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Messages - Uumdi

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 [14] 15 16 ... 64
Diplomacy / Re: hero_party Offical Proclomation of Peace
« on: December 27, 2012, 12:18:43 pm »
This worship of the bird man is the most heretical nonsense i feather seen.  owl have to pray for your souls, your raven lunatics...

Hahaha, I laughed my ass off

Oh god why

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Spam / Re: Rate the avatar of the above poster.
« on: December 27, 2012, 12:12:12 pm »
you've had that avatar for quite some time. 10/10 for perseverence

Suggestions Corner / Re: Potential WPF / WM Changes
« on: December 27, 2012, 09:41:14 am »
You can't directly tinker with the total wpf formular. You have to change the deltas instead and the new total will result from that. What can be done is that I parameterize delta wpf WM and in a similar style delta wpf agi.

So then we have:
(currently a=20 and b=10)


You can then freely choose wpf_0, a, b,c and d for theorycrafting.

Its in your hands, Paul.  We have faith.

DayZ / Re: The War Z
« on: December 27, 2012, 09:23:36 am »
Sucked it up and played WarZ with a couple guys tonight.

Its fuckin' awful.  Undeniably rushed so hard out of the ass that its covered in rectal blood.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Potential WPF / WM Changes
« on: December 27, 2012, 07:29:20 am »
I think they should continue fucking up the mod until WSE2 is the final nail in the coffin.

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DayZ / Re: The War Z
« on: December 27, 2012, 04:56:08 am »
It's playable, but there's nothing to do.  I've had fun with it, but I can have fun with a rubber band.  If you forget all the bullshit with the devs, my main critiques are:

1) Server hopping is shitty, there isn't enough incentive for roaming location to location, you can just find an out of the way spot to camp out and switch.     +++POSITIVE: There's a 10 second countdown on disconnect, so you can't alt+f4 out in panic.  ----NEGATIVE: YOU CAN'T CANCEL THE COUNTDOWN FOR SOME REASON, haha.  Had a guy, i heard his footsteps coming, i'm like oh god oh god cancel.  just watched him come up - i had the jump on him, he didnt notice me, and i watched him derp around for 6 seconds, turn around and shoot me, then instantly DCed.

2) 3rd person has a crosshair, but 1st person you need to use ironsights -- ???.  Fuckin nonsense.  Get rid of the crosshair entirely, or remove 3rd person entirely.

3) The noisemaking is awful.  Sidewalk is super loud, while the pavement on the street is 100% silent.  Dirt/grass is silent.  Rocks make metal-clanging noises.  For this being about 80% of the game, its pretty ridiculous.  That's excluding the bug where if you hit a wall or the ground with a hammer, about 1 in 5 times it makes a bullet ricochet sound which freaked the hell out of me till i got used to my friends bein dickheads

4) The dev shit...  Instead of being fixed, its probably going to hit the fan more and more by the day.

Diplomacy / Re: Use this Thread to Talk About that City
« on: December 27, 2012, 04:33:55 am »
My pink text can beat up your pink text.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Potential WPF / WM Changes
« on: December 27, 2012, 04:14:59 am »
Yeah, those 3-9str guy wm stackers are sure dangerous and overpowered, thank goat I can rest easier knowing that people with 2ps and 12wm won't be as invincible as they are now.  :rolleyes:

You laugh now.... Just you wait till I get a +3 wakizashi....

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I thought the game was strongest with the first major WSE release.  The game was so fresh and new that we somehow forgave the terrible mechanics.  Remember overheads through teammates?  Terrible.  When they managed to remove it, it showed me that they really do have the best of the community in mind.

Its hard to please everybody.  Here I am the wednesday morning after christmas, lobbying for a weaponmaster buff to a game I haven't played in weeks.  I played with a 1 hand sword the other day after not playing for weeks - the overhead swing felt fine to me all the sudden.  I remember day 1 of the spin nerf, I was actually cheering, because it made sense in my head.  I pulled out the bill and went 15-1 the very first map I played.  Some fog cleared in my rage-filled head that was like... hey this isn't so bad.  Then I got shot with an arbalest.  Then I quit, haha.  Its just funny to me because I actually want the arbalest to get buffed too.

Though everyone is going to have different opinions on past versions of the mod vs. the current version, you bring up the single most important point that I absolutely have to agree with.  Some new life needs to be pumped in to it - not through balance changes - not through buffs or nerfs, but something that makes us say "I want to play cRPG tonight".  Something that creates a memorable time.  Absolutely not a revert to the old days, but something that creates a great deal of freedom.

