announcements / Re: Version 0.230
« on: July 11, 2011, 04:33:39 am »
all of the following message have been writen by someone who doesn't try the patch du to a download limit and a upcoming travel i prefer advertising you

Why have you nerfed pony?! :evil: (stumper horse) it's now a poor horsy who ain't even capable of outrunning a full plated horse :evil:!

ehy all the hate about this would-be pony? he just want to be our best friend! Now it's having the speed of a equus africanus asinus without the coolness of equus africanus asinus!

moreover I need to point good thing you've done (so I can forgot my pony :cry: forever!) also you'll feel good about it!

- nerfed steel pick!!!!!  :D (-1 damage!)
-added a new mysterious (no image...) bow  :)
- placed a secondary mode on cudgel!! (I feel eager to know what it is (2h i imagine))
- buffed wooden stick  :D :D :mrgreen: (now poop can have a better elder wooden stick  :wink:)
- you added damage to MW flamberge! (no smilie, you removed speed...)
- you added price of bec!  :D 9I don't know about the damage, I don't use it... :mrgreen:)
- added damage to arbalest!
- buffed throw! (and finally putting those damm throwing spear less costly ! no smilie they are still 6 pt and jarid 5, inverse would have be more logical...)
-added damage to firebomb!!!!! (are they working like real bomb ?? please say yes! if you says yes i'll be your best friend! (or not if you don't want or if you have lied!))
- throwing hammer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (super! but why NO throwing torch???) ¸
 -brand new name for some item!  :D
- strategus have been mentionned!!!!
- longbow now the most costly bow of them all yippi!
-DTV beem modify ohhh eager too look at!!!!!! (too bad i'll see in two week...)

I think it is all FOR NOW about your good realization for the bad one... just look I think I can resume it in bullet point:

- HA nerfed no more pew pew while moving  :mad:

- LANCE 40% grrrr no more magic kill (bye bye rohypnol suprematie :wink:)

- new bow grr now mine bow hath been rendered useless by yon patch!! (that was predictable look at the image of the c-rpg starting screen...)

- what!? still no good pew pew from warbow grrr horn boy still better grrr :mad:

- grrr full of repair bill when archer from quiver grrr :mad:

-grrr full of repair bill when archer from secondary qeapon cause i don't have wpf grrr :mad:

-grrr archer so grr all the time grrr :mad:

- certainly an unknow reason for archer/HA to grrrr :mad:

-the mysterious permanent death!?!?!?!?!?!?!? what will happen (anyone want to try out?)

it's all for now! so good nigth everyone and don't get too mad you'll fixe that in your mind someday and all will be just about fun

so i'll edit this post again in two weak when I'll came back! we will see what had been remodified!

please don't mind my english, secondary language.

hi voodoox! I just want to point a gllitch in your island castle siege map. this map is well balance when you know it, but there is a place archer can go and where they geta perfect spot to make a arrow rain on falg defender. The only problem is that I don't think you are suppose to get here.

the way to get to that spot: you climb the volcano when near back back door rigth and you make a jump to the wall that contain back door, here an archer can shoot on the defender as long that no defender go there and kill him or that someone get a very good headshot(more lucky than good) the rest of the map is good, just that little point that make it a bit less funny ( I will not point the fact that there is no lava in volcano we are not suppose to go inside :wink:)

Forum Français / Re: {SanGliers} Le Clan SanGliers
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:22:59 pm »
Bonne chance cousins sauvages! puisse le grand cochon à la source de toutes choses et des toutes vies daigner porter un regard compatissant sur votre branche de la gente porcine et vous aider dans vos aspirations!

Forum Français / Re: Liste des Teams Françaises.
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:18:09 pm »
Grouik tomy! Comme d'habitude tu ne chaumes pas! voici ma seule précision (concernant le clan des cochons)

Nous avons maintenant un serveur vocal (TeamSpeak 3) grâce à l'apport de Cochon_Furtif_Falcom!

de plus, nous sommes disponibles pour des match, il faut seulement faire une demande dans la section «porcherie» de notre forum (se prendre une semaine d'avance est préférable)

Hi Voodoox! someone tell me you where the guy I was searching for and as far as i've seem about your maps yes you are!! so in few word I want a map where torch are usefull i.e. a dark map where you can only see with trochman! I've posted a topic so here the link if you want more info (tell me if you want to do it and if the response is yes i'll delete my topic and put the info into your for more clarity)


Scene Editing / Someone make a map where torch are usefull!
« on: July 05, 2011, 06:20:59 pm »
All is in the title, after the torch was releash I was asking myself while listening rock lobster, how could we make the torch usefull? the point is simple: by having dark map! So there is my problem, I am bad and I don't know how to use the editer of map (in fact I readed the guide but as I say i am bad and all thos point didn't inspire me) So there my point, I want someone to make a map where toch are usefull! (Yeah I know i repeat myself but it is very important point of a map where toch are usefull!)

