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Messages - MeevarTheMighty

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
Hi, made throw/bow character to test the "less than a dozen circles of hell" theory, but at every round start I get the following message:

"Your proficiency in throwing weapons is too low."

I have the necessary Power Throw for all of the throwing weapons I own ( PT = 2 ) and the error message occurs even when I don't equip any throwing weapons (in fact it started before I bought any).

I also can't retrieve any throwing weapons; I had assumed this was a patch feature, but have since noticed that others can pick up my thrown weapons as well as their own.

Sorry if there's already a thread, I looked through the first ten pages and ran a search to no avail.

Another dismal take on the situation: When the "early beta" crpg ended, the Australian crpg community also ended. The old server would often have a couple of dozen people still playing at 6AM, while current numbers seem to flicker a couple of players around constant zero at all hours. The oceanic crpg clans are no more and half the playerbase has migrated to native. The other half probably died of sorrow or play some other silly games now. With the silly auto-gold system, people can replicate my characters in a matter of days, so it's hard to make anything unique or interesting. It's also pretty hard to feel at home in a server full of brand new 30+ characters, so in AU, it fell apart quickly. Really wish upkeep crpg had been created as a seperate mod, because there are a lot of people who would still be playing "early beta" if they could, myself included.  :mrgreen:

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