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Messages - Kelugarn

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Diplomacy / Re: Excess Gear: Free For some....
« on: July 21, 2013, 07:28:21 am »
We'll swing by and pick it up tomorrow night Anders. It's going to a good cause.

Diplomacy / Re: Meanwhile on the doorstep of Fisdnar...
« on: July 19, 2013, 12:15:42 am »
I managed to sneak to the doorstep of my old straw and cow manure hovel, but I was struck down before I could even open the urine soaked curtain that I call a door.

Diplomacy / Re: Meanwhile on the doorstep of Fisdnar...
« on: July 18, 2013, 07:38:31 am »
We will drink ourselves to death in Fisdnar, or we will die on its doorstep. Either way we're coming home.

General Discussion / Re: RE: Admin Transparency
« on: July 18, 2013, 07:36:31 am »
Thank you for responding. I will not remove the quote in the OP because there is overwhelming evidence which leads me to believe you do not take bro-coding seriously. You have not addressed, for example, the discrepancies in ban duration and failure to factor ban history in your Kolee/Khmer warning. Nevertheless I will add your protest to the OP in the spirit of fairness.

What I tried to convey in the last post is that my actions in the past do not necessarily reflect future actions I may take. It's impossible to say that there's evidence pointing to one verdict or another when I am dealing with bans on a case-by-case basis and therefore treat each situation as unique if possible. It is true that in the past I did not view bro-code offenses with the same gravity as things such as team killing, but with the change in the nature of bro-coding offenses (increasing severity) and my own changing opinions on the matter I am starting to shift my position.

Regarding the ban history of Kolee and Khmer, Kolee had no priors while Khmer only had two priors for teamwounding. Their lack of bans and/or bans for this type of offense was the reason I issued only a warning. Simply assuming that they were repeat offenders with plenty of priors would have only made any ban an unjust over-reaction. Needless to say that further instances of this behavior will not be tolerated, as stated in the original warning.

General Discussion / Re: RE: Admin Transparency
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:48:54 am »
Wrang I'd like to point out how the quote you chose to put next to my name is misleading. The part about bitching and moaning refers strictly to the manner in which people present their complaints and the lack of formality and respect found in most ban threads. As with most things being civil and sensible works in your favor far better than coming off as a flippant egocentric and that's what the line you chose refers to, not to my interpretations of the rules.

I'd also like to say that as I have spent more time viewing the community and playing the game as an admin my views have shifted and the ways in which I've dealt with punishments and offenses have shifted too . As an unpaid volunteer making calls on my own it's hard to set a precedent and stick with it early on, that's why my stance on things like bro-coding is changing.

The peasants took me in and raised me like I was one of their own. Before they opened their mud hovels to me I had been wandering alone in the cold, haunted by the ghosts of my past.

Diplomacy / Re: Meanwhile on the doorstep of Fisdnar...
« on: July 17, 2013, 11:42:24 pm »
We're not invading, we're just coming home from a long vacation.

General Discussion / Re: Eleven Power Throw. Level 34.
« on: July 16, 2013, 10:56:24 pm »
3 riding 1 HA. I've respecced to horse thrower and it's amazing with just 6 PT 0 HA, I can only dream about how 11 PT 1 HA would feel.

NA (Official) / Re: Good ol' Prayamantus
« on: July 15, 2013, 10:13:16 am »
A horse can only be claimed by the person riding it, regardless of how rude killing wild horses and horse theft can be. That being said there is never a scenario where it is acceptable to intentionally hit a teammate. I'd also like to say that talking in chat about how you're going to get someone banned and/or [X] is a retard/bundle of sticks/etc and will get banned instead isn't the best thing for admins to see when investigating a case.

Prayamantus, since this is your 3rd ban for team killing/wounding and the second such ban issued against you in the last week I'm setting the duration at 24*(2/3) hours.

Edit: Also refrain from spam posts in ban threads in the future.

NA (Official) / Re: Kolee and AngkorWat_of_Chaos
« on: July 14, 2013, 09:14:15 pm »
Forcing duels in NA_1 and NA_2 is against the rules, and instances of bro-coding which negatively affect your team are also against the rules. Witness testimony might not be as valuable as footage or screenshots when it comes to ban threads but the supporting statement from Sexinator lends credibility to Wrang's scenario. Since this was one instance of bro-coding and not a continued trend by Kolee/Sherben/Khmer I can only issue warnings to all of them to stop throwing rounds like this.

This is game is about team play, intentionally hurting the performance of your team is no different from team killing and team wounding. Bro-coding normally doesn't result in throwing the round for your team, but when it does escalate to that level it is unacceptable.

Locking thread.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request - Try_Cikel
« on: July 14, 2013, 09:02:34 am »
Looking at the logs you report Cikel for a team wound and then he promptly reports you for a team wound in the middle of getting killed by enemies. Before you died, Duke_Vegan, you managed to team wound Cikel for which he reported you, an event you just happened to crop out of your screenshots. Based off of the logs and the intentional exclusion of the team report against you from the provided screenshots it is clear to me that this was a revenge team wound against Cikel and a follow up attempt to get him banned.

Even though you only have one prior on record, Duke Vegan, I'm giving you a two hour ban as a warning that revenge team wounding is not acceptable, and that posting bogus ban requests is just as bad.

And to you, Cikel, I strongly suggest that you stop shit talking so much. Even if we know you do good most days your reputation for causing trouble might catch up to you some day.
Remember to always watch your swings and apologize, too many accidental team hits can earn you a break too.

NA (Official) / Re: Warn S_Key_Hero
« on: July 14, 2013, 08:32:11 am »
QML spamming active players is against the rules and has an auto-kick feature built in after the second attempt. Repeated attempts to QML active players is against the rules. S_Key_Hero, continuing this type of behavior will result in a less favorable outcome in the future.

General Discussion / Re: What's your most favorite: Horseback Weapon?
« on: July 13, 2013, 05:55:24 am »

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Conqueefador
« on: July 12, 2013, 03:28:55 am »
Looking at the logs I see Conqueef killing enemies before the bout of TKs and less than 3 seconds after his last TK he kills another enemy. While these TKs don't appear intentional Conqueef needs to learn to watch his swings and stop things like this from happening in the future. Just remember that enough accidental TKs can earn you a short vacation if you don't start exercising some caution.

NA (Official) / Re: Ban Request : DL_Anders
« on: July 09, 2013, 02:26:59 am »
Looking at the logs Anders's story holds up, he was trying to prevent the construction site from being destroyed during a strategus battle. Considering how Bohmaster didn't report ANY of the team wounds that Anders inflicted it is reasonable to assume that they were all justified within the strat battle. I will however say that this type of behavior should be avoided if possible, but sometimes there are no commanders or admins on to prevent situations like these.

What's more compelling is that you, Allers, have decided to report a team wound that didn't happen to you over a week after it happened. Checking the logs from the second battle that Anders mentioned shows you calling Anders a troll after he control-m's you for a team wound that happens to coincide with the posting of this thread all too well.

Based on the extra information provided by the logs and how Bohmaster himself did not make this thread I'm closing the ban request on the grounds that it is facetious and petty.

Considering all the evidence it appears to be an attempt to get someone revenge banned, and in light of another one of these requests by you Allers I have this to say as a warning: Cut the bullshit and stop making these types of ban requests. The Admin team isn't here to back you up in internet fights or punish people you don't like. Stop wasting our time or you will be punished.

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