I played xmasrpg last year.  God, it was awful.  Things were indeed much much worse than they were today.  Ladders were terrible always, which is my major complaint about the way strategus sieges are now too.  But I do admit, I played 10 times the amount of siege back then, and had the time of my life, not really worrying about multis even though they existed.  I liked the old armor soak values and hunting goretooth.  Glancing off armor sucked, but you shouldn't be able to left swing black plate with a scottish sword effortlessly, and I felt my high pierce weapon had its place.  Heavy armor is still effective though, with healthy amounts of STR and ironflesh.  Many mechanics did just feel that much more intuitive - even goring my teammates' faces with the backswing on the english bill, and constantly getting hung up on walls with it on my first gen really added immersion in the most backwards way.  As disgusting as my playstyle was pre-spin-nerf, not everyone used the swiss halberd or english bill - but they existed, and they were respected (by most haha).

100% support for conquest mode.  Strategus should be played by the community as a whole too, instead of stepping on toes and S'ing people's D's.  The game is in a good spot, we just need to move forward and breathe some life into it.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Potential WPF / WM Changes
« on: December 26, 2012, 09:09:57 pm »
I'm hybrid too, m8.  18/18, 18/21 would benefit the most from this.  He's talking about a buff to the skill weaponmaster.  The passive wpf from agi would be pretty negligable for a min/maxer.  Powerstrike, athletics, and riding are all phenominal skills as is.

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: December 26, 2012, 08:59:54 pm »
damn i clicked on the wrong forum. im outa here!

Speaking of wrong forum, I'll take this opportunity to post an advertisement on page 556 for an up and coming clan. 

Any players gen 1-3, feel free to utilize the public restrooms and spare heirlooms of Peasants United: Introduction to cRPG.  Instead of cashing out and fixing my REAL LIFE CAR with a black market payout from FAKE PONY ITEMS, I've decided to cling on to any shred of online dignity I might still have and try to help the community, along with a bunch of other great (and possibly not so great individuals) by training a new generation of shitposters and spin-nerf-revertists mature and skilled players.

Happy Holidays everyone.  Let mama uumdi feed you, noobs.

General Discussion / Re: Shik,Paul & Fasader.
« on: December 26, 2012, 08:08:23 pm »
Turban mail and Moorish helms are awesome!

Faction Halls / Re: CHAOS - War is Hell (NA Faction)
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:58:10 pm »

Grabbing....  Meiiic....noooogies....


Suggestions Corner / Re: Potential WPF / WM Changes
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:33:14 pm »
Agreed.  It just doesn't give you enough bang for your buck atm.  The more I crunch numbers, the more appropriate the current system seems, but thats only because I'm figuring in that weaponmaster gets maxed, rather than a couple points put in.  An incentive to pump 3 or 4 weaponmaster would be a flat rate benefit for each rank, say instead of 30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,etc. it could be an even 70 / rank, and you pump points into it as needed.

70*WM + 25 + AGI*(5+((AGI-1)DIV5)) - 5/2*((AGI-1)DIV5)*(((AGI-1)DIV5)+1)

@ level 30, 3 Agility, 1WM = 110 total_wpf (currently 280)
@ level 30, 6 Agility, 2WM = 198 total_wpf (currently 320)
@ level 30, 12 Agility, 4WM = 380 total_wpf (currently 430)
@ level 30, 18 Agility, 6WM = 571 total_wpf (currently 580)
@ level 30, 24 Agility, 8WM = 771 total_wpf (currently 770)
@ level 30, 30 Agility, 10WM = 950 total_wpf (currently 1000)
@ level 30, 36 Agility, 12WM =  1157 total_wpf (currently 1270)

Not quite perfect, but you see it keeps middle builds somewhat intact, while even a 27/12 build will have enough wpf to function.  Furthermore allows you to invest a moderate amount of WM, without needing to max it in a balanced or agility build.  Finally, there's a dropoff in benefit with higher agility builds, so you won't see agility builds breaking the sound barrier.  You still need strength to swing your weapon effectively, you still need enough agility to have some finesse.

Also, just saw your post ^^ I agree San.  Was hoping with all this we'd find a way for ranged to get 150 in bow/throw and be able to pop 110 or so into 1handers, or melee hybrid get 130/130 or so.  Flattening the curve could be the appropriate fix.  Just how doable any of this is, I have no idea. 

Suggestions Corner / Re: Potential WPF / WM Changes
« on: December 26, 2012, 05:42:29 pm »
Solid, thanks man.  Very simple and reasonable.

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