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Messages - Cyclopsided

Pages: 1 ... 130 131 [132]
General Discussion / Re: Iron Flesh needs some love!
« on: January 18, 2011, 01:34:01 am »
I dunno, I see people who say they have 30ish str and 3 agi, and they run faster than they should.  :wink:
If they buffed ironflesh, it would be nice.

Kesh already suggested increasing weight's speed reduction effects. Right now in heavy armor you have almost no speed penalty (although shields seem to give quite a bit, confusing.)

So, yeah. The tin cans should get slower at running
and IF def needs a buff, i think +3 HP rather than +2 is perfect.

General Discussion / Re: Analysis of Crpg
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:48:05 am »
when I retire I'll be going only strength, no agility.
Oh my god strength builds are amazing now, I run around with 5 arrows or 3 javelins in me and keep moving, while everyone else gets 1 or 2 shot by everything.

General Discussion / Re: Cancel repair
« on: January 17, 2011, 11:35:05 am »
I freaking love the repair rates.
 I run around in good armor with a god weapon and make money.

General Discussion / Re: why is range so good
« on: January 17, 2011, 03:21:23 am »
I Kill archers just fine, I just don't see why there are so many of them.
No really why are there so many archers & throwers.
I'm a skirmisher, melee+throwing (I'm aware), But why are there so many archers now? They did get nerfed compared to before.

What is really confusing is that archery is less accurate now, but seems to have homing arrows so skill matters less. You can't dodge them as well anymore.

Honestly, I just think archers finally realized that if there are more of them, they each are more effective?

I vouch for light calv being viable to use on a regular basis. Light calv is not OP at all.
(But if you want to ride light calv & have heavy armor you can GTFO)

p.s. I do not ride calv.

General Discussion / Re: Iron Flesh needs some love!
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:53:54 am »
This is interesting, but debatable whether it is doable.

I wonder whether having it give you +1 armor in addition to 4-5 hit points would be worthwhile.
that would be extremely OP.
Me wallace and linden were having a conversation on IF yesterday (seeing as we have high IF), and making IF give +3 HP would be perfect imo. The thought of adding armor is insanely OP, Imagine this, a big tin can pumping IF, and making it +1 armor +2 HP. Imagine the full plate with 10 Armor higher? Ridiculously bad idea. +3 HP would be good.

But at +4 Hp.... +40 HP for 10 IF? That's double that of a normal non-IF-getting-character alone. You know, I'd say it would definitely make IF something a build would center around, but I think it would be... not necessarily a bad idea -- but terrifying to people abusing agility stacking to outspam opponents. It would be interesting.

I vote for +3 HP for IF from an objective standpoint.
I vote for +4 HP for IF from an experimental & subjective standpoint.

I've taken a lot of damage from friendly spawn horse bumps. Atleast half the times I do get spawn bumped I take some damage.
Just wait a second after spawning, and be cautious. It is not hard.
EVEN IF YOU DON'T DO DAMAGE BUT KNOCK US DOWN, you being one second faster to battle < the 5 infantry you knocked down being a second slower to battle.

You are inconsiderate fools if you horse bump in spawn and are hurting the team.

+Don't run into melee. Don't you dare run into friendly melees. (unless they have for some reason made a big range gap between the two and you have absolutely no chance of hitting your teammate.)
I have never damaged a team mates horse, Because I assume you don't know any better and are trying your hardest or it was a genuine mistake.

Edited for clarity.

General Discussion / Re: The NA Alarm List
« on: January 14, 2011, 10:35:53 am »
If I wasn't really bad I'd be on people's hitlists.

Faction Halls / Re: [BRD] The Bridgeburners (Taking Volunteers)
« on: January 12, 2011, 12:30:04 pm »
This seems like a cool clan to play with. If you'd take me ;)

General Discussion / Re: On The Grind
« on: January 09, 2011, 11:10:48 pm »
Having something to work for is exactly what separates this mod from native. It's what keeps games fun for a long time.
I fundamentally disagree with you.
What makes this mod fun is customization, it is why we came here. You get to have good struggles with whatever you decide to go with, your pros and cons.
You also seem to fight people with much higher skill here than at native. You get much more of a good challenge and a more fun experience.

Hybrid is the way to go with the WPF the way it is.
You can easily have 100 in pole arm & throwing for basically the same price as 140 in throwing. I don't know the math, but me at lvl 20ish with low agi i have 80 pole 75 throw.

I have a thrower, Brunchlady, and I have been floating 4 stacks of throwing lances just fine. I have no trust fund of gold, i just made the character.

I was making money, quite a lot of it, when i was on the winning teams. And I would lose not all that much when i was on the losing teams. The money did start to drain, but by god the enemy team quickly had no horses so we usually began winning quickly.

When i run out of money, i'll use war darts and just pretend i'm an archer. my money will rise, then i get to go decide people's fate by clicking on them with throwing lances.
Except oh wait with war darts i do more damage than an archer + it is pierce  not cut! :O!

But i will say 41k cost in just throwing is a bit pric----- oh wait it is like wearing plate armor. it is top tier. Live with it. (however i think mid-tier throwing could drop price a bit)

General Discussion / Re: Repair on throwing weapons
« on: January 07, 2011, 10:34:35 am »
Surol this is not about how you want to be in better armor than other people, this thread was about throwing weapons upkeep being much higher than other weapon loadouts.
I wear a gambeson normally, and a tunic over mail when i have extra cash and by god that thing makes me feel fancy.
It is like wearing plate armor back in the day, and it is cheap. This patch is soooo friendly to peasants, I love this.  In a week or so those plate guys will run out of reserves.

General Discussion / Re: A case for the 20% upkeep
« on: January 06, 2011, 10:41:18 pm »
Using this logic, we must also wait before we judge how the 5% hotfix will change things, weighing the options and "seeing where it goes".

By my pure speculation, however, it should lessen the problem of the loosing side all dropping their armor, since they now have an equal chance of losing their equipment on the winning or loosing side. I think it works out.
Yes, he can't change it again until atleast a week. Otherwise we won't see how this does fully.

General Discussion / Re: A case for the 20% upkeep
« on: January 06, 2011, 10:12:09 pm »
I vouch for the 20% upkeep.
Formless has a pretty good proposition regarding kills lessening it, too. Although i think just a small gold reward for killing is what you mean, to make the repairs easier to manage if you are pulling your weight.

The hotfix is bad. You do not listen to the complainers IMMEDIATELY AFTER A PATCH. YOU HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE WHERE IT GOES AND WEIGH THE OPTIONS. lessening upkeep and making it random was such a bad move.

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