If you have the hability to make such a map there is my main idea (you can change it I don't care as long as torch serve in the map I am happy with it)

The ''long'' way

1- it will be a siege map (battle will just be too confuse when last people stand alive, if they have no torch...)

2- I am thinking of a underground castle

3- no luminosity (THE POINT)

4- a lot of place to hide for defender

5.1- wall                                                                                       5.2- maze (good one but as long as one defender know the maze and as no attacker know it!)

6 at all time this map should be played with atleast 6 min if not more (just the tim people know where are all thing

The ''lazy'' way

1 take a existing map
2- put it under heavy darkness
don't know if this is realizable but it seem a bit cheap to me...

the rest I think you should be able to invent it, use your imagination.

Just to clarify, tell me if you like/dislike my idea and if you want to make this map.

And don't mind my error (i am from Québec)

cordialy, Isatis

General Off Topic / Re: Satisfaction from killing
« on: June 30, 2011, 02:51:20 pm »
The most satisfaction I gain from kiolling... first, for sure, when I kill good people (like tydeus...) second when I kill with low gear as a peasant  and finally when I kill ANYONE with rock and 0 PT ans 1 wtp in throwing that is satisfaction! :mrgreen:

Guides / Re: "The Way of the Flamberge"
« on: June 29, 2011, 02:36:33 pm »
Hi everyone! as a flamberge user myself(x1 heirloomed) here is my little advice (that works very well for me) for all flamberge user. The point of the flamberge is her unbeatable reach and her high CUT damage. so there the trick yes a not heirloomed flamberge have 46 damage in swing but it is cut so damage suffer a big penality vs armor. So to bypass that there is my advice: aim for the head! always aim for the head, when you swing rigth, when you swing left, when you swing up(for that you are a bit obligated!) and also when you stab. Why? caus the average player qear little armor on head ans also you get a boni with hit on head. Now how can you do that, two way, jump and swing down or not jump and swing up. this is my little advice for flamberge user.

hope this will help you in your game!

Forum Français / Re: Le Clan des Cochons [recrute]
« on: June 20, 2011, 06:22:11 pm »
merci pour la réponse, malgré tout j'ai décidé de me lancer avec vous dans votre aventure cochonnesque et j'ai mis ma demande de recrutement sur votre site! Donc peut-être allons nous nous reparler (si je suis recruté) et nous voir en jeu (si nos horaires concordent et que notre connexion coïncide) ou même peut-être allons nous conquérir des villes lors d'affrontements épiques!(si le tout-puissant chadz se décide à faire fonctionner strategus)

sur ce, au revoir ou devrais-je dire, Grouik!!

Forum Français / Re: Le Clan des Cochons [recrute]
« on: June 18, 2011, 05:17:48 pm »
Bonjour les cochons! (super la première fois que je peux dire ça sans connotations péjoratives sous-entendus!!)
Bon, finissons avec les préliminaires  Mon seul questionnement serait de savoir où est situé votre clan; en Europe, Québec, autre?

Bien voilà c'était ma petite question! (je joue NA parce EU me fait avoir trop de Ping(200+!!))

sinon continuer a promouvoir LE COCHON!

Closed Requests / Re: Temp ban: chocolate chip cookiei
« on: May 26, 2011, 03:57:28 am »
Winley, I don't know why this is isn't working but your image are pretty the same as mine: Your image are chocolate chip cookiei trying to teamkill a monk who is not defending himself, mine are this same monk getting picture of chocolate chip cookiei in action, teamkilling the monk. The monk was my! So if you want to see my image, just imagine your image in the angle of the monk:D
So this is it, thanks Nidurr for banning him.
Cordialy, Isatis

Closed Requests / Re: Temp ban: chocolate chip cookiei
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:31:38 am »
I think this is going to be insuficient, I've got some screenshots of chocolate chip cookiei, teen hitting, team killing, gate opening(we are on siege) and i think other will gather other soon. I think a permanent ban is the only way to have it stop. their are my screenshot:

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General Discussion / Re: Re: Latest version download
« on: May 12, 2011, 11:00:43 pm »
Hi, I know this question have already been post, but I just want to make something clear: if I have the 1.221 version  can I update without using the whole download? ( I say that because I live in country and have limit or downloading so I am trying to get off a little bit this time). So I would be very please if you say me where to found that little updater. But, clearly, if this little updater doesn't exist just tell me and I'll resign myself to the unevitable :)

many thank for taking the time of doing such great work! 

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