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Messages - Algarn

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General Discussion / Re: The Ranged Problem.
« on: December 17, 2017, 01:55:14 pm »
Personally, I don't think there should be any 0 slot weapons past Hand Axe, but I'd like to know how the community feels about this before I discuss any changes with other balancers.

Who'd use the short swords then ? The maces are perhaps overkill, but why would the short swords be rendered useless ?

And about the thread itself, you're literally taking the best case scenario about damage for the bows, most people aren't even using this bow from personal experience. The problem we're facing is an invasion of crossbows, while archery itself is doing barely alright from what I've seen on the servers, from both perspectives of the archer and the victim. I rarely find myself killed by bows, since a torso shot only removes 20% of my hps when it happens (24 str, 7if, 68ba). You also need to consider something else, for archers to any deal damage, they need PD, which affects wpf. This means they can't wear any armor most of the time, nor invest wpf in melee because the overwhelming majority of those points will be spent on archery, which also makes PS investments less effective; add to that the fact you paid such a high price for your 10 PD that you can't escape nor even duel any able player in a melee standoff. All of those penalties affect archers, while on the other hand, you got crossbowmen, able to wear 45+ body armors, to have IF, melee wpf, shittons of agi and still remain accurate enough to snipe you from 50m, and potent enough in 1h/2h to stand a chance against a melee character. If anything, archery isn't in need of another nerf. Add some sort of PD requirement for crossbows and their builds will fall more in line with other ranged builds.

As far as I remember, 1 in game tick = 1 tick available to turn into a ticket on strat.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Remove ranged
« on: December 12, 2017, 07:43:25 pm »
Please no the only thing I can do properly in EU is be a crossbow degenerate

I was thinking more about arbalests and heavy crossbows tbh. Regular crossbows and below aren't that much of a deal. The amount of melee damage you can ditch out as a crossbowman is just insane, just as the amount of armor you can wear and remain accurate. Not having to deal with any PD penalties makes it already pretty powerful, adding to that the free skill points you can put in IF, shield or more AGI is just mind-blowing.

But to be honest, I'd rather see a nerf on weapons like the spathoklavion than on crossbows, yet that's just my opinion.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Remove ranged
« on: December 11, 2017, 10:06:10 pm »
Add a PD requirement for crossbows. GG you just balanced them.

EU (Official) / Re: Algarn abusing vote ban poll
« on: December 09, 2017, 01:51:31 am »
Or, you could simply get out of the mod, and leave people to play in peace instead. There was not a single insult thrown after you were banned. Not a single one I can think of. You're cancerous, and you deserve to get banned. As I said, I'd definitely take one for the team if it means others can play without having to deal with a special flower like you.

I'll stop answering in this thread because your posts, the logs and your garbage reputation speak for themselves. Good night.

EU (Official) / Re: Algarn abusing vote ban poll
« on: December 09, 2017, 01:47:42 am »

Stop fucking abusing ban polls, get that in your head.

Stop being a douchebag and people will magically stop being douches in return. Besides, here's a small quote from the server rules thread.

No abuse of in-game chat (racism, insulting, griefing, spamming...)

I got better things to do than literally having to read your constant flow of trash in the chat, and so do the rest of the server. I may not be the sheriff in the town, but if 52% of people voted you out, this means you deserved it. Why should 40 people mute you every round, when it's way simpler not to have you on the server at all ?

EU (Official) / Re: Algarn abusing vote ban poll
« on: December 09, 2017, 01:39:28 am »
Fun fact, cRPG is better off without you, the chat was pretty clean after you were cast out. You're so toxic living near of some nuclear waste is healthier than playing 2 hours on the same server. And when you basically say that everyone is mean to you, I'm simply going to answer that if it smells like shit everywhere you go, perhaps you should check your shoes.

Now, before I get hit by the banhammer, I'd advise admins to check the literal amount of retardation in the logs for the last 2-3 hours, and then compare to the "after-ban". You can't pretend to revive a mod by banning people for stupid offences, that I'm aware of, but please tell me what retards like Xesta bring. People come here to play and try to have some fun while the mod is still alive, not to babysit some mentally-challenged child, it's literally pushing people away from the game. There's a choice to make between not banning someone and keep the game cancerous for 40+ people, and getting rid of the verbal tumor that is Xesta to make it actually enjoyable. I'd gladly add a third ban on my entire history just to see him permanently banned for being basically an asshole; I don't see why Bjord and Rest in Peace get banned, while this dude basically affects an entire server for years and is even allowed to play. Common sense would also mean to draw clear lines between people like Krems who're sometimes trolling and teamkilling, and literal cunts turning a server into shit by their sole presence. Please get rid of Xesta permanently, for the sake of the EU population.

Spam / Re: The Temple of Spam
« on: December 03, 2017, 10:20:44 pm »
jesus christ

Definition of creepy.

Got the gold for 2 more. Character = Merc_Algarn

Accept this trade:

2 exchanges for now, will get some more gold later. Character -> Merc_Algarn

Accept this trade:

General Discussion / Re: Why you need to come back to c-rpg, like me.
« on: November 14, 2017, 04:20:36 pm »
n. To wonder where the fuck my Saturday went after playing Rageball 6 hours straight.

It's not wasted time if you enjoyed it.

General Discussion / Re: Why you need to come back to c-rpg, like me.
« on: November 11, 2017, 03:30:25 pm »
Simply curious, are some people playing again, yet aren't displayed by the counter on the website ?

If anything has to happen, grind needs to be toned the fuck down, no one sane in his mind will invest as much time as they did before, simply because of the age of the mod, and because most people got a life besides cRPG now (yes, even me).

Announcements / Re: The End
« on: October 04, 2017, 09:57:52 pm »

See ya all in bannerlords.

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