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Messages - Graf_Hodenschaf

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Mercenary Recruitment / Re: The Turks vs Bardaq Castle
« on: August 03, 2011, 06:42:01 am »

Good on the Turks for biting the bullet and making the first attempt :)

+1 - my respect for being the first castle attacker!!
Sad thing, i didnt got nominated for the fight  :cry:

Awesome statistic, too!!!

And a question to myself, who will be the next faction attacking this weaken castle now?  :wink:

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: The Turks vs Bardaq Castle
« on: August 02, 2011, 05:13:58 pm »
Strange, i applied for the battle when there was absolutely NO ONE on the defenders side, but currently im not on the roster.

Strange 2,  an HRE battle is at 20:00 o clock, no defender from HRE side - maybe because they applied for the 19:00 o clock castle battle???

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: The Turks vs Bardaq Castle
« on: August 02, 2011, 10:33:10 am »
... I see Pedopriests and Pedomonks...

 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Im sorry but im not your son  :D

Faction Halls / Re: [Schildbrüder] EU- Recruiting
« on: August 02, 2011, 09:08:47 am »
wieviele members habt ihr eig?

Momentan 6, wenn ich richtig gezählt habe. Interessenten gibts auch einige, ich darf wohl sagen dass wir uns über Neuzugänge freuen ( bitte Voraussetzungen im 1. Beitrag beachten ).

Kalitorian, es ist fast jeden Abend einer von uns online, sonst schreib einfach mal im Forum und wir stellen einen Kontakt übers öff. TS3 ( od steam ) her. Und wenns auch nur ein Funbattle od Training ist, wir freuen uns :-)

Herzlichen Dank, Master Montau. Es war eine harte Prüfung, aber mein Glaube hat mir geholfen.

Verbrennt die Ketzer!

Faction Halls / Re: Teutonic Order
« on: August 02, 2011, 09:02:44 am »
Cool Video, good luck with your clan +1

Mercenary Recruitment / Re: The Turks vs Bardaq Castle
« on: August 02, 2011, 08:43:33 am »
[rp-on] The infidel Ottomans are attacking a castle owned by innocent monks and priests. It is my holy duty to stop the invaders and safe christianity from the aggressors.[rp-off]  :mrgreen:

Looking forward to play as defender, good luck to both sides   8-)

Awesome work, +1

Diplomacy / Re: The Risen vs Shogunate
« on: August 01, 2011, 08:38:48 am »
To be honest, we should be lucky that Strategus beta came when it did and not several months later. Stop complaining, it's been repeated time after time that we are just stress testing and a part of this testing is having to deal with bugs and other misfortunes. I say it's better that we have to deal with this shit now than later when everything is more important.

^ +1

Yes, people do invest a lot of their time into recruiting, raising gold etc. Again, this is due to probe what works and what doesn't. Granted, maybe because we are testing, things should have been sped up a notch. Like 2 troops an hour and 100% more gold gain from fiefs. This would have lead to a more enjoyable strat, for sure. But ultimately this is chadz & gang's decision, and I advise you all to respect it if you wish to even have a fully functional Strategus in the future. It's a lot of work for one person (assuming chadz is working on his own, with help from cmp), so just be patient. None of the developers are compensated for their work other than our appreciation, whatever our appreciation is meant to be. The other day, chadz left the crpg irc because of the amount of whining about Strategus. I can see how if this trend continues, we can kiss Strategus and any future patches good bye.

Also take into heavy consideration, this mod is only a bit over a year in age. Already, it is the first and foremost mod in Warband. No other mod has the same amount of active players as in c-rpg. People even buy Warband solely so they can play c-rpg. I think this speaks for itself, consider yourselves lucky to be able to take part in such a mod.

I mean this IS beta, you are tester AND strategus will be restarted. So why are so many whining about playing, spending time and so on? I would also say, if you are not happy with the current status, stop playing and wait for the new strategus.

Funny thing is, when strategus was offline, so many guys asked about it and if chadz should restart the old strategus. Now its online again and people are whining about bugs ( in a beta version!!!! ).

Thank you very much for putting strategus online again. I didnt play the first strategus and i learned a lot from the current strategus - i off course will benefit from that at the new strategus!!

Faction Halls / Re: [Schildbrüder] EU- Recruiting
« on: August 01, 2011, 06:45:18 am »
Na das visitors can't see pics , please register or login
 gehört mir dann schon mal  :D

Faction Halls / Re: [gK] The Golden Kingdom - Now Recruiting All!
« on: July 29, 2011, 05:43:58 pm »
Welcome and good luck.

It seems we stand on the same side :-)

Diplomacy / Re: And finally people show their true colors.
« on: July 29, 2011, 05:31:07 pm »


Of course this is a beta, it is a game, but people have memories. I guess what all you factions do to their own reputations is their business, and the Mercs did some fine work. Cannot really say the same for all those others involved though.

Anyway an entertaining war it seems. Congrats to the mercs I suspect you have done better than many expected.

I forget many things when im drunk  :wink:

Diplomacy / Re: And finally people show their true colors.
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:09:03 pm »

Arrogant? Sorry, I was just pissed off big time because I couldnt participate in the battles because of my internet died, how would you feel after letting down your clan when it has its biggest battles?

Hmm, maybe you are schizoprenic or you just dont remember what you wrote. Because of your answer, i wrote that it seems you are pissed off. Then you wrote you are NOT pissed of, but my questions.. stupid...    So this is really confusing, but ok, write/answer what you want, i have my point of you now.

Good luck for the future!

Diplomacy / Re: And finally people show their true colors.
« on: July 29, 2011, 01:08:20 pm »
Yes, its true that I dont know anything about you because since july of 2010 when I started playing crpg I havent seen you once on nor tw crpg forums/new crpg forums or ingame in either new NA servers or EU servers. So I presumed you are a troll from TW forums, and it wouldnt be the first time.
You can call me a "prenetious arrogant cunt", truth be told I only wrote what I wrote before because you gave me the exact same impression about you.
*I know you in another community and you seem like a nice person there, I dont see why you are being such a cunt to mercs now you talk about like you know all the truth behind everything , getting the feeling you are siding with BRD because you are NA, thats normal.

But Mtemtko, you are arrogant. You proofed it today ingame, when i only asked a normal question ( remember your answers? look at strategus - check out the battle stats - asking silly questions [ short form of ya answers] ). Such a behaviour doesnt  bring you friends. At least i think you dont need them anymore, cause we know you have won...

Diplomacy / Re: And finally people show their true colors.
« on: July 28, 2011, 07:43:36 pm »
So, which town from Mercs would be ready to attack? ( just joking around  :mrgreen:)

Funny thread, some guys take that game really serious!!

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Deutsches Forum / Re: Turnier
« on: July 28, 2011, 01:13:10 pm »
Klingt gut, würd auch aber erstmal ein Turnier probieren ( also nur Lanzengang, Zweikampf usw ) und dann aus der gewonnenen Erfahrung das Turnier optimieren.

Coole Idee, gerade jetzt wo sich wieder alles auf Strategus konzentriert. So bekommt der Eine od Andere ein wenig Abwechslung.